Part 28

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"Do you have any photo albums I can look through?" Jimin asked.
"Why would you wanna look at those?"
"I just wanna see your baby photos! Is that so wrong?"
"Well, no... not wrong, but strange. But, sure whatever."

Jungkook left for a brief moment to find the albums, then returned.

He handed it to Jimin.

Jimin smiled while looking through the pages, Jungkook was so small and cute.

Jimin flipped the page but there was no more photos.

"That's all? Not even half of the album is full."

Jungkook glanced at the album, a distant look in his eyes, "My parents stopped taking photos after I turned 7. I guess they were too busy with other stuff."

"Hmn..." Jimin hummed.

"Ah, I do have some other photos though." Jungkook opened a drawer and took out some Polaroid photos.

"Last year, the twelfth graders and I took them. They were good people but I guess they just made bad decisions."

Jimin looked at them photos, Jungkook looked genuinely happy in all of them.

"Let's take a photo right now Kookie!" Jimin suggested, "So when we're older we can look back at all the fun and happy memories we've shared!"

"Yeah, Okay."

They took photos on their phones. They added stickers, drew moustaches and put on various filters.

They laughed and giggled the hours by, until it was time to sleep.


The lights were off, Jungkook laid on his bed, Jimin was on a sleeping bag on the ground.

"Yeah Chimmy?"
"Can I come up?"

Jungkook's heartbeat went quicker, his cheeks turning pink, thank god Jimin couldn't see because it was so dark.

"Yeah sure."

Jungkook heard Jimin rustling out of the bag and felt the bed shift as Jimin climbed in.

The two were on their sides, facing each other. It was dark but they could still see their faces.

Jimin's cheeks were rosy, a wide smile plastered on his face,
"................" he whispered.

Jungkook could not believe what he just heard.

"R- Really?"
"Yeah. Keep it a secret for now Okay?"
"...Yeah, Okay."

Jimin nodded in affirmation then turned to lay on his back, "g'night."

Today was not a good day.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now