To Jungkookie

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Ooooo I'm a ghost writing this in my grave~ haha just kidding!

I have to write as much as I can, I'm starting to not feel my left hand anymore >_<

All that stuff aside, hey Kookie!!

I have to applogize, when Taetae told me he liked me I knew you heard. So I knew that you two would eventually discuss who I actually liked.

The answer is both! I like both of you!! It's embarrassing to admit hehe...

But because I loved you both so much and I also knew that you both loved me, I couldn't choose one over the other and told a lie.

I told you that I liked Taetae and I told him that I liked you.

Maybe this wasn't the right path but who can say?

And please don't stay sad over me forever. I want you to live happily and amaze the world with all the amazing things you'll do in the future.

Live life looking forward, I want nothing more than that.

I liked you the moment we met Kookie, you're tall, handsome, and have a nice build. You reminded me of a dancer I really admire.

There was a hidden kindness behind the smug smiles you had on your face. And I wanted to uncover that.

When I found that kindness, I fell even harder in love for you.

And the first time I went over to your house, when we both acknowledged each other as friends, I was extremely happy. You see, I didn't have friends in middle school. I was bullied by other students it's a pretty long story so you can ask Taetae about it.

I will treasure the fun we had together. You were my first in many ways, you were my first friend, my first sleepover was with you, and you were my first crush.

I'm sorry we couldn't really go to the dance club together.
You see, I wanted to be a professional dancer someday but I guess my body wouldn't allow that. I hope you stay in that club though Kookie, you'd make an amazing dancer. Also stay with Taetae in the literature club.
(He doesn't look like it, but Taetae gets lonely easily.)

And when I think about your future, I can only think of great things. You excel in everything so never doubt yourself. You can go anywhere and become anything you want.

And never push yourself to do something you don't want.

And love your parents.

And please... don't forget me.

The paper was crinkled in a few areas, Jimin probably cried while writing this.

I love the way your face wrinkles up when you smile. I love how you cover your nose and not your mouth when you yawn. I love how you're protective. I love how you make me laugh, I love your laugh.

Every little move you make, your quirks, your idiosyncrasies, I love them all.

I don't care how many cigarettes or pot brownies you've had. I don't care how many girls you've slept with. I care about the you that you've become. The you that loves me, the you that wants me in your life.

I love you Kookie, I'll wait for you in heaven. Then we'll ask God to make us lovers in our next life.

Goodbye for now,

until we meet again,

Park Jimin


(Historically cries because 'Say Something' was playing while I was writing this)

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