Part 20

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Jimin trailed away from the library, Was once his heart was calmed, he called Jungkook.

"Hey Chimmy, couldn't you have called me sooner? I was getting lonely."
"Hey Kookie, sorry, we started reading the book."
"For the literature club?"
"Yeah. I got a copy for you. Do you want me to deliver it you sometime?"
Jungkook grinned,
"If you wanted to come over you could have just asked Chimmy. I've always got time for you."

Jimin knew he was getting teased again, but just shrugged it off,
"Not today, I'll try tomorrow."
"Hmn... okay then." Jungkook said, disappointment lingering in his voice.

The bell rang.

"Ah, I got to go Kookie, I'll talk to you again tomorrow."
"Okay, bye Chimmy."

And with a single push of a button, Jungkook could no longer hear Jimin's sweet voice.

Jungkook let out a sigh, letting out the tension that contracted his muscles,
"Cheer up Kook, you'll hear from him again soon." He mentally assured himself.


Fourth period finished, and as Jimin exited his classroom, he saw Taehyung waiting for him.

"My teacher let my class leave early." He explained.

Jimin beamed and walked by his side to his locker.


"We should hang out sometime." Jimin suggested as he opened his locker.

"Yeah, we should." Taehyung agreed.

Jimin grabbed his backpack and swung it over his shoulder.
"I can't today though," Jimin started, "My mom is taking me to the doctors'"
"Is your body okay?"
"Just fine!"

They began walking outside and the two heard a car horn.

They faced the direction of the sound and Jimin's eyes grew wide.

All the students had their eyes on the car that kept honking.

"That's my mom." Jimin stated embarrassingly.

Just then, Jimin's mother left the car and sped walked up to Jimin and Taehyung.

"Jimin, is this your friend?! Oh my gosh, hello! I'm Jimin's mother, I'm so glad to meet you. Jimin hasn't told me about you yet! You're so tall and handsome! I bet a lot of girls swoon over you!"

If Jimin was a storm, then his mother was a hurricane.

She talked quickly and Taehyung could only decipher half the words she said.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, it's nice to meet you."

She talked slower this time, "the pleasure is all mine, Taehyung. Say, my little Chimchim has a doctors' appointment right now but would you like to come along? You can stay at our house for dinner afterwards too!"

Taehyung looked over at Jimin. But just saw that he was excited at the thought.

"Yeah, I'd love to."

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now