Part 34

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Jimin sat on a bench, holding his head.
"Let me rest for a moment."

"You okay Chim?" Taehyung asked then looked around, "I'll go buy you some juice."

"Ah, Thanks Taetae." He gave a bright smile.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's shoulder, "you're coming with me."

"Huh? Why?"
"If you're around, Jimin's headache will get worse."
"How blunt!" Jungkook pretended to be hurt but Taehyung just dragged him off.

They bought the juice and began to walk back.

"Ah! Watch out!" Jungkook exclaimed, grabbing Taehyung to stop him.

Taehyung was about to bump into a child, but thankfully, Jungkook stopped him in time.

"Hey kid, be more careful!" Jungkook scolded him.
"Sorry." was all the child said before dashing off.

"Brat." Jungkook turned towards Taehyung, "You should watch where you're going too."
"Ah, Yeah, Sorry. And... Thanks."
"No problem, wouldn't want you spilling that juice!" Jungkook smiled, showing his teeth.

"I guess he's not so bad after all..." Taehyung thought.


They returned to see a group of 4 guys hitting on Jimin.

"Hey there cutie, wanna hang out with us?"
"We'll show you a good time."

Jimin shuffled in his spot, shrinking himself, "a-ah, no I-"

"Fuck, what should I do?" Taehyung murmured out, he really couldn't handle those types of people.

One of the guys grabbed Jimin's arm, pulling him up.

"Taehyung, follow my lead, you don't need to say anything, just look intimidating." Jungkook planned, not taking his eyes off the guy touching Jimin.

Taehyung starred at Jungkook, eyes wide. He nodded in an understanding manner.

Taehyung removed his glasses and placed them in his pocket. He has been told that he has an ice cold glare.

The two casually walked up towards the small group.

"Hey," Jungkook grabbed the guy's arm, "Hands off, didn't your mama teach you not to steal other people's things?"

Jungkook squeezed the guy's arm tighter.

The other 3 guys were ready to hit Jungkook but Taehyung stood closer to Jungkook and glared at them. They backed off.

"Owowowowowow-" the guy repeated. "Okay fine. I just thought he needed some company. Let's go guys."

They walked off, Taehyung rushed up to Jimin, holding his shoulders.
"Are you Okay?! Did they hurt you?"

"I'm fine Taetae. Thank you, both of you."

The two grinned at Jimin's reassurance.

Jimin began to chuckle, "Y'know Taetae, you have a really handsome face! If you wore contacts instead of those glasses I bet you'd be scouted into being a model!" Jimin snickered.

"Me, a model? You know I want to be an author."
"Then be an author that also models!"

They laughed.

Jungkook smiled as he watched the two, keeping a distance away.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now