Part 26

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*ding dong*

Jungkook opened the door.

There Jimin was, looking precious and cute as always.

Jungkook was wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans. His hair was a bit damp, he must have taken a shower.

"Hey Chimmy." He said in a deep, raspy voice.

"Ah, he looks cute even in casual clothing..." Jimin thought.

Jimin mentally slapped himself to regain focus.

"Oh! Here's the book we started reading in the literature club. We read the first two chapters yesterday."


Jimin handed Jungkook the book and he took it. Then, they both walked in.

"So what ya wanna do Chimmy? Cuddle? Play a video game?"


"..Which one?"
"...The one you said."
"Yeah, which one?"
"I said the one you said."

Jungkook felt a little irritated but then he just exhaled and hugged Jimin, pulling him down onto the sofa.

"I wanted to play games not cuddle." Jimin pouted.
"Too bad, you didn't specify."

Jungkook nested his chin on Jimin's head, and his arms were wrapped around Jimin's torso, jimin's legs were in between Jungkook's.

"So, how were your days without me? Lonely?"

Jimin nestled into Jungkook's embrace.

"Taetae is there with me."
"Ah, the nickname I gave to Taehyung is 'Taetae'."
"The nickname you gave me is cuter!!" Jungkook rebutted.

Jimin just chuckled.
"Anyway, yesterday Taehyung came over to my house and he met my mom. The three of us had a pizza party!"
"Wha- you didn't invite me?"
"Sorry! Next time I will!!"

Jungkook pouted, then a devilish smirk grew on his face as he started tickling Jimin.

"Uwa?!! Kookie!! S-stop that."

Jimin burst into a laughing fit, it wasn't until Jimin's hand accidentally hit Jungkook's jaw that Jungkook stopped.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now