Part 8

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When Jungkook got to the door of his room, he saw Jimin going through his closet.

"Hey Jungkook, would the red hoodie or the black hoodie look better on me?"

Jungkook was at a loss of words.

"I'm kidding." Jimin said as he put them away and closed the closet door.

Jungkook let out a sigh and Jimin looked around.

"OH MY GOSH!!" Squealed Jimin.
"What?! What's wrong?"
"You have Big Bang's albums!!"

While keeping a surprised expression Jungkook replied,
"G-Dragon is my favourite."

Jimin took out his phone and started tapping on the screen.

Jungkook was about to ask what he was doing when Fantastic Baby started blasting from his phone.

Jimin threw his phone on Jungkook's bed and started dancing to the music.

An astonished Jungkook just watched Jimin.

"You wanted to see me dance right?" Jimin said.
Jungkook smiled,
"Then show me the body rolls!"

Jimin obliged.

They spent the next 20 minutes raving.


After, the two were lying on the floor, staring at the white ceiling above, panting and smiling.

"That was fun." Jungkook showed his bunny smile.
Jimin smiled back.

"By the way, I've wondered," Jimin began, "You're so dorky and funny how did you end up being the 'big guy' in the school?"

Jungkook's smile faded a bit.
"I had to change." He stated.
"When I was younger I was shy and because my parents were never around, I was neglected and got mixed in with the wrong crowd."

"He's the same as me..." Jimin thought while looking at Jungkook inquisitively and worryingly.

He continued,
"Last year, the 12th graders thought I was funny so they took me under their wing. They took me to parties and showed me the world of sex and drugs. Well, because they were the previous Kings of the school, I was instantly set up to be the next King in line after they graduated. In a way, I'm thankful that they showed me how to stand up for myself but at the same time I hate them for taking my innocence away."

Jimin stroked his hair.
"Do you want to continue being the 'King'?"

"It's not a good one, but it's the only reputation I have. People see me in that way and after a while it began to become my actual personality."

"A reputation doesn't define who you really are Jungkook. And even so, a reputation is always interchangeable! In the end, it's up to you want you want to do."

"Yeah that's true," Jungkook sat up,

"Hey, I'm interested in joining the literature club and the dance club."
"Both of them?!" Jimin beamed.
"If I can spend more time with you then yes."

Jimin flung himself onto Jungkook and held him in an embrace.

Jungkook was thinking of groping Jimin's butt but refrained himself.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now