Part 29

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Jungkook woke up first, he looked to the side to see Jimin, he was curled up into a ball, all cozy wrapped in the sheets.

God he's adorable.


After Jimin woke up, the two ate breakfast and bickered as always. Later, Jimin's mother came to pick him up.

"Bye Kookie!"


Jungkook read the first two chapters of the book to catch up with the other literature club members. He lowered the book and let out a deep chuckle, "Taehyung has good taste in books... it's already hella interesting!"

Jungkook's smile shifted into a frown.

What Jimin said last night bothered him, but it's not like he could do anything about it, he just had to hope for the best.

But what was the best?


Monday was just another lazy day.

Tuesday on the other hand,

Jimin invited Taehyung over.

When they arrived in Jimin's home. The duo watched a movie, ate popcorn, laughed at the funny parts, (Jimin) cried at the sad parts, and just had a fun time together.


"Hey Taetae, last time you were over I told you about my past, now I want to hear yours."
"What? Do we have to?"
"Cmon Tae, I can tell how different you are from others, I know you've gone through so much more. And... you've given me a lot of courage so I want to do the same to you."

Taehyung exhaled, then inhaled, preparing to talk.

"It's pretty hard for me to say this, outside of my family, no one knows."

Jimin placed his smaller hand over Taehyung's.

Taehyung looked at his hand, then directed his gaze elsewhere and began to speak again.

"I was a little kid when my mother died, after that, my father began changing. On weekends he would hit me. Stomach, arms, legs, where ever, he may have done it to relieve stress or just because he's a sick bastard.

Anyway, my grandparents found out and since last year, they've become my caretakers.

I guess after all that abuse that I couldn't bring myself to trust other people and started distancing myself."

Jimin clenched his hand a bit,

"Am I someone you began to trust?"

"I felt we were similar, that's all. The first moment you sat beside me, I could tell you had a forced smile on your face. As if you were hiding secrets or pushing yourself. It sort of drawn me too you."

"What the heck? That sounds romantic." Jimin laughed, "well, that stuff aside, we have each other now.  Our pasts may have shaped us to an extent, but it doesn't define who we are."

Taehyung nodded in agreement, "we've changed for the better."

"Yup, Jungkook too!"

Taehyung's smile drooped down a bit. Jimin noticed this reaction and added,

"Listen Taetae, I know for some reason, you and Kookie don't like each other. But the both of you are very alike, if you gave each other a chance, you'd be really good friends! And Kookie is different than how he was when I first met him."

Taehyung thought, "at first we disliked each other because we were too opposite from one another, him being an outgoing jerk and me being an introverted jerk. Now we don't get along because..." his eyes shifted to Jimin's figure, "because we both like the same person."

Jimin had a little smile plastered on his beautiful face, "I really want you and Kookie to get along Taetae, you're my best friend and Kookie... he's the person I like."

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now