Part 16

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"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!" The boy yelled as he stomped on Jimin's body.

"BECAUSE OF YOU JUNGKOOK DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ME ANYMORE!!!!" The boy was crying, his voice loud and hoarse.

Jimin couldn't say anything, he was frozen, scared, shaking.

"It's happening again." Jimin thought.


At that moment, Jungkook came in and punched the guy in the face.

Jungkook yelled out profanities and death threats to the boy as he ran off.

Jungkook ran over and scooped Jimin into his arms, "Jimin," he whispered, "Are you okay?"

But Jimin couldn't hear anything.
He just kept mumbling things along the lines of "I'm sorry, don't hurt me, please, stop,"

Jimin trembled in Jungkook's arms with tears in his eyes. The sight bringing tears to Jungkook's eyes.

And then he blacked out.


Jimin woke up in the hospital. Beside him was his mom.

"Mom?" Jimin groaned. "What happened?"

Jimin's mom had tears in her eyes as she hugged her bruised son, "a boy in your class beat you up and your other classmate saved you." She gently whispered.

"I'm sorry mom," Jimin whispered. "You came home from work early because of me."

"No, I'm sorry Jimin, I'll work less. I have many hours, but I only have one son. I'll stop bringing clients home too, then we can spend more time together."

Jimin smiled, "I'd like that."


"Where's Jungkook?" Jimin asked.
His mom looked up from the magazine she was reading, "The tall boy with brown hair? Him, that other boy and their families are talking to your principal."

"Because he beat me up?"
"Yes. Because he beated up a fellow student nearby the school grounds while you were all still in uniform."

"I hope Kookie is fine." Jimin thought.

"I need to thank him."

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now