Part 30

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"I really want you and Kookie to get along Taetae, you're my best friend and Kookie... he's the person I like."

Taehyung had a look of desperation on his face.

"Y-you like Jungkook?" He managed to breath out.

"Yeah... I guess I liked him since the moment I first saw him. Cliché right?" Jimin laughed shyly, eyes closed, hand rubbing the back of his head.

Taehyung firmly pressed his lips together.

Jimin opened his eyes and spoke,
"Well, my priority right now is for you two to become friends. Love can wait until after that."

Taehyung thought,
"Then I'll never become friends with him."


It was Thursday and Jungkook's suspension was lifted.

He entered the classroom. All the students stopped what they were initially talking about and started whispering to one another while sneaking glances at Jungkook.

"Wasn't he suspended?"
"Look who's back"
"I thought he changed his ways after he stopped ruling over his gang of followers but I guess not."

Jungkook ignored them all. None of them mattered, only Jimin did.

He made his way over to his desk and saw Taehyung.

"Hey Taetae." Jungkook laughed.

Taehyung glared in return,
"Only Chim gets to call me that, Jungkookie."

"ONLY CHIMMY GETS TO CALL ME THAT!!" Jungkook scowled, then composed himself. "Speaking of which, where is he?"

"He's sick today. He was sick yesterday too."

Jungkook nodded his head, lips stuck out in a pout, "Ah that sucks. I should go nurse him back to health. Oh by the way, I read the first 5 chapters of the book. It's really good so far. We have a meeting again today right?"

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, "Huh? You're actually reading it? You?"
"Okay, rude. I made a commitment so I will follow through with it."

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and turned away from him,
"That's surprising."


As for he rest of the school day, Jungkook stuck around Taehyung seeing as to how neither of them had anyone else to really hang out with.

Taehyung was disgusted with Jungkook's friendly attitude towards him.

Occasionally, Jungkook cracked a joke that even Taehyung couldn't resist laughing about. But Taehyung kept a firm resolve, he can't befriend Jungkook, or else he'll regret it later when Jimin asks Jungkook out.

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