Part 2

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Lunch time rolled around.

Jungkook offered to give Jimin a blowjob in the boys bathroom in which Jimin politely declined.

Jimin strolled over to the library. Upon his arrival, he talked to the librarian, "Excuse me, I heard that the senior literature club meets here every Wednesday at lunch."

The librarian's face dimmed down. "Oh sweetie, the literature club is about to be disbanded."
"Huh? But why?"
"All the club members graduated last year, there's only one member left and he's fine with the club closing."

Jimin pondered,
"I'll talk to him then!"
"Alright, he's right over there."

Jimin looked to see who it was. And to his surprise, it was the guy he sat next to in homeroom, Kim Taehyung!

Jimin strolled over, acting casual so he could strike up a conversation.

Jimin grabbed the chair and sat opposing to Taehyung.

Taehyung looked up.
"I heard you're the last member of the senior literature club."
"Aren't you gonna try and recruit more members?"
"There's no need. This club will soon be gone."

Jimin raised his voice, "But I want to join!"

"Shhhh." The library inhabitants said in unison.

Jimin sinked down.
Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
"Even if you do join, a club needs five members to continue operating."
"I can find three more members!"
"The club is gonna close in two days."
"That's enough time!"

"Jesus." Taehyung sighed. Jimin was a persistent fellow. "I'd much rather this club be disbanded. I prefer being alone after all."

"If you prefer being alone then why did you join this club?"
Taehyung paused, Jimin smiled, "C'mon Taehyung. You joined this club because you wanted someone to talk to about your interests."

"He's quite sharp." Taehyung thought.

Jimin grinned from ear to ear,
"Don't worry Tae! I'll save this club for the both of us!"
He then ran off.

Taehyung pushes back his bangs,
"Jeez, he's a storm."
Nevertheless, Taehyung smiled.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now