Part 36

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Jungkook carried Jimin on his back as Taehyung called an ambulance. The three exited the amusement park.

"Has this happened before?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin looked down with a painful expression, "yes."

"Since when?"
"When I was younger. For a while it stopped but... looks like it's back."

Taehyung recalled the one time Jimin told him that when he was younger, his father brought him books to read because he spent a lot of time in the hospital.

"I better call your mom." Taehyung stated.
"But she's working right now."
"She cares more about you than her work Jimin." Taehyung assured, then called her.


Jimin and his mother were in a hospital room talking to a doctor. Taehyung and Jungkook were outside waiting.

The air felt heavy and it felt like hours had pasted before the doctor exited. He permitted the two to go in and see Jimin.

They rushed in before getting scolded from a nurse, "no running!"

They apologized and went up to his bed side.
"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, Sorry for surprising you two." Jimin gave his usual smile, "I'll have to stay here for a while and get surgery, but after that I'll be good as new!"

"Oh thank goodness." Jungkook sighed in relief.

Taehyung caught the look in Jimin's mother's eyes. She look pained.


Days passed by. Taehyung and Jungkook dully spent their days at school. It was as if the once vibrant and colourful days became grey.

The two constantly visited Jimin in the hospital.

With each passing day he grew thinner and weaker. It pained the two to see him like this. Yet Jimin never failed to smile.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now