Part 15

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Jimin dozed off during the next two classes.

"I'll let you guys leave early today." The teacher said, the class cheered in response.

Everyone else was ecstatic but Jimin just thought,
"What should I do today?"

Jimin wasn't allowed to go home until after 8 pm, so he usually wandered around the neighbourhood.

The students grabbed all their books and left the classroom.

Jimin went to his locker, swung his backpack over his arm and walked off.

Someone followed him from behind.


Jimin bought a soda from a vending machine and sat down on a bench.
He mindlessly drank away thinking about nothing in particular. His phone buzzed, he checked it but didn't have enough time to respond because a figure approached him,

"Hello Jimin." The boy said.

Jimin stared at the boy curiously.
Jimin knew he was one of his classmates.

"Do you need something?" Jimin put his soda on the ground and looked at he boy.

"I need..." the boy mumbled,
"What?" Jimin asked.

"I need you to disappear."

As soon as the bell rang, Jungkook dashed out of his classroom, avoiding all the people that stared at him.

He just wanted to see Jimin again.

Jungkook sent Jimin a text saying, "wanna hang?"

A few minutes passed by but there was no response.

"He would have answered by now..." Jungkook thought.
"Did he turn his phone off? Is he in trouble?"

With an uneasy feeling in his gut, he went to Jimin's fourth period class and peeked inside. Only the teacher was left inside.

The teacher noticed him, "Do you need something?"

"Ah yes, would you happen to know where Park Jimin is? He is in your class during fourth period."

"I dismissed my class early. He probably went home."
"I see, thank you."

Now Jungkook was worried.

Jimin probably didn't go home. He never talks about his family and the last time he saw him outside of school was when it was late. He was at the park and was still in his uniform, indicating that he hadn't gone home yet.

"Maybe he's there again?"

Jungkook ran.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now