Part 5

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"I'm like, crushing on Jimin."

What the heck?

"Think about this rationally Jungkook, you met him this morning!"

The club member began to explain.

"The club president went home early and he handles the people that want to join our club... How about for today you watch us practice?" They suggested

"Sure!" Jimin beamed.
"I'll watch too." Jungkook added.

Yeah, Jungkook couldn't have liked Jimin. He was probably just happy that Jimin wasn't enough of an idiot to follow him around everywhere like his classmates and that he wasn't as big an asshole as Taehyung.

Jimin turned to Jungkook, "I thought you weren't interested in dancing?"

"I'm just looking right?" Jungkook said, "Besides, I don't like going home."

Jimin stared at him a bit worryingly.
Jungkook noticed, "it's not like that, my parents are just working overseas and I'm home alone.
Anyway, I get soooo lonely Chimmy! Why don't you come over if you know what I mean."

Jungkook winked at Jimin and Jimin huffed.
"If you're lonely, you could always bring friends over!"
"Those guys in our class? They wouldn't come."
"I'm a dick, not an idiot. They admire me and are scared of me at the same time. They don't consider me as their friend. Just their boss or leader."

"Then I'll be you friend!"

Jungkook was pretty surprised to hear this proclaim. But he- Jungkook smiled.

Screw being rational, Jungkook knew he liked Jimin

Jimin smiled back and thought, "He has a beautiful smile."

"Um... I feel bad interrupting your bromance moment but... you're coming in to watch the dance club right?" The member said.

"Y-yeah!" The two of them stuttered.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now