Part 11

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"Wow Taehyung all of these books look good! Which one should we read first?"

Jimin was in awe.
"I haven't had the chance to read any of these yet. Oh! This author is one of my favorites."
Jimin looked, "Ah!! I wanted to read that one!!"

Taehyung watched Jimin with a smile. He was like a kid at a toy store.

Jimin didn't seem like the bookworm type. He was talkative in class and was always friendly to both guys and girls.

"What has you so drawn to literature?" Taehyung found himself thinking out loud.

Jimin faced him, "Me? Ahhh... I spent a lot of time in the hospital before." He explained. "My dad brought a lot of books for me to read."

Taehyung wasn't expecting that.

"Did you get sick a lot?" Taehyung found himself asking questions. He never tried to get to know someone before, maybe it was because Jimin was simply different from others.

"Yeah something like that." His answer was vague.

Taehyung could tell that he didn't want to talk about it anymore so he changed the topic.

Taehyung picked up one of the novels,
"We should read this book."
Jimin looked,
"Ooo! Murder mystery!"

The warning bell rang, there was only 5 minutes until period 3 started.

"Well looks like the senior literature club will meet every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch." Taehyung confirmed.

"Yeah!" Jimin nodded.

The two went their separate ways.

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