Part 22

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Jimin had a sad smile on his face,
"Its weird, when my mom suggested for you to come over and stay for dinner I was really excited, I never had a friend over in my home. But now I don't feel that same excitement."

Taehyung knew. He knew that the trip to the doctors' took a toll on Jimin's mental state.

"You said you were diagnosed with PTSD right? So does that mean you've had a trauma inducing incident in the past?"

Jimin nodded his head, "Yeah." He turned around to face Taehyung, took a deep breath and began speaking.

"In my first 2 years of high school, I was bullied. Those guys... they treated me like trash.

I was their slave, having to buy them drinks or ice cream. I had to help them cheat on tests and pull pranks on all the teachers. If I wouldn't obey then they'd beat me up, sometimes they'd stomp on me, punch me in the stomach until I puked. They also called me names like fat, ugly, nerdy, girly and they were always swearing.

My mom always works until it's late and she's asleep but one day she noticed my bruises. I tried to convince her that they were a result of me falling down the stairs by accident. But then the next year she bought a private tutor and homeschooled me.

This was my life last year, I went on strict diets and worked out a lot. I still kept my hobbies. Reading and dancing were a way for me to escape my fears. But I worked hard to become less timid, to change, to become the opposite of what I once was.

But... when that guy, Seojin, beat me up a few days back, I was powerless, I couldn't stand up to him. Looks like my past trauma is still haunting me."

Taehyung slightly nodded his head in understanding. It's unfair, how could something so horrible happen to someone so beautiful?

"You're a different person now then you were then. You're stronger Jimin. You've made an effort to make yourself better. And in all the places you fall short on, I'll be there to bridge that gap.

I'm here now.
You won't be alone anymore."

Jimin cried, tears formed and gently streamed down his milky-white cheeks.

Jimin bunched up his sweater sleeves and used them to wipe his tears.

Taehyung used his thumb to wipe away Jimin's tears and hugged him, Jimin returned the hug.

"It's weird, I told Kookie similar words, but it looks like I also needed to hear them." Jimin spoke as Taehyung gently rocked him back and forth in their embrace, caressing his back.

"Does Jungkook know about this?" Taehyung felt bitter at the thought.

"I intend to tell him soon. But for now it'll be our secret, okay?"

He liked that idea, a secret only the two of them shared...

Too bad that two would soon be three.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now