Part 25

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It was Friday, Jimin walked into the classroom and saw Taehyung at his seat.

Taehyung saw Jimin and gave a small smile and wave.

"Morning Taetae!! Sorry I fell asleep yesterday, I was really tired."
"Don't worry about it Chim, I just spent some time talking with your mom and then she dropped me off at my house."

Jimin's mouth twitched.

"What did you talk about?" He lied, he already knew.

"She told me her profession."

Taehyung examined Jimin's expression, it was unreadable.

"Are you surprised Tae?"
"It did surprise me, but it made sense why you never talked about your family."

"My mom, she- she did nothing wrong, after my parents divorced, she was the only one I had."

"I got it Chim."

Taehyung patted Jimin's hair.
"But now you have so many more people that care for you. And your mother said she'll try harder too."

Jimin's lips quivered into a smile.

"Yeah... thanks a lot Tae."
"I didn't do anything special, there's no need to thank me."

Jimin shook his head, "no, you being here for me and being the wonderful friend you are is more than enough."

They shared smiles,

"Friend..." Taehyung thought. It made his heart ache a bit.


After school, Jimin called Jungkook,
"Hey Kookie!! Can I come over today? Like right now?"

"Of course Chimmy! My body is ready."

"Body? Anyway, I'll be there soon!"

Jungkook grinned from ear to ear, it was gonna be a good day.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now