Part 1

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"Hey you virgin, did you jack off to some good porn yesterday?"
Taehyung mentally sighed. He hated sitting in front of Jungkook.

Taehyung adjusted the thick glasses he wore then turned around and replied,
"I was reading in the library, something you obviously never do because your atom-sized brain wouldn't be able to comprehend a good story."

Jungkook's eye twitched. The only person who actually had enough balls to talk to him like that was the school nerd, Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook's initial thought was to knock Taehyung's teeth right out, but he let it go.

He had a weird sense of pride that if he wanted to win against Taehyung, it'd have to be by throwing intelligent phrases and sarcastic remarks right back at him, seeing as to how Taehyung was good at saying such things.

"That's right," Jungkook thought, "I have to beat you at your own game. They don't call me golden for nothing!"

Jungkook just smirked and stared at Taehyung. Taehyung mumbled something along the lines of, "Stop staring at me you queer." And turned back to face the front.

The teacher came in to quiet down the chatty class.

"Everyone, we have a new student today." He announced, "you may come in."

Everyone's eyes turned towards the door as it slid open and in came a boy with an angelic appearance.

"He has the appearance of a protagonist." Taehyung thought.

Jungkook was checking out his butt.

The boy stood in front of the class, "I'm Park Jimin. It's very nice to meet you!"

The girls swooned, a few guys did too.(Heck, even the teacher did.)

Jimin continued, "I like dancing and reading."

"Dancing? That's gay. Are you gonna become a ballerina?" Jungkook yelled out.

The boys that followed Jungkook snickered. The girls rolled their eyes.

Jimin was shocked but he regained his composure and replied, "I have done ballet in the past and now I'm learning more contemporary dances."

Jimin made eye contact with Jungkook, "And I bet your uncultured ass has never danced before so you have no right to say that a guy dancing is gay."

Make that two guys that had enough balls to talk shit about the Jeon Jungkook right in front of him.

Taehyung held back a laugh. "Yeah, tell him off." He thought.

Jungkook whistled, "Saucy."

The teacher cut off the silence, "Thank you for your introduction Jimin, please take your seat."

Jimin sat down and greeted the girl to his left.

Taehyung watched, "She looks like she's about to faint." He thought.

Jimin then turned to his right and faced Taehyung.
"Hi! I hope we get along." Jimin grinned.

"What a forced smile." Taehyung thought.
"Nice to meet you." Was all he said in return.

The rest of the period was Jungkook repetitively tapping on Jimin's shoulder, trying to make small talk with him.

It was usually something stupid like, "Are you a virgin?"
"Do you have an eraser that I can borrow forever?"
"Can I touch your chubby cheeks?"

Usually Taehyung ignored everyone in the class and just paid attention to what the teacher said, but this time was different.

He felt intrigued by Jimin and certainly wasn't happy that Jungkook was hitting on him.


Hiya! The author here!
I hope you will enjoy reading my weird, shitty, cliche story.
I plan on posting frequently~

ANYWAY, I am unsatisfied with the low number of Vmin/ Jikook fanfics out there so I decided to make my own.

Thank you very much for picking up this story. I shall complete it ASAP!

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now