Part 21

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The car ride to the doctors' consisted of Jimin's mom rambling about who knows what and the two muttering out responses like "Yeah." And "Of course."

Once they reached their destination, Jimin went in to talk to the doctor.

Taehyung read the nearby magazines while Jimin's mother got a phone call from presumably her boss and went outside the building to talk.

After about 15 minutes Jimin came out looking stressed.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked.
"Yeah. I just... recalled some bad memories."

The door creaked as Jimin's mother came in,
"You done Jimin?"
"I am."

The doctor came in,
"Ms. Park? May I have a word with you?"

Jimin's mother went to talk to the doctor.

Jimin's expression was a mixture of grief and tiredness.
Taehyung wondered what he could say to cheer him up but instead just held his hand.
Jimin squeezed Taehyung's hand in reassurance and just gave a tired smile.


The car ride was silent in contrast to the very loud ride earlier.

Jimin's mother dropped the two off at the apartment she and Jimin lived in.

"I'm gonna go order pizza, I'll be back in around 20 minutes."
Jimin's mother said before driving off.

They got inside the room.
Jimin spoke,
"My mom's so nice, I really like pizza so she always gets me it when I receive an award or am having a bad day."

"I'm guessing its the ladder." Taehyung said.

"It is."
Jimin looked out the window, facing away from Taehyung,

"They diagnosed me with PTSD."

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now