Chapter One

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I can't believe that they actually wanted to kill him. Why would they? He gave useverything; a home, food, clothes, knowledge...and yet...someone wanted to kill him. Why? I didn't know. Why would anyone want to kill him? He was sweet, and gentle, and put all of us above himself. He had feelings like us, and cared for us like we were of his blood. Which, in a sense, we were, but not directly. We were technically created rather than conceived from the natural process of reproduction. But even so, he treated us like we were his own children. And so we gave him the title of father, and loved him as he loved us. Well...I thought we did, anyway. At least...some of my siblings didn't. had heard two of my own brothers....angels like me who shared my blood, talking about killing our own father. I couldn't understand it, and maybe I never would, but the fact that they were trying to kill my father set me off. He was the kindest person you would ever meet, but I guess my brothers didn't care.

So here I sat, by my mansion in the snowy plains of Heaven, staring intently at the snow, which glimmered like stars in the night sky. My golden eyes probably appeared vacant, and dull to those who flew passed me, their wings all colored differently to suit their personality. My blonde hair occasionally flew into my face from the cool breeze, and I had to keep brushing those silky strands from my eyes, while I was deep in thought. I didn't know what to do with the information I had heard. Should I tell my father? I mean, the news did have to do with him, after all. It was only fit to warn him of his traitorous children. But...what if one of the traitors saw me? What if they killed me before I could warn him? I didn't want to die just yet...I was still a young seven thousand, after all. I had yet to learn about some things, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of dying. I was. I was terrified of what was in store for me, after this.

I chewed at my bottom lip relentlessly, as my fingers drummed against my thigh, eyes forever transfixed on the snow at my feet. I had to tell him. He was in danger. But that didn't mean I wasn't scared that one of the traitors might get me. I slowly rose off the golden bench on which I had been sitting, and my wings twitched in anticipation of being used. My snowy wings, which were tipped in a shimmering gold, ruffled in excitement, before I gathered my footing and began to flap them. I rose a foot up off the ground, two, three, and soon I was nearly eighty feet from where I had been sitting. My mansion glimmered below, and I began heading towards my father's throne room. I passed over many mansions that were large and luxurious, each unique in their own way -just like the angels who resided in them. My eyes trailed over the sparkling blue ocean, and over trees that had leaves the color of jade.

I saw some of my brothers and sisters down in a small arena, training and working out vigorously as they day edged on. I tore my gaze away, and looked ahead to the magnificent mansion that was in front of me. It was a mixture of Victorian and Greek, a flower known as Elpha Roses lining a cobblestone walkway, which led to clear diamond doors. I landed on the walkway and silently walked up to the door, occasionally glancing behind me to make sure I wasn't being followed.

My heart beat fast in my chest as I reached out a pale hand towards the golden handle that was shaped like a sun. I bit my bottom lip, looking around once more before I opened the door and walked inside. Extravagance was what met me. The floors were a dulled jade color, like the walls, which gradually turned sky blue at the top. The ceiling was dome-shaped with painted biblical scenes painted perfectly overhead. Greek columns lined the sides, each leading to hallways that disappeared into the rest of the building.

I took a right, and opened the door to my father's throne room. I walked inside, my eyes raising up to the opened roof, sunlight pouring to the floor below. I spotted my father's throne, the chair beautiful beyond comprehension. Ivory vines twirled flawlessly together, forming the top and bottom of the chair. Gold tinsel was interwoven with the ivory vines, reminding me of the sunlight shimmering through the roof.

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