Chapter Nine

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Riding in the same vehicle with a very hateful teenage boy was...well...very awkward. I tried to start a conversation with him on numerous occasions, but he either glared at me, or turned up the volume on his Ipod thing. I mean, I was only trying to befriend him, since we would be sharing a room together...but apparently he didn't even want to try, to speak to me. It was a little heartbreaking that one person could dislike me so much. I've never been disliked before...and it kind of hurt knowing how much Lucus hated me for reasons I could not fathom. Had I looked at him wrong, or something? Was it like Katelynn said; he was angry because he had to share his room? What was it? Why didn't he like me? Was I annoying? I don't remember annoying him. Was it my looks, maybe? I mean, angels were beings of beauty, so of course I would be...pretty. Was he jealous because of that? I mean, for a human he wasn't bad looking. Though, he could lose the nose ring and piercings on his ears. Maybe even let his hair stay it's natural shade of cocoa brown, instead of using harmful chemicals to dye it bright, unnatural colors. I'm sure if he did that he would be swarmed by beautiful young ladies.

"The fuck you keep staring at me for? Freak." Lucus muttered, rolling his eyes and crossing his legs.

I looked at him, and raised my eyebrows, briefly glancing at the front to see that Allen's eyes were on the road and Katelynn was too busy messing with her phone. I looked back at Lucus, the boy deeply engrossed in his Ipod, not bothering to look at me now. I shifted so I could see him better, and crossed my arms over my chest. "Why do you hate me?" I asked, searching his face for any movement," I mean, I don't remember doing anything to anger you. In fact, we haven't even talked to each other properly since we met fifteen minutes ago, and yet you want nothing to do with me. Why? What did I do wrong? Did I offend you somehow? Annoy you in some way? I mean, if you're angry about sharing your room, I can take a couch in the living room, if you want." I frowned and began playing with the bottom of my shirt, messing with the thread that got loose from the fabric. "I just want us to be friends." I lowered my gaze, and bit my bottom lip, "I don't have a lot of friends...and I don't have any enemies. I don't want you to be my first...rival, or anything."

"Rival?" Lucus scoffed. He glanced at me, glaring, with a frown on his face. "I'm just having a bad day, and you keep annoying the shit out of me with your attempts to befriend me. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to share my room with you. I don't want you talking to me, and I sure as hell don't want you living with me. Did that get through that thick skull of yours?" He turned away and turned up the volume in his Ipod, completely ignoring my presence now.

I lowered my gaze, my chest feeling tight and my eyes stinging with tears, and looked away, watching the scenery pass by in bright, vivid colors. Well...I guess that was it then. Lucus didn't want to be my friend, and I couldn't make him. He wanted nothing to do with me, and I didn't even know why. He didn't give me any reasons for hating me...he just...he loathed me for some reason. I couldn't make him change his views on me. I mean, Father gave us all free will for a reason, didn't he? If Lucus wanted to hate me...then so be it, I guess. I'll just have to deal with it in the best way I can. Which is being the best I can be, no matter what anyone else thinks.

We pulled into the driveway, thirty minutes after we had left Social Services, and my eyes widened at the marvelous sight. The house was a large, magnificent building, that towered high in the sky. There was a large ivory fountain that was surrounded by the driveway itself, glistening as it poured water into a small pond. The house...or should I say mansion, was supported by Greek-styled doric columns, plane, but still somehow, elegant. There was a cobblestone walkway that lead to large mahogany double doors, which opened to reveal an elderly man wearing a dark suit, and white button-up shirt. The butler, I presumed. He opened the door to the passenger's side, and Katelynn gave him a large smile as she climbed out, patting the older man on the shoulder before she turned to watch as he proceeded to open my door. I hesitated, but one smile and encouraging nod from Katelynn, had me stepping out to stand by her.

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