Chapter Four

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Even in my dreams, I remember his deep, rich, baritone voice as he told me about our history –the history of the angels known as the Originals. I remember the sadness in his turquoise eyes, ringed heavily in thick, blonde eyelashes. I remember the way his full lips tilted down at the corners when he was sad, or deep in thought. I even remember his short, dirty-blonde hair that used to flutter in the wind as he taught me the basics of fighting.

Why did he have to betray me?

What did Father do to him, to make him choose the traitors side? Did he just not love me anymore? Had I become a burden to him? Why did he leave me behind?

I still will remember the heartache, when I learned of his treachery.

I opened my eyes, and blinked against the sudden brightness that assaulted me. The crust in my eyes was making it difficult to keep my eyes open, so I brought up a hand to rub them. I stretched the stiffness out of my muscles, and yawned as I sat up. What time was it? I looked around the large room for anything that would help me figure out the time, a clock, or something, and my gaze landed across the room towards the TV. There was a small clock on the bookcase that sat next to the entertainment system, and from where I was, it looked like it said it was about six-thirty. In the morning? Or afternoon? Well, I'd assume that Bud would have woke me up if it was six in the afternoon, wouldn't he?

I stretched again, hearing my bones crack at the action, as my eyes surveyed the room. Now that it was a little lighter in the room, I could see that the walls were a light beige color. Pretty. I rubbed my eyes some more, and ran a hand through my messy long hair –my fingers brushing against the hairpin that kept my hair together. I took it out, and stared at it in my palm, watching as it turned from silver, to gold in the morning light. I smiled softly to myself, and ran my fingers through my hair before I clipped the piece back in.

And as I was about to get up and fold the blanket, I heard a shuffling noise, and a giggle from the kitchen. I paused, heart racing in my chest, and slowly made my way into the adjacent room. I swore my heart stopped at the beauty that stood in front of me. She was tall, probably as tall as me, with long light brown hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail. Her clear, emerald green eyes were heavily lined in eyeliner, but still managed to make her look exotic. Her skin was pale, but not porcelain like mine, and her lips were just kissable-looking.

I blushed. I had never seen someone so beautiful before. What do I say? What was she doing here? Was she Bud's daughter? Well, were they his children? There were two twin boys with her, both hiding shyly behind her legs, as she stared at me with cautious eyes. Even when cautious, she looked beautiful.

"Who the heck are you?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest, making her jacket bunch up.

My mouth felt dry as I made a move to speak. "S...Sky. And you are?" My blush darkened. Why did I stammer? Was I embarrassed? I don't think I was, I never felt embarrassed before. Heck, I've seen a lot of my siblings naked before, as they have me. Yet, I wasn't embarrassed then. Was this embarrassment? Or was it shyness? Why were emotions so complicated?

"Sky...right. And what the heck are you doing in my house?" The girl asked, raising a perfectly pluck eyebrow.

I rubbed my arm, and bit my bottom lip. "Ah, Bud, your father, I am assuming, let here for the night. Since, I have nowhere to go." I watched her tilt her head with the grace of a dancer, before she placed a hand on her hip, the other one extended towards me.

"Nice to meet you, Sky. My name is Anabell. And the boys behind me are Rin, and Tony." She looked down at the boys who both blushed, and hid behind her. "They're shy."

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