Chapter Thirty-One

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When we got to the hospital we ran and demanded where Sky was at. My heart was stuck in my throat, and I was terrified at the damage that could have been done to Sky. How bad had he been hurt? Was he still alive? Was he ok? Was he scared out of his mind? I mean, he probably saw Allen be murdered, and even I know that witnessing a death could be traumatizing. Dad was a cop, he told me all about it.

When we got to the room, we barged in making a detective jump and pin us with a glare. I ignored him and looked at Sky, nearly fainting in relief to see that he hadn’t been hurt too bad, only having a small bruise on his cheek that was already fading away. His large blue eyes were wide, his hair a wild mess…but still managing to make him look good. I ran over to him and he gasped when I pulled him into my arms, closing my eyes and savoring his heat as he hesitantly hugged me back.

“I’m glad you’re ok,” I whispered, feeling tears form in my eyes. I was just glad that he was alive. In the short time I’ve known him…I’ve grown to care for him a lot. He was just too sweet, too caring to not care for. And that was probably the reason why I was crushing on him so hard. He was just…he was perfect. And I hated seeing him hurt. He didn’t deserve it.

I felt his grip on me tighten, and I fought the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl getting noticed by her crush. He pulled away from me and smiled, though…that smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. He glanced at the detective, gulping before he said something. “Sorry…can we continue this at a later time? I…I don’t know if I’m ready to relive the details just yet.”

The detective nodded, tucking away his notepad before he held out his hand for Sky to shake. “Aright. Call me when you are ready to talk.”

“Thank you, sir.” Sky whispered, taking the man’s hand into his own smaller one, and shaking it.

“My pleasure.” And with that the man left, leaving me, Dad and Sky all alone.

Dad slowly walked over to us, as if he wasn’t sure of being this close to Sky. He then hugged Sky to his chest, making Sky’s eyes widen as Dad tightened his grip on the raven’s small form. “Are you ok, Sky? What the hell happened?”

Sky’s eyes filled with tears and he buried his face in Dad’s neck, his breath leaving him shakily. “I…I don’t want to talk about it right now.” He whispered.

Dad nodded, as if he understood, and gently pulled away from Sky, tucking a strand of raven hair behind his ear. “That’s alright. I won’t make you talk about it. Can you at least tell me what the doctors told you?” He asked, looking at Sky.

Sky nodded, rubbing at his wrist. “I just have a couple of bruises here and there. Oh…and a gash on my left calf. But, other than that I’m good to go.”

“I’m glad you’re ok,” I spoke up, making Sky glance up at me with those beautiful wide eyes, “I don’t like seeing you hurt.” I could have sworn I saw a tinge of red form on Sky’s cheeks, but I must have been hallucinating, right? I mean, he was hot. There was no way that he could be remotely attracted to me. I’m not as pretty as most girls, and definitely not anorexic like most of them. Maybe it had been a figment of my imagination. I blinked as Dad stood up, a stern look on his face as he took out his phone. “Where are you going?” I asked, raising one of my eyebrows.

“To make a call. Sky’s now homeless again, so I need to find him another home. This time, I’m going to make sure that DSS evaluates the family before making Sky move in with them. I don’t want a repeat of what happened.” He replied, walking out of the room.

I watched him leave, then looked at Sky who was staring at the blanket that was laid over him. He looked so sad…so defeated, and it broke my heart to see him like this. Just what had happened to him? Why would anyone attack someone like Sky? Someone so sweet, and caring? It just didn’t make sense to me. Then again, there were mothers in this world who killed their children, and tortured their lovers. Yea, this world was screwed up in a lot of ways.

I bit my bottom lip, watching as Sky delved deep in his thoughts, his pretty blue eyes clouded over in thought. I took a risk and walked back up to him, making the raven glance up at me curiously. I gestured to the spot next to him and began biting at my bottom lip. “May I?”

Sky blinked, but then nodded and shifted over, giving me room to sit next to him. I settled down beside him and pulled one of my legs onto the small bed, resting my head on my knee as I traced patterns onto the floor. “So…how are you really feeling, Sky?”

Sky looked at me, seeming to be studying my reaction, before he sighed and glanced at the blanket. “Betrayed.” He muttered, a frown marring his perfect features.

Betrayed? Why? Did someone betray his trust? Maybe that same someone was the person who killed Allen and attacked Sky.

I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that Allen was dead. He was such a nice guy, always buying things for people in need. And…Katelynn and Lucus were still missing. Where had they gone? Had they fled when they saw Allen’s body? Perhaps…they were the ones who killed Allen? But, why would they do that? I didn’t know Katelynn very well, but Lucus, despite being an airhead, wasn’t the type to kill someone in cold blood. He even had a hard time killing spiders, and bugs whenever they crossed his path. So…it couldn’t be him. Were they in hiding? I mean, I probably would be too, if my husband/father was murdered in cold blood. Then again…why didn’t they take Sky with them? Were they really willing to let someone as innocent as him be killed alongside Allen?

I felt myself get angry, and I balled my hands into fists at my sides. How dare they leave him behind! How dare they let him face the danger alone! They were no better than the people who killed Allen! When I jumped up out of the bed, Sky looked at me questionably, his large blue eyes curious as they watched me pace back and forth.

“Anabell? A…Are you alright?” He asked, his voice soft.

I stopped my pacing to look at him, making him blink at me and tilt his head adorably, his bangs going into his eyes. Without thinking, I walked over to him and brushed his bangs behind his ears, a blush spreading on my cheeks when I realized what I had just done. I cleared my throat awkwardly, taking back my hand and crossing my arms over my chest as I tried to look anywhere but at the raven. Well…that was awkward.

Well, you’re the one that did it, retard, I scolded myself.

I nibbled at my bottom lip, turning back in time to see a blush adorn his pale cheeks, making my blush intensify. Aww. He was just so cute! I looked up when Dad came back inside, his mouth pulled into a frown. He ran a hand through his graying hair and glanced up at Sky.

“Well...I don’t know how to say this…”

“Say what?” Sky asked, frowning.

Dad looked uncomfortable, his chocolate orbs diverting away from the raven to look at the floor, his eyes seeming to be tracing the tiles. “I just got off the phone with DSS, and it appears that...ah...Laura is dead. She has been for a while.”

I looked at Sky just as he turned white, his eyes wide as he stared at Dad in disbelief. “What?” He asked, his voice a whisper.

“Laura was found dead in her house a week after you started living with the Jones’.”

Sky placed a hand on his mouth, his eyes clouded over in what looked like the beginnings of tears. “H...How?”

“I don’t know,” Dad said softly, walking over to Sky to wrap his hands around him.”but according to the reports from the police, her neck had been broken.”

Sky broke out in tears and Dad held onto him as he cried, his tears dampening Dad’s shirt.

Now, I didn’t know who this Laura was, but I was assuming that she was the one who found Sky a place to live in the first place. And, learning that she was dead, it surprised me. How was it that everyone around Sky seemed to die? Or is that just me reading too much in between the lines? I mean, it was strange, though. First Allen dies, probably even Katelynn or even Lucus as well, and now we’re finding out that the one person who found him a place to live had been dead for a while. How long though? How long has she been dead? Something strange was going on, and I didn’t like it one bit.

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