Chapter Eleven

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When I woke up, I felt like my body had been thrown in a woodchipper. My limbs were heavy as were my legs, and it was just so hard to breathe. My head hurt as well, throbbing where my kidnapper had hit me.
My eyes going as wide as saucers, I frantically looked around the unfamiliar room I had been stored away in, catching no defining features other than the dark interior and fan that hung above me, unmoving as it collected dust. I looked to my right and froze as I caught sight of knives of all sizes, gleaming and begging to be used. Why were those there? Were those meant for me? Where was I? Who kidnapped me? Oh gosh, what about Anabell?! Was she ok? Did she make it to the hospital? Or did my kidnapper get her too?
“H-hello?” I called out, wincing at how raspy my voice was. “Anyone there?” I tried sitting up, only to find that I couldn’t move. And with a sick realization I found that I had been strapped down with leather, my body nude, the only coverage being the lone strap that went around my waist, covering my assets. I was stuck here, with no way out. “Hello! Help! Anyone?!”
I froze, my body rigid as I felt a hand cover my mouth, the hand soft and warm. “You’re quite the loud one, aren’t you?”
My eyes still wide, I followed the arm attached to the hand, only to manage a muffled scream as I my eyes met with vivid red pools of blood. The had read about her before. The Queen of Hell stood in front of me with a smile on her crimson lips, her eyes staring down at me with a glint in those bloody depths. Her raven black hair was unkempt, framing her thin pale face, trailing down just below her shoulders. Her grin widened as she pat my cheek, her sharp nails making me flinch as they made contact with my skin.
She walked around me, her fingers trailing over my skin, until she stopped at my left side, hand now on my upper arm. “You’re so much smaller than I imagined. Such a short little thing, you are. I expected you to be taller, more buff, in all honesty. But look at you. So small and weak. It’s laughable, really.”
“You won’t get away with this,” I seethed, gritting my teeth, though it was more in fear than intimidation. “When my Father finds out-”
“He’ll do what? Smite me? Send me deep into the bowels of Hell? Sorry to tell you, honey, but I’m already damned.” She pursed her lips and walked over to the table of knives, picking up one that had my gut churning in fear. She turned back to me and leaned against the table, picking her nails with the knife. “I’m going to try and be civil, boy. Which is something I usually don’t care to do. I’m going to ask you nicely, where the Sword is. Tell me, and I’ll spare both you and your human whore.”
“She is not a-”
Or,” Kymomini interrupted, holding a single finger in the air, “don’t tell me and I’ll have the flesh stripped from your very bones. Or, I could always make it interesting and skin your lover alive while you watch. Your choice.”
I gulped, tears burning at the backs of my eyes, though I didn’t dare show any weakness to this...this demon. On one hand, I wanted to give up the Sword’s location to ensure Anabell’s safety, because she had been there for me whether she realized it or not. She was beautiful, kind, a woman that any man would want. She was funny, and brave, and it was ok that she didn’t know how to cook, because I loved her either way. Love...was this really what I felt for Anabell? A human so kind and sweet, thrown into a war that wasn’t meant for her?
On the other hand, I had to think about the consequences if I did give up the Sword’s location. Adam could annihilate those who opposed him as well as kill Father, which would only lead to chaos in the human realm. He would kill those who tried fighting back, torture thousands for information, and no one would be able to oppose him, since he would hold so much power. It was the hardest decision in my life, because I either sacrificed the woman I loved...or sacrificed the lives of countless others. Was I selfish? Or was I noble? Did I want to save one life? Or thousands?
I felt like I was being ripped up from the inside out, knowing the best course of action, but too afraid to let go of the one small piece of happiness I had finally obtained. It was the hardest internal battle I had every gone through, even including my lack of self-worth. As much as I would loathe myself in the future, even if I had saved thousands...I had to choose multiple lives over one. Even if I didn’t want to. Even if it tore me up on the inside. Even if I would hate myself even more.
It was a tough choice, but I made my decision as I glared at the demonic woman, making sure to project as much hate as I could muster, within those blue depths. “I refuse. I won’t give up the Sword’s location, even if it kills me.”
Kyomini frowned, scrunching up her nose before she walked closer to me, making me flinch when she placed the cool knife against the heated flesh of my stomach. “Huh. I guess you have more balls than I thought.”
I nearly passed out with the pain of the knife as it buried itself within my stomach, a bright stream of red blood dripping over the wound, falling onto the dirty floor. I breathed heavily, my vision dimming at the pain. I almost screamed when she yanked the knife out of my flesh, pausing to admire the crimson liquid as it slowly oozed off of the knife, blood falling onto her pale hand. “You have such pretty blood, you know. Such a rich shade of red. Really looks like art on your pale skin.” She placed the knife a little higher on my stomach, grinning as if my pain pleased her. “So, still going to withhold the Sword’s whereabouts?”
“I-I will never tell you anything.” I managed with a gasp, watching her eyes darken as she stabbed me again.
“I don’t really get it with you “hero types”. It’s always, “you’ll never take me alive” or “oh look, let me save this person”, with you people. Never selfish, always putting the lives of others before yourself. I admit, it takes balls to sacrifice yourself for a bunch of wackjobs you don’t even know. Luckily for me, I’m one selfish bitch.” She yanked the knife out and I exhaled heavily, blood now flowing from two deep stab wounds. “Come on, dolly. I’m sure you can’t take any more of this. For satan’s sake, I doubt you have ever been seriously hurt before. So come on, tell me where the Sword is and I’ll stop. In fact, I’ll even heal you so you’re all better again.”
Kyomini sighed and rolled her eyes, tightening her grip on her knife as she readied herself to stab me again. This time, I barely felt the pain of the blade entering my flesh, my body already numb as it bled out onto the floor below me.
The torture went on for what seemed like hours. Kyomini asking me where the Sword is, and me completely refusing to give it’s location up. I could see that I was beginning to irritate the woman, since she kept glaring at me and spewing cuss words at me. I was sure that I was beginning to look like a strainer with how many holes my body was sporting. I was sure that if I were placed under a faucet, the water would go completely through me. Well, that may have been a major exaggeration, but it was what I was truly feeling like.
I don’t even know how long I was in there, to be honest. Kyomini gave up questioning me, and just continued stabbing me as I sobbed silently, despite my attempts to keep the tears in. My vision was dimming and I could actually feel my body getting heavy until I heard Kyomini scream, her form disappearing into a cloud of smoke, revealing another body in her place.
The body of a man I had once called my brother. The man that I had been the closest to, for seven thousand years. The man that broke my heart when I found out he was working for Adam. He looked at me with those glowing turquoise eyes of his, his blond hair still as spiky as the last day I saw him. His body athletic, with sunkissed skin covered by a white turtleneck.
My vision blurred as more tears escaped, my brother hurrying to my side and looking at me with such sadness in his eyes, it made my heart ache. He gingerly picked me up, his arms like a warm blanket, safe, and comforting, as he gently brushed my bangs out of my face.
“Leviathan?” I managed, my voice a mere whisper as my vision began to turn black.
Leviathan, the brother I had once looked up to, the one who literally taught me how to walk and talk, tightened his grip on me, kissing me gently on my forehead. “Shh. Rest. I got you, Sky. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Leviathan’s full lips twitched as he smiled sadly at me. “I promise.”
And with that, my body completely shut down, throwing myself into the world of unconsciousness.

A/N: And a new character is introduced! Is he good? Is he evil? We shall see! Anywho, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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