Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I stared down at Kendrik with teary eyes, glancing over to the spot where I had smashed the vase right next to his head. I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill him. I was the Angel of Life, not the Angel of Death. It was against my being to harm anyone. Though...I did resort to violence with Kendrik, but it wasn't entirely my fault. If he were to have held me there against the wall any longer, I would have died from lack of oxygen. I would be dead, and Adam would have Father's sword.

I gulped and slid down the wall until my bottom was on the floor, tugging a hand down my face as I sighed wearily. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them, staring at Kendrik's unconscious body with hooded eyes. He was probably going to wake up any moment now...because I was too much of a coward to end his life. Even if I had went through with bashing his head in with the vase, it probably wouldn't have killed him. I was weak. Heck, I couldn't even figure out that he was Lucus the entire time. I was stupid, and such an idiot. Maybe if I had found out sooner...Allen and Katelynn would be alive right now. They were dead now because of me.

I gulped down my next wave of tears and rubbed my arms, my hands stained with blood. Allen'sblood. I shivered and tightened my grip on myself, taking in a shaky breath. I'm such a screw up. Father really should have picked another person to do this. I just got two people killed...two innocentpeople because I was too stupid to put two and two together.

I jumped when I heard groaning, my eyes going wide as Kendrik's lashes fluttered, his brow twitching as he started to regain conscious. I hurried to my feet and rushed over to one of the closets, closing the door behind me and hiding behind a row of coats. I hoped and prayed that he didn't find me. I would be forced to hurt him again, and I couldn't do that. I couldn't dirty my hands with another act of just wasn't like me to do such. I wasn't created to be a violent person.

I held my breath as I heard Kendrik curse and stomp to his feet, his footsteps echoing around the house as he paced around. "Damn it! Corana!" He yelled, making my eyes widened as I recognized my sister's name.

I heard some more footsteps, these ones smaller and daintier than Kendrik's. "What the hell happened to you?" I heard a female ask, her voice cold and curious.

"The fucking punk hit me over the head with a fucking vase! You never told me that he had some bite to him."

I winced at Kendrik's tone, and backed up further into my hiding spot, nearly tripping on a box that sat by my feet. I held my breath, praying that they didn't hear that. Luckily, they seemed not to have, for they continued arguing with one another.

"I didn't think that he could fight back. I mean, he's a mere infant compared to us. How could you possibly have been outsmarted by a child?"

"Stop trying to be smart, and help me find the bitch." Kendrik growled, the sound of his footsteps fainting as he walked away.

I heard Corana follow him, and after a few seconds I decided to take a risk for the front door. Cautiously and quietly I opened the closet door and peeked out, making sure the coast was clear before I stepped out of my hiding place. I basically tiptoed to the living room, wincing when I saw Allen's body still laying there, cold and lifeless.

I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry that I failed to protect you, I thought, feeling more tears stinging my eyes.

I blinked away the tears and began heading towards the front door as quietly as I could, reaching for the handle as I got to the wooden surface. However, that was as far as I made it before I was yanked back and thrown into the floor. I looked up with wide eyes and froze when I saw a tall woman staring back at me, anger in her black eyes.

"So you thought you could get away, huh?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

I gulped, jumping to my feet. I turned to run, but then ran face first into a warm, hard surface. I gasped, leaping back and being met with the sight of Kendrik, who had a nasty gash in his head, blood trickling down his face and over his nose.

"You're going to pay for this," Kendrik said, gesturing to the gash in his head.

I gulped, turning so I could keep them both in my sights. I'm so screwed, I thought, my eyes trailing back and forth between the raven and the blonde. I tried looking for any way to escape, but it seemed like both of them were blocking any chance for escape. Corana stood in the way of the front door, and Kendrik was blocking any chance in getting to the back door in the kitchen. So I was stuck here, cornered by my older brother and sister who wanted nothing more than to rip me apart. What the heck should I do? How was I going to get out of this? Corana then chuckled, making me snap my head to look at her.

"You know, it was fun posing as Katelynn. I got to was fun playing pretend."

My eyes widened in disbelief and my heart stopped in my chest at the reveal, the breath leaving my lungs and making me feel like I had been kicked in the gut. So, there were two people who lied to me? Made me believe that I was safe here? I couldn't believe it...they seemed like such nice had I not seen this? Oh, maybe it was because I was stupid. I trusted them too easily and refused to believe that there was even a small possibility that they could be my enemy. I was so blind by their kindness, that I didn't see their true intentions. I should have known better. I shouldn't have dropped my guard so easily.

I gasped as Corana pulled out a knife and launched at me, taking a step back and tripping on my feet, landing in the floor and missing what would have been a fatal stab. Kendrik went to grab me, but I kicked him in the shin and made a run for it, crying out when Corana through the knife at me and it embedded itself into my calf, making me drop to the floor. I grabbed at my leg, seething in pain when Kendrik ripped me up by my hair and held me against him, smirking against my throat.

"It seems like he had one lucky break when he knocked me out. But right now, it appears like he's a scared little mouse." He moved from my throat and glanced at Corana with a smirk, his grip on me tightening.

I watched with wide eyes as Corana pulled out another knife, twirling it around her fingers. "I'm surprised you didn't catch on to our act sooner, Sky. Why is that, I wonder? Adam said that you were supposed to be smart, but, right now, it seems like he was wrong. You're pretty blind, Sky. You would think that since you had Father's most prized possession, you would be more aware of your surroundings. I guess not. You see...we were ordered to get the sword from you, maybe mess with you a bit, then turn you in to Adam. But...I don't really want to do that. I want to be the one to take your life from you."

She then launched herself at me and I gasped, jerking my head back and breaking Kendrik's nose. He cursed, letting me go, and I dropped to the floor, rolling away just as Corana was going to stab me. Instead, the knife sunk deeply in Kendrik's chest, his brown eyes going wide as he stared at Corana in disbelief. Corana's eyes widened, as if she didn't believe what was happening, and let out a shrill cry as blood dribbled from Kendrik's mouth. He dropped to the ground with a thud, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he died. Corana dropped by his side, gently touching his face with the tenderness of a lover, tears rolling down her cheeks as she cupped Kendrik's face in her hands. "No...No! Damn it, come back!" She then snapped her gaze on me, making me gasp and attempt to get to my feet, pain exploding in my leg as I applied pressure to it. "You bastard!" She screamed, running at me with fury in her eyes.

She didn't make it to me, however. The gunshots were loud and I covered my ears as I heard yelling. I could barely even make out the voices through the ringing in my ears. I could only make out the form of a policeman as he knelt by me with concern in his eyes. He tried saying something to me, but I didn't hear him, slipping into an unconscious state.

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