Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(Sky’s POV)

When I woke up I felt relaxed and strangely at peace. It was like my depression was gone...or, at least, hidden away in the back of my mind. Sure, I was sad that I would no longer see my big brother anymore...but I knew that I still had people who cared for me, like Bud, and Anabell.
Smiling sotly to myself, I glanced down at the bundle of chocolate locks that were thrown across the pale skin of my chest, Anabell’s face in the crook of my neck, those emerald eyes of hers closed as she slept. I then blushed darkly as I remembered last night, the way that we made love. It was almost surreal, especially with the utter adoration I felt when Anabell and I connected, not just physically, but emotionally as well.
Though, I had no idea what I had been doing, especially when I had to...prepare her for I was so embarrassed, but when I saw how Anabell looked at me, those emerald green eyes filled with love, my embarrassment faded and I made love to her.
And right now, just feeling her soft skin against mine made my heart race. I bit at my bottom lip, closing my eyes as I pressed my lips against the top of her head, her hair tickling my nose and face. She twitched but didn't wake up, only snuggling deeper against my side. I blushed when I felt her breasts push against my chest.
We literally did the do...and I was still shy. What the heck was wrong with me?
I sighed in exasperation and pulled my hand down my face, suddenly needing to use the restroom. I carefully slipped myself out of Anabell’s arms and stood up, throwing on my clothes from last night. I then brushed my fingers through my hair, using a small bit of magic to let it grow, blonde shifting back to black.
I left Anabell’s room, listening for Bud before I deemed that he was at work, the house silent, save for the faint ticking of the clock downstairs. I shrugged and went into the bathroom, doing my business before I flushed and turned to walk out. However...I stopped, my heart racing as I caught sight of a folded piece of paper, the edges a shimmering gold.
A message from Father? I wondered, astounded. It had been so long since Father reached out to me, I had actually thought he had forgotten about me.
I took in a shaky breath, reaching over to grab the paper, feeling rather anxious for what it would say. I could feel the magic radiating off of it before I even touched it, making my fingers tingle. When I grabbed it, I took a deep breath before I unfolded it, my eyes scanning over the message.
My dearest Sky,
I am very sorry for my lack of contact with you, but Heaven is in critical condition as of late. Adam’s forces have grown much larger than I had anticipated. Michael is doing all he can to protect me physically, but I had not a moment to safely send you any word.
However, I come with enormous news. I had a vision, a vision of a son welding my Sword and putting an end to Adam’s tantrum. Your son. Conscieved the night before. He is the one who will bring Adam down, and free Heaven of his terror.
However, before he is of age, I must ask you to come back here, to Heaven, in five years time. Adam’s forces have grown so much that I need all the help I can gather. I apologize immensely if this upsets you, seeing as you will be separated from your family, but it is critical that you be up here.
I'm afraid that is all I can say, for soon I have to evacuate my current hiding spot. I shall see you in five years time. Good luck, Sky, and be very careful.
I watched as the note disintegration, turning to white ash before it completely dissappeared, leaving me in a state of disbelief. Son? I...I was to have a son? But...Anabell couldn't be pregnant...could she? We did...make love with one another last night. And Father said, in his note, that Anabell conscieved my so called son last night.
Breathing shakily, I left the bathroom and rushed into Anabell’s bedroom, watching her glance up at me curiously from her bed. Her brow furrowed and her lips frowned when she saw my state, standing up before she walked over to me, clearly worried.
“Sky? What's wrong? Are you alright?”
I stared at her, wondering if anything about her screamed “pregnant”. Who was I kidding? No one could tell the day after conseption. But, for some reason, I was compelled to walk forward and press my hand against her stomach, nearly fainting as I felt the beginning process of pregnancy. How I knew she was pregnant...I didn't really know. Perhaps it was because I was the Angel of Life and could sense these things.
Though, I didn't really dwell on that thought any longer as I realized in that moment, I was going to be a father. And my son was going to be the one who took out Adam.
I could only stare at Anabell in shock, unable to form any words in my state of shock. Anabell grabbed my face, those green eyes filled with worry. “Come on, Sky, talk to me. What's happening?”
“You're pregnant,” I squeaked, my eyes wide as I stared at her.
Anabell paled and backed up, opening and closing her mouth, as if she had no idea what to say. She then cupped her mouth and sat on the edge of her bed, taking in a breath before she looked at me. “H-how do you know?”
“ got a note from Father, a-and he said something about me having a son, and so I came here, a-and touched your stomach and he was right. I don't know how I know, b-but there's a baby in there. Or...well...a developing baby.” I managed, sitting on the floor and putting my hand against my mouth.
Anabell was silent before she took a breath and placed a hand on her stomach. “Well...I didn't think I would have a kid so young, but um...things change, I guess.” She looked over at me. “It's a surprise, but I'm happy to have your child. Though, I wonder what the hell Dad is going to say.”
“He's going to kill me,” I whispered, wanting to faint. “Not literally, but oh gosh, I got his only daughter pregnant!”
Anabell laughed light-heartedly, before she stood up and walked over to me, kneeling next to my side. “You’ll be ok. If you want, I can talk to him and tell him I convinced you to do it. Not the baby part, but ah...the sex part. Though, usually a woman doesn't know she’s pregnant until she misses a period, and since I got off mine two weeks ago, I got maybe a month before I start the next one.”
I crinkled my nose, turning red as I looked away from her in embarrassment. “Too much information, Anabell. What am I going to do, though? The note also said I have to go back to Heaven in five years. I can't just abandon you and my child.”
Anabell surprised me when she shrugged, weirdly not effected by what was happening. “I've learned a long time ago, that if it's meant to be, it'll happen. Besides, I doubt God will keep you away from me for long. You just got to have faith.”
“Yeah, but faith is gonna have me crushed into a tiny little marble by your dad. He took me in when I had no other place to go, and now I got his seventeen year old daughter pregnant. He's going to crush me.”
Anabell laughed before she pulled me into a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around me as she patted my back. “Like I said, I got this.”
I looked at her, pursing my lips as I grugenly nodded, pecking her cheek with my lips. “I hope you're right. I rather like having all my limbs intact.”
Anabell grinned and sat criss-cross in front of me, grabbing my hands so she could lace her fingers with mine. “So...a boy, huh? What should we name him?”
I looked at her incredulously, raising one of my brows. “We’re talking about my limb’s wellbeing...and now you want to talk about a name for our son?”
Anabell nodded, grinning. “I've always wanted a kid or two. I didn't think I would have one so young, but I love you so damn much. I'm honored to have your child. So, come on, think of a couple of names.”
I pouted, but sighed and pulled my knees to my chest. “Alright, alright. Um...what about...Chester?”
Anabell furrowed her eyebrows in distaste. “Chester? Really?”
I shrugged. “What? I'm bad with naming things.” I glanced up at her through my lashes. “What were you thinking.”
Anabell smiled, winking at me as she leaned back on her hands. “Definitely not Chester. I was thinking something like...Shilo, or Neriah. You know, something churchy, since you're an angel and all.” She then gasped, her eyes going wide. “Wait, if you're an angel, is our son going to be an angel too?”
I nodded, messing with my hair. “Half angel,” I corrected, biting my bottom lip, “he’ll be half human, as well.”
“That's so cool!” Anabell squeaked, making me gasp as she pulled me into her arms. “Alright! I decided on a name!” She waited until I looked at her, before she continued, “His name should be Shilo Genesis Snow, and I have no doubt he will be as brave and caring as his father.” She leaned forward and kissed me, making me close my eyes and kiss her back before she pulled away.
I smiled at her, this everything staring back at me. I cupped her cheek, staring at her with as much love and adoration as I could manage. “It's perfect.” I then kissed her, holding her close as she kissed me back. “I love you,” I spoke between kisses, making Anabell pull back with a smile.
“I love you too, Sky.”

A/N: *GASP* BABY?!?!?! lol Yes, they are to have a little bundle of joy. That's why what happened in the last chapter, had to happen. 
Also, I had thought there was about 10 or so chapters left, however, I realized that I was closer to the end than I had initially thought, so the next chapter will be the last chapter.

Anywho, I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Let me know what you think! I love feedback!

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