Chapter Fifteen

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Luck must have been on my side, for she thankfully looked away from me to the waiter that had walked over to her. I breathed in relief, nearly fainting from the scare, and sat down in-between Allen and Lucus, who looked around the restaurant with a bored expression. I wiped my hand down my face in an exhausted sigh, and watched as we were approached by a pretty waitress, whose chocolate brown hair was piled on top of her head in a curly bun. She smiled at us, taking out a notepad and pen and glanced at me, taking my form in with curious brown eyes.

"What would you all like to drink?" She asked, her voice soft, almost...child-like.

"I'd like a sweet tea, please," Katelynn answered, her eyes on the menu.

Allen folded his hands over the table, and glanced up at the waitress. "Coke for me."

"Pepsi." Lucus muttered, his eyes elsewhere.

The waitress looked at me and I blushed, shyly averting my eyes to glance briefly at the menu. "Um...I'd like apple juice, please."

Lucus snorted, glancing at me from the corners of his eyes. "Apple juice? Seriously? What are you, five?" He asked.

I frowned and glared at him, watching as he met my gaze head on without hesitation. "So? I don't like carbonated drinks. Soda doesn't agree with my digestive system."

He rolled his eyes at me and looked away, muttering 'baby' under his breath.

I rolled my eyes in return and smiled apologetically at the waitress, who beamed at me. "Ok, so I have a sweet tea, a Coke, a Pepsi, and an apple juice. Is that all?" She asked, blinking up at us after reading off her note pad.

Allen nodded, and grabbed a napkin off of the table to fold neatly onto his lap. "Yes, I believe so."

The waitress nodded and winked at me before walking off, making me blush darkly and shift my gaze to the table. I nibbled at my bottom lip, and looked up to see if Pyra was still there. When I didn't see her, I immediately relaxed and let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness she didn't recognize me. If she did...I would have been dead meat. And, there was a sneaking suspicion that Father somehow diverted Pyra's attention away from me. I sent him a small thanks in the form of a prayer and looked up when the waitress came back with our drinks, setting the glasses down in front of us with a smile.

I smiled back and we ordered our meal. I tried something called a Chicken Paprikash. It was beautifully made with marinated chicken with paprika sprinkled over it. There was also sliced up red and yellow bell peppers with garlic and onion, making the meal a comfortable spicy. It made my mouth water as soon as it was in front of me, and I didn't hesitate to dig in...after a little prayer, of course.

We ate dinner without incident, and ordered dessert as well before we went home. I settled under the blankets, warm, and cozy under its warmth. Behind me, I could hear Lucus getting dressed into his pajamas, and could also hear the chirping of the crickets outside as the moon reined the sky. I felt the weight of sleep on top of me, and allowed it to take me into its arms.

I woke up to the most...obnoxious sound I have ever heard in my life. It almost sounded like a fire alarm, loud, and ringing my ears. I groaned tiredly and tried to pull the blanket over my head, only to have it pulled off of me, making me squeak and shiver as goosebumps rose on my flesh. I opened one of my eyes and looked up to see Lucus, smirking at me in amusement.

"Get up. Time for school, sleeping beauty."

I frowned, and closed my eyes. That's was my first day being in a human school. Did they really have to wake up this early though? No wonder America was getting dumber, the government made the kids wake up way too early. I rubbed my hand over my eyes in attempt to get rid of the sleep, and sat up, my hair falling over my shoulders in a tangle mess. I opened my eyes and made sure Lucus was out of the room before I changed into my new clothes. A pair of snug jeans with a red belt, and matching converses, as well as a short sleeve Henely t-shirt, unbuttoned at the top. I combed my hair, placed the hairpiece back in place, and went downstairs to see Lucus eating a peach in the kitchen, leaning up against the counter with his eyes closed.

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