Chapter Seven

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(Unknown POV)

Where the fuck was he? How could one little angel disappear so quickly?

I let my eyes scan the park, my lips tilted down into a frown, and my hands balled up into fists. I was sent down here to this...wretched place to find him, the one who had taken the sword that Adam needed. But so far, even hours of looking for the bitch...I couldn't find him. It's like he just vanished.

I sighed in frustration and sat down on one of the benches that lined the sidewalk, digging into my jacket pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes. I placed one of the cancerous sticks into my mouth, and searched for my lighter, lighting the cigarette up when I found it. I took a long drag, and smoke immediately filled my lungs. I exhaled out a breath, and watched as the smoke twirled around in the crisp air before disappearing. I watched as some elderly couple walked by, my face scrunching up in disgust. How the fuck could people do that? Walk around with their hands in someone else's? How could one put so much trust in another? Well, whatever the fuck it was, it made me sick. How dare they flaunt around without a care in the world?

I growled to myself, taking another drag of my cigarette, my eyes drawing over to a small play area, where small kids were playing on the equipment, giggling, and smiling like everything was normal. If-fucking-only. I thought bitterly, flicking my cigarette away when I was finished. I stood up and stuffed my hands in my pockets, my eyes searching every nook and cranny for the little runaway.

I still don't understand why he ran. It wasn't like what we were doing was wrong. It was evolutionary. But of course, that fucking cocksucker brother of mine completely brainwashed him. That fucker thought he was right in teaching that little angel 'right' from wrong. But, what he didn't realize...was that what we were Adam was doing, was right. He was trying to change Heaven for the better. Of course his fucking whore thought differently.

I rolled my eyes and walked into a small cafe, the air smelling strongly of cinnamon and coffee. I took a seat near the back in an unoccupied booth, and glanced at my watch. Good. He should be here any minute. I glanced at the menu, my eyes grazing over hundreds of different food items, before I sensed someone walking up to me, and glanced up to see a young man with curly black hair and wide green eyes. He was...pretty for a human, I supposed. But he was nothing like him. So pale, and just....perfect.

"Can I get you anything?" The man asked with a faint French accent, making me snap out of my thoughts.

I smiled at him, and crossed my arms on the table. "Coffee please. And make it black."

The waiter nodded and scribbled my order down, smiling at me before he walked back into the kitchens.

The smile left my face, and a scowl took its place when I saw him walking towards me. Tall and intimidating, this man was the very definition of evil. He was known as a Questing Beast, from Celtic mythology. Apparently he had a little run in with my dove. What was his name again? Cedric? Well, whatever the fuck it was, he had information that I needed, and I would get it out of him with any means necessary. Even if it meant tearing those creepy fucking snake eyes out of his skull. As he neared my table, the more...excited, I got. I don't know why I was so excited.

"You're late." I muttered, plucking a napkin from the napkin dispenser, and tearing it in my hands.

"By two fucking minutes, Kendrik." He replied, sitting across from me. He leaned back in his seat, and assessed me with those blue snake-like eyes of his. "So, what do you want to know?"

I stopped tearing up the napkin, and leaned on the table, resting my head on my hands. "I heard from a spy of mine, that you had a little run in with our runaway."

Cedric scoffed, and crossed his arms. "What? The little pale human I encountered in the bathroom?"

"So you did see him."

Cedric rolled his eyes. "Keyword here, Kendrik, human. If he was your angel, I would have known."

I growled, and leaned over the table to get dangerously close to his face. "My father did make him human, you fuckup. That was his plan all along." I pulled back to dig into my pocket, grabbing onto a photo and throwing it onto the table in front of him. In the picture there was a male, blonde, with wide golden eyes. He wasn't looking at the camera, rather, he was looking at something else, seeming to be deep in thought. I pointed at the photo, keeping my eyes on the creature in front of me. "Recognize him?"

Cedric frowned, and glanced at the photo, his eyes scanning the paper with concentration. "The guy I ran into had black hair. Long hair, by the way. And blue eyes."

"I sense a 'but' coming up." I said, leaning back into my seat.

"But, they do have the same face. Same lips, same eyes, same shape. Though, there was an unnoticeable cut on his chin."

"Probably from the fall." I mused, snatching the photo off of the table to put back into my pocket. "So, tell me what happened between you two. What did you do? What did he say? Was he with anyone?"

Cedric ran his hand through his blonde hair, and began messing with the torn up pieces of the napkin. "I sniffed him. He when he came in with that guy."

"Guy? What guy? What did he look like?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Taller than your guy by a foot. Ripped. Carried himself around like he has experience in battle. He was old though. His hair had a few grey strands in there."

"And then what happened?"

"Your guy went to the bathroom and so I followed him. I ended up cornering him there. He was freaked out, though. I smelled the fear coming off of him like a fucking buffet." Cedric frowned at the table, his brows furrowing together as a tick formed in his lips. "That motherfucker kicked me in the fucking balls. That fucking hurt! And then he ran. I came out of the bathroom to see him conversing with the man that brought him there. He saw me, freaked out, and literally dragged the man out of there."

I growled and grabbed him by his collar, making a couple of people gasp and stare at us. I stared into Cedric's eyes, and let go of his shirt, shoving him back before crossing my arms over my chest. "And you didn't bother to fucking follow him? He's fucking human Cedric! Human! He's a fucking flea compared to you!"

Cedric glared and leaned forward. "I didn't want to make a scene, Kendrick." He seethed, eyes burning with anger. "Don't you think I wanted to stop him and tear him the fuck apart? Because trust me, I have a damn hard-on just thinking about ripping the flesh from his body."

I grimaced, and looked up as the waiter finally shown up with my damn coffee. He smiled shyly at me, and set the cup down right in front of me. He glanced at Cedric and his eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry. You weren't here when I came to get his order. Do you want something?" He asked, biting his bottom lip.

I looked at Cedric, and leaned back in my seat. "We're done here. He was actually leaving."

Cedric rolled his eyes and stood up, towering over the waiter about a foot. "Don't ever contact me again, Kendrick. I'm serious. I don't like getting caught up in your family problems." He brushed passed the waiter, and walked towards the doors. He glanced at me one more time before he walked out, and left.

I took a sip of my coffee and stood up, digging into my pocket and throwing a hundred on the table. I looked the waiter in his eyes, and got close to him, my eyes narrowing. "You never saw us here. You will go back to doing your job in peace. Understand?"

The waiter slowly nodded, his eyes glazing over in a trance-like state as I used some of my powers. "I never saw you or your friend here. I will now go and do my job."

He walked away and I smirked. I left the cafe, and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it before I started walking. I know I was close to finding my little birdy. I could feel it. I know he couldn't have gotten far, especially if Cedric saw him this morning.

I took a drag of my cigarette, closing my eyes for a brief moment, before I exhaled and began to walk. I stuffed my hands into my pocket, and a sadistic smile began to form on my face. Just you wait, my little birdy. I will find you. And I will make sure you pay for hiding the sword. You better watch your back, Sky, because I'm not the only one after you.

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