Chapter Seven

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Dancing with a girl felt...strange. But, not in a bad way. My hands were firmly planted on either side of Sarah’s waist, her arms around my neck as we swayed gently to the song that was playing. Since Sarah’s  dress was cut on the sides, my fingers were splayed across that soft, caramel skin. Even though we had been dancing for a couple of minutes, I still had a crimson blush across my cheeks. I had tried my best to move my hands on multiple occasions, but she had insisted that it was fine.
So here I was, my hands on the bare skin of her waist as we danced to a love song. I wonder what Anabell thought of me now. Did she see me dancing with Sarah? Was she jealous? I mentally shook my head. Who am I kidding? She was probably slow dancing with McButtface. Probably enjoying it too, I thought bitterly, swinging Sarah to the side.
I really needed to stop thinking about her. I was supposed to be having fun, not wallowing in my self pity.
“So, what do you plan on doing after you graduate?” Sarah asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.
Do? After school? I never even thought about that. Hopefully by that time the war would be over and I would be back in Heaven again, tending to my animal friends. But...what if the war isn't over by then? I wondered, a frown pulling at my lips.
I didn't exactly have any hobbies...and I had no talent other than defending myself. However even with that, I only did it when my life was on the line. I didn't have the talent to draw like Anabell. I wasn't good with computers like Charlie was. So...what was I good at?
“It's ok if you don't know yet.”
I glanced down at Sarah, seeing the smile on her plump, glossed list. She looked so pretty under the lights...but I still didn't feel the butterflies that I occasionally I felt around Anabell.
I finally sighed and bit my bottom lip. “Do you have a plan?” I asked, trying to get my mind off of the green-eyed brunette.
Sarah pulled away from me, and it was then that I realized the song was over. She pulled me over to one of the empty tables and we sat down, watching as the students did their own things.
“I want to go into design,” Sarah said, making me glance at her.
Raising an eyebrow, I folded my hands over the surface of the table. “Design? Like, fashion design?”
“Exactly! Although, I still need to study how fabrics work with each other. That way I can start making my own clothes.” Sarah tucked a curl behind her ear, her eyes fluttering slightly.
“I think you’d make an amazing designer.” I gave her a small smile and watched as she blushed darkly, averting her dark eyes. I chuckled and let my eyes roam over the expanse of students, a frown forming on my lips when I saw Cody...but no Anabell.
She probably went to the bathroom, I thought, turning my attention back to Sarah.
“So...what do you think about the prom so far?” Sarah asked, the blush still on her cheeks.
I sat up straighter and sent her a smile. “It's actually really fun,” I admitted, though, I opted out of telling her that I felt upset at the fact that Anabell was here with someone else. Other than that, prom was...interesting. I liked the concept of everyone hanging out with one another, dancing, talking, and basically being themselves. We didn't have anything like this in Heaven. The closest thing we had is when we had a get together to meet the newest arrival. Though, since it's been seven thousand years since then, I had forgotten what it had been like. But still….why did Anabell have to come with someone else? I wished she had been my date instead.
It wasn't that Sarah was a bad date, because she wasn't. She was absolutely amazing. It was just….me and my jealousy that got in the way of our fun time. Gosh I was so messed up. Here I was, thinking about Anabell when I had a beautiful girl right in front of me. Was I really that in love with Anabell? So much so that no other girl stood a chance?
“Go to her.”
“Huh?” I looked up to see Sarah staring at me with a sad glint in her eyes. I opened my mouth to protest, but she held up her hand to silence me. I closed my mouth, a frown on my lips as I watched Sarah sigh longingly.
“I'm not mad. In fact, I actually envy your devotion to her.” She bit her bottom lip and glanced at me. “I'm not going to beat around the bush; I like you, Sky. You're sweet, cute, kind...I wish that you would see me in the same way you see her. But I know you have your heart set on Anabell. Even if she doesn't deserve you. So,” she took a breath, “go to her. Tell her how you feel.”
I could only stare at her in silence. I had a feeling that she liked me...but I didn't think that she would outright tell me her feelings. I also knew that there was a dark blush on my cheeks. I never had anyone confess to be before. It was weird...but also refreshing at the same time. It meant that girls capable of liking me, even with my girlish looks. It made me feel slightly better about myself, and I could only thank Sarah for opening my eyes. But, if she liked me so much, why was she just letting me go? I didn't quite get it. Then again human emotions in general baffled me.
So I opened my mouth, “What about-”
“Don't worry about Cody. He's probably dancing with another girl as we speak.” She paused, then pointed somewhere to the left. I followed her finger, and sure enough Cody was dancing with a blonde chick. Where was Anabell? “He does that to many girls. He’ll ask them out, then if he has a chance with a prettier girl, he dumps the one he's currently going out with so he can get with the other. It's actually sick of him to use women like that.”
I glanced over the sea of people, but Anabell was nowhere to be seen. Had she seen Cody with the other girl? Was she upset? Oh gosh, what if she was crying? I needed to find her quickly; to make sure she was alright.
“Hey, I'll be right back.” I said, whipping around to face Sarah, who waved me off with one hand.
“Go get her, tiger.”
I furrowed my brows, but then shrugged and got up, sifting through the crowd. I asked a few people if they knew where she had gone, but no one seemed to know who Anabell even was let alone where she was hiding. I was slightly frustrated, but the frustration was only miniscule compared to the worry that pooled deep within me. I hoped that she hadn't been hurt...or worse.
Shaking my head, I decided to take a moment to rest and get some fresh air. With how cramped it was inside, I was surprised that I hadn't soaked through my suit from the sweat. I stepped outside where the sky was dark, filled with stars, and the air was crisp and cool. I walked over to the front steps and sat down, glancing up at the stars that twinkled against the night.
I'm only going to rest for a few minutes, until my head clears and I'm cooled down, I thought, taking a breath.
What if she went home? I wondered, closing my eyes. I mean, with how many student were here, it would be nearly impossible to see her leave. I was probably searching for nothing.
Jumping in surprise, I whipped around and my breath caught in my throat when I caught sight of Anabell. She stood there in the moonlight, staring at me with a raised eyebrow. It didn't matter that it was dark outside, for I still saw the redness of her eyes.
She had been crying, I realized with dread, my heart feeling like it had been ripped in two. I immediately jumped up from the spot I had been sitting, rushing over to the brunette and pulling her into my arms.
She seemed surprised when I tucked her head under my chin, holding her slim body close to mine. “I'm so sorry that Cody ditched you. He shouldn't have done that.” I breathed, loving the feeling of Anabell in my arms. My heart felt like it was in overdrive, beating against my chest so hard that it felt like any moment it would break free. She felt so...right in my arms; so perfect, as if she had been made to fit there. She smelled faintly of flowers, and I basked in her scent.
Anabell was tense, at first, but she soon relaxed, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. She then buried her face into my neck, her breath ghosting across my sensitive flesh. Her breath brought goosebumps across my skin, and I was perfectly content standing there with Anabell in my arms, all alone in front of the school. I wanted this moment to last for an eternity. However, I knew Anabell probably wanted to go home, since her date ditched her.
So, I pulled away from her reluctantly, clearing my throat awkwardly as I avoided her gaze. “ you want me to call Bud for you? You probably want to go home after what Cody did to you.”
Anabell blinked, then quickly shook her head. “What? No! I'm fine, really. To be honest, I could care less about what Cody does.”
I frowned, my brows furrowing with confusion. If she didn't care that Cody ditched her… “Then why were you crying? I're eyes are all red.”
To my surprise, Anabell blushed darkly and averted her eyes. I was curious as to why she was suddenly bashful. I mean...what did I say to make her blush? Were all women this confusing?
Anabell crossed her arms over her chest and stared at her feet. “Is wasn't crying because of him.” She admitted, running her arms. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head, waiting for her to continue. She sighed and placed her hands on her hips. “I was crying for a completely different reason.” She glanced at me and  quickly added, “I'm not telling you though.”
“Let's go inside. I'm cold, and I'm sure your “date” is missing you.”
“Not really,” I muttered, my face heating up when Anabell looked at me. I suddenly felt shy being in Anabell’s presence, so I averted my eyes bashfully and looked at my feet. “She's the one who told me to come find you. She knew how Cody was, and so I guess she wanted me to make sure you were alright.” I didn't tell her that Sarah wanted me to confess, mostly because I was sure Anabell didn't feel the same way about me.
I mean, look at me. I was overly feminine...short with eyes that were too big for my face. I was sure that someone like Anabell would be into someone like Cody; buff and good looking. For her to like someone like me was wishful thinking on my part.
Clearing my throat awkwardly I gestured towards the school building. “So ah...let's go inside.”
Anabell nodded, seeming to be lost in thought. I watched her go, a heavy feeling in my gut. Maybe one day I could get over my crush for Anabell. Because I don't think I'm strong enough to live through the heartache.

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