Chapter Four

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(Anabell POV)

Are you kidding me?! Sky was taking Sarah freaking Hernandez to prom with him? Why? What did that bitch have that I didn’t? Was she prettier than me? Or was it because she had bigger boobs than me? I mean, seriously! If it’s that what it was, then my conception of Sky had been wrong this whole time! Yeah, I know that I shouldn’t be saying crap, considering that I had agreed to go with the school “jock”, but that was for a completely justifiable reason! I was only going to prom with him to make Sky jealous!

And now, my plans were ruined because of that bitch that has a crush on him.

Oh yes, I knew all about Sarah Hernandez’s crush on the raven haired boy. I could see it in her eyes, the way they sparkled whenever Sky said anything to her. I could see it in her body language, the way she would try to nonchalantly drift closer to him, even daring to touch him flirtatiously. Did Sky notice her crush on him? Was that why he asked her to go to prom with him?

My gaze drifted away from the book I had been “reading”, trailing over to the long haired raven that was working on his homework at the dining room table. His long, silky black hair was in a low ponytail that was tossed over his shoulder so the strands trailed down his back, to his waist. His big blue eyes were transfixed on the work in front of him, his left hand drifting across the paper as he wrote his answers down.

He looked like an angel, too beautiful to be a part of this world. I had thought his personality matched his looks, his inside as beautiful as the outside, but maybe I had to reassess that.

I was probably overthinking things for no reason, since Sky didn’t seem like the type to lead a girl on. Maybe he was just being nice to Sarah, since she couldn’t go to prom. Or maybe he was using her as a way to get back at me. In which case…well played, Sky. It seemed like we had the same thought in mind, to make the other one jealous. Or I’m just hoping that was the reason, since I really liked him and wanted him to feel the same way about me.

I guess I was upset because he was looking at another girl and not me. I couldn’t help it, though. I had never felt like this with anyone else before. Lucus was only a temporary, small crush…but, Sky? I felt like with him it was more than a high school crush. I felt like it was borderline love, but I would be crazy, right? I mean, who the hell would fall in love with someone their own father considered a son? Most people would think it was weird. But, I never met anyone quite like Sky, though. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met, and he was so gorgeous that I couldn’t help but be drawn to him. Was I crazy for that? Was I insane for falling for someone like him? I wouldn’t know, since my past relationships never really worked out for me. Maybe it was because I never actually truly “loved” my exes. Yeah, I did like them to some extent, but none of my feelings were quite as…explosive as this.

I mean, as embarrassing as it sounds, I actually was so infatuated with Sky, that I had dreams about us…being intimate with one another. I know, embarrassing. I’ve actually had sneak peeks of what Sky looks like under the clothes, but it was accidental. I had walked on him a couple of times while he was changing, and let me tell you, he wasn’t small in the meat department, if you catch my drift. No, he wasn’t huge, but he wasn’t small, either. And he had such a beautiful body, his skin so flawless that even blemishes dared not to mar his skin. I’m pretty sure I qualify as a pervert, with how much I oogled his body, but I couldn’t help it. It was on display, and as a woman, it was hard to look away.

Of course Sky was so embarrassed that he refused to talk to me for a week, but he ended up caving after a couple of weeks.

It was actually then when I had the bright idea of making him jealous by having Cody take me to prom. Cody had asked me a few days earlier, and I had actually considered declining the offer…but, then Sky started talking to me again, and my teenage mind thought it would be awesome to try and make him jealous.

But that plan backfired on me, thanks to Sarah. I shouldn’t be getting mad. If Sky didn’t like me in that way, then so be it, right? I mean, it’ll hurt like hell to find out that the guy I’m borderline in “love” with doesn’t feel the same way, but I can’t keep him from finding someone he does end up liking. Sadly, that was the real world, and I would need to find a way to cope with that.

I quickly tore my gaze away from Sky as soon as the raven turned his icy gaze towards me. I pretended that I was reading the book I was holding in my lap, but I doubt that he bought it since he stood up and walked over to me, tilting his head curiously to the side. His long raven hair fell over his shoulder like an inky, silky wave, his blue eyes piercing into my emerald ones with curiosity.

“Are you alright?”

I blinked, furrowing my eyebrows like I was confused. “What? Ah, yeah, why do you ask?”

“I don’t know,” Sky admitted sheepishly, a blush forming over his cheeks. “I thought you…never mind. I’m probably seeing things.” He laughed half-heartedly, and tore his gaze away from me.

“I’m fine. No need to worry about me.” I gave him a wide smile, watching the blush on his cheeks darken adorably.

Sky nodded, biting his full bottom lip, then turned, seeming like he was going to walk back to the table to finish his work when he turned back and faced me. “Actually, um, can you help me with something? I still don’t quite understand what Sine and Cosine are.”

I smirked, nodding before I set my book down and stood up. “Sure, I can help you.”

“Thank you,” Sky said, his gaze on the floor.

It only took a little bit of explaining and examples before Sky got it, doing the rest of the problems on his own. It was about ten when I decided to get ready for bed, Sky already beating me to the punch, knocked out cold on his bed. I never understood why he always went to bed early, but to each their own, I suppose. When I got to my room, I flicked on the light and closed the door, changing out of my shirt and shorts and getting into a more comfortable outfit.

I brushed my hair, glaring at the split ends, and flicked the cocoa strands over my shoulder, jumping on my bed and trying to get more comfortable. I laid there for what seemed like forever, my mind an utter chaos, staring at the ceiling before I had enough and stood up with a sigh. I ran my fingers though my hair, scrunching up my nose before I sat down on my bed, putting my hands on my face.

Gosh, now I couldn’t stop thinking about Sky, about whether or not he felt the same way about me. My damn brain wouldn’t quiet down long enough for me to go to sleep, and I cursed it profoundly. Why did he have to be on my mind all the time? It seems like lately, he is all I think about, and surely that wasn’t healthy. This is exactly what I had meant when I said I thought I was in love with him. If he was only a crush, I wouldn’t be thinking about him so much, would I? No…it definitely wasn’t a crush.

I sighed heavily and laid down on my back, staring up at my ceiling. Would he ever see me in a romantic way? Did he even like me? Or even have a crush on me? Or did he only think of me as a friend, or sister? I wanted him to think of me as more than that.

I closed my eyes, rubbing the palms of my hands into my eyes. Why was love so complicated? It seemed like there was so much more work in loving someone than anything else in the world.

Damn it, Sky…why did I have to fall in love with you?

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