Chapter Twenty-Two

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Leviathan, the poor man, looked extremely exhausted when he returned with Anabell’s best friend. Donna, upon seeing her long lost friend, screeched at a level that had my ears ringing, before she ran and tackled the brunette to the bed, talking about how “she should have told her about us, and angel this and angel that”. It was amusing for me to watch, but Leviathan had a deadpan look on his face as he sat next to me, glancing at me from the corners of his eyes.
“As if one woman wasn’t we have two. I’ll probably have to gage my ears out so I don’t hear their weird conversations. And before you say they don’t have weird conversations, I’ve been around a group of women before. Some of the things they talk about will give you nightmares, trust me on this, little bro.”
I smiled at him, watching Anabell and Donna interact before Donna broke away from her best friend, making me gasp as she took my face in her hands, squishing my cheeks together.
“You look even cuter as a blonde! Doesn’t he Anabell?”
“Yup.” Anabell replied, giving me a smile from the bed she sat on. “He’s mine though, so back off sista.”
Donna laughed, letting go of my face before she smiled flirtatiously at Leviathan, who rolled his eyes, though, a smirk formed over his full lips. “Honey, I’m not in the market.”
“Darn,” Donna pouted, falling dramatically on the bed Anabell was on, careful to not fall onto her, “the hot ones are always taken.”
“Not taken. Just off the market.” Leviathan leaned back in his seat, tapping his fingers onto the wooden surface of the table.
“Soooo...are you,”
Anabell frowned and smacked Donna’s shoulder, making the other girl shrug and sit up, staring curiously at Leviathan. “You don’t ask people that.”
“I’m not gay.” Leviathan said, his demeanor completely changing to something more...closed off.
I stared at him curiously, wondering why he had such a reaction. He couldn’t possible be...could he? I mean, there was nothing wrong with it. In fact, I applauded anyone who was brave enough to be in such a relationship with how many haters there were out there. Love was love, and there was nothing wrong with that. So, if Leviathan was on that side of the fence, then why didn’t he ever tell me? Unless he was too shy too. Which, I didn’t see why since I knew many of my siblings were attracted to the same sex. Heck, Anabell even told me once that she liked both men and women.
If he didn’t want to tell me, then I couldn’t hold it against him. I mean, it was his choice to keep it secret, if he was gay. Though….I kind of question it at times.
“Well, whatever the case, I think you’d make gorgeous babies. Especially with those eyes of his. Like, seriously, Anabell, you see his eyes? They’re so pretty.” Donna was saying when I tuned back in, making me blink and glance at Leviathan in time to watch him look at me, his lips moving as he mouthed help me to me.
Despite myself I chuckled, making the other blonde man roll his eyes, a smirk on his full lips. “I don’t think I can help you. Women are like their own entity. It’s best you leave them to do as they want.”
“Actually, that’s kind of true.” Leviathan agreed, furrowing his thick brows before a grin formed on his face.
I grinned back then gasped when Anabell sat in my lap, a dark blush forming over my lips as she leaned her head against mine. “We should probably get some dinner. I’m a little hungry.”
“Same here!” Donna called from the bed she occupied, a pillow cradled in her arms.
I looked over at Leviathan, who shrugged and stood up, stretching his body. “I say go for some food. I’ll scope around the place, see if I can find any clues to Shane’s whereabouts.”
Anabell’s emerald gaze shifted over to her best friend. “You coming with Sky and me?”
The raven shook her head, standing up from the bed. “I’ll probably just stay here and mess with the tv.”
“Alrighty then! Sky and I will be back.” Anabell got up off of my lap, pulling me up with her as she led me to the door. We left the room and I breathed in the fresh night air, letting out my breath as we began making our way to McDonalds. Anabell the surprised me when she placed her hand in my own, making my face heat up as a blush dashed across my pale cheeks.
“Sky? I’ve been meaning to ask you something for a couple days now.”
I blinked, my gaze meeting Anabell’s as she stared back at me with her emerald eyes, her hair pulled back in a low ponytail so it stayed out of her face. I felt my heart race despite not knowing what she was going to ask, and out of habit, I began nibbling at my bottom lip. “Yeah? What is it?”
Anabell looked down at her feet, a frown forming over her perfect lips. Her grip on my hand tightened before she lifted her gaze and met my eyes head on. “What’s going to happen to us once your war is done? Are...are you going to return to Heaven?”
I frowned, tearing my eyes away from her as I felt my heart drop. I wanted to stay. I wanted nothing more than to stay with the only woman who has claimed my heart. But...I was an angel. My place was in Heaven alongside my siblings and Father. I wasn’t made to have a place here. And my heart constricted even tighter at that thought. What would happen to Anabell if I do leave? Would she find someone else to love? Would she forget about me? Would she start a family, have kids of her own? Why did that make me so depressed? If she was happy, I should be happy. Right? Then why did I feel like I would crash if she ever fell in love with someone else?
Maybe I should stay. I could maybe convince Father to allow me to live out the rest of my days here, with the woman I loved. Would he even allow me? What would happen if he did grant me permission to stay here? Would Anabell and I start a family of our own? Have little toddlers running around our cliche house, playing pretend with their toys? Would Anabell and I get married? Make our love official?
I wanted that so much. I wanted to make a family with her. Maybe when she was a little older, but still. I wanted to create life with her, and officially make me her my wife. I wanted that more than I had ever wanted anything. And it should have scared me, but it didn’t. It only made me extremely happy to think about our future.
Only if Father allows me, I told myself, lifting my gaze to meet Anabell’s. I sighed, nibbling at my bottom lip. “I...I don’t know, Anabell. I want to stay with you, more than anything.’s up to Father. If he wants me in Heaven...then I would have no choice but to let you move on. If he does...then...I...I’d like to one day...start a family with you. If...if that’s ok with you.” I blushed darkly, tearing my eyes away from the brunette.
I gasped when Anabell lifted my face, pressing her lips against mine in a passionate kiss, her tongue somehow making it into my mouth. I blushed crimson at her boldness, but closed my eyes and held her close as her mouth worked my own, my heart racing hard in my chest. When she pulled away, she gave me the softest, sweetest smile I had ever seen.
“I’d love to, Sky.”

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