Chapter Nine

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(Unknown Pov)

How could have this happened? How could one little angel, defeat both Kendrik and Corana? Especially one as young as Sky? It didn’t make any sense. Kendrik wasn’t smart, sure, since he loved to torment his victims, but he wasn’t weak. Neither was Corana, and yet, the baby killed them both.
He killed them, which ended up having two more of us sent down into this...disgusting place. How the humans could live here baffled me, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to get this damn job done and go back home.
But still. How the hell did Sky overcome them so easily? Was he more trained than I thought? No...Adam would have told us if he had excessive training. Unless the bastard neglected to tell us that valuable information. I wouldn’t be surprised if he withhold that from us. It seemed like the baby-faced asshole was wanting us to die. I mean let’s face it. He sends Corana and Kendrik, the best actors we have, in order to steal the Sword and give it to him. They die. Then he has another of us manipulate the human named Henry, to lock Sky in a basement for about a month. Yet, he managed to escape from there, too. Was there someone working with him? How could that be? Surely he was alone. I mean, we’ve been watching him thoroughly, and his only companions were an elderly man and a human woman. There was no way that something as weak as a human could help him.
So how the hell was he able to escape both times? Three, if we counted the demon?
Tearing myself away from my thoughts, I glanced away from the window to glare at my partner, a tall man with long hair the color of blood, one of his dark blue eyes hidden by his bangs. I often what kind of sick sense of humor Adam had to have had, in order to partner me up with the Angel of Nature. Why couldn’t he partner me up with the Angel of Wrath, or the Angel of Death, even? Why was I stuck with nature? All he could do was summon freaking plants. How the hell would that help us?
“What do you want, Shane?” I asked, pushing away from the window to walk further into the room. The scent of death hung heavy in the air, but that was due to the nice elderly couple we murdered in order to use their house as a hideaway.
Shane leaned against the wall, crossing his arms across his chest as he stared at me boredly. “I just got a call from Adam. He’s angry, as you can imagine. He’s wanting us to summon someone for him. Someone who doesn’t bullshit around.”
I frowned, narrowing my eyes at the redhead. Who the hell was he wanting us to summon? Another angel? Why would I want another deadweight to drag around? Surely Shane was enough luggage. “Who’s he wanting us to summon?”
“He wants us to summon Kyomini.”
He wanted us to summon the fucking Queen of Hell? Why the hell for? Kyomini was known as a Turned demon, since she used to be human. After she was executed in Salem for being a witch, Lucifer had approached her and made her his queen. However, she was a vindictive bitch who had no morals whatsoever. Hell, she even put Titan to shame, and he massacred millions of our siblings in order to get back at them.
So why would Adam want us to summon such an unpredictable demon? Was he mad? What was I thinking, of course the bastard was mad. He started a damn war because he was butthurt from losing his butt buddy. Which was disgusting as shit. Like he fucked his own brother. I mean, we’re not blood related, or anything. In fact none of the angels were blood related, but we saw each other as brothers and sisters, and the fact that Adam screwed his baby brother, it was gross. Though, he would probably rip my head off for even thinking that.
Groaning, I ran my fingers through my short white hair, my golden eyes glaring off at the space next to Shane’s head. “So, how do we summon this bitch?” I asked with distaste.
Shane pushed away from the wall and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans, his hair flowing behind him. “Well, we need fresh blood. Preferably from a hellhound, but since we don’t have access to them, a dog will have to do. We then need a feather from an angel, I nominate you for that, and a heart of a domestic cat. Why? I have no idea. I’ll tell you the rest we we have the ingredients.”
I scrunched up my nose and reluctantly nodded, unfolding my wings carefully, trying not to break anything with their massive size. I then closed my eyes and plucked off a snow white feather, sighing and placing it on the table before I refolded my wings. I then nodded towards Shane and we both left in order to find the other two ingredients. Finding a dog wasn’t that hard, considering nearly everyone on this street had a slobbing, pissing and shitting dog living with them. I could never understand why anyone would like such a messy creature. Just the slobber alone made me want to shiver in disgust. And don’t even get me started on the whole “butt sniffing” thing.
I found a dog lounging in his little dog house, his owners inside, unknowing to my intentions. Before the dog could even make a sound, I snapped its neck and cut it open in order to drain it’s blood. I had brought a container just for this, so once it was full, I left the dog and made my way back to the hideout, stepping over the dead old lady in order to get into the dining room. In there I met Shane who had a plate next to him, a cat heart placed on top of it. I then looked him in the eyes, setting the bowl of dog blood, on the table next to the cat heart.
“Alright, we have the ingredients. Now what?”
“Now we begin the summoning.” Shane turned towards the table and grabbed the dog blood, dipping his fingers into the crimson liquid before he knelt down to the floor, drawing an intricate design onto the wooden surface. He drew a couple more things before he set the bowl down and grabbed both my feather and the cat heart, placing it at the center. He took a couple of steps back and held his hands over the symbols, closing his eyes in the process.
“Queen Kyomini, you have been summoned to this home. We have a proposition we believe you will be interested in.”
I raised my eyebrow at the overall shittiness of the incantation, or whatever, surprised that it wasn’t some Latin mumbo-jumbo crap. After he said that, the air around us felt denser, almost as if one were to walk into a cemetary. The shadows casted by the objects in the house only seemed to get darker, before they ended up peeling from the wall entirely, hovering above the symbols. The shadows seemed to dance, waving side to side before they settled, dispersing to show a woman of lustrous beauty.
The Queen of Hell stood in front of us, her blood red eyes looking between Shane and I. Her raven black hair was so dark, it seemed to absorb all of the color around us, making them appear duller than they actually were. Her body was curvy, with luscious breasts and wide hips, her waist slim, though, it looked even tiner thanks to her corset. She was nearly as tall as me, which was a feat considering I was about six-foot six.
She raised a dark eyebrow, pursing her full red lips as she seemed to assess us. “Well, well, well. This is the first time I have ever been summoned by angels. I wonder, what made you goody-two-shoes summon me?”
At the question Shane stepped forward, bowing low to her before standing back up to his full height. “I’m sure you have heard of the war that befell upon Heaven. As I am sure you know about God’s Sword. I have been asked by my employer to summon you, and to propose a temporary treaty, if you will. He wants you to capture the young angel Sky, and make him give us the sword’s location. What you do to Sky is entirely up to you. He has offered you an island to rule over, if you agree to help us.”
Kyomini raised an eyebrow, cocking her hips to the side as she stared at us. “An island, huh? Honey, I have no use for an island when I rule over a realm of demons.” She then smirked and placed her hand on her hip, placing the other hand under Shane’s chin, tilting his head up. “Besides, I know your employer. We have already spoken. He’s given me my payment already.”
“But, you said-”
“I say a lot of things, Dom. We demons have been known to...fib a little.”
I glared at the bitch, wishing to rip her heart out and force feed it to her. However, we needed that damn sword. And while Sky has gone against a demon in his time here, I doubt he has the strength to go against one of the most powerful demons of Hell. The Queen, at that. As much as I wanted her to choke on her intestines, I had no choice but to work with her, as much as I would have preferred not to.
“So, will you do it?” Shane asked, raising an eyebrow in question.
Kyomini smiled, crossing her arms over her chest and making her breasts push together. “Of course I will help. I may be a demon, but once a deal is made, I carry through with my end of the bargain. The little angel will not know what hit him. Not until it’s too late, of course.”

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