Chapter Sixteen

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(Kendrik's POV)

I watched everyone pass me with a look of boredom, as I walked to the back of the building. I let my eyes scan over the field, searching for someone...specific. Well...until my eyes landed on her. Just what the actual fuck was she doing here? Didn't I tell her to go fuck off, not too long ago? I sighed in frustration and walked over to Pyra, who today, had opted to leave her hair out of a braid, leaving it to flow over her shoulders and down to her waist. She also had opted to leave out the suit, instead wearing a pair of bleached jeans and a blue cardigan over a white tank-top.

She looked up just as I was approaching, and stood up before she stormed over to me and decked me hard in the face, making me blink in surprise and wipe my hand across my nose. I glanced down at my hand to see blood, glaring up at Pyra just in time to block another one of her punches. Damn. For the Angel of Beauty, she sure as hell packs a punch. I held my hand out in surrender, watching as steam literally drifted out of her ears. Fuck...was she on her period?

I wiped my hands on my jeans, glancing up at Pyra through my lashes. "So, the fuck was that for? Damn, I think you broke my fucking nose." I rubbed at my nose with a frown, using a small bit of magic to heal it and clean up the blood. "Care to explain yourself?"

"You know where Sky is, you lying scum!"

I blinked, glancing up at her innocently, seeing a glare marring her perfect features. "Huh?"

Pyra threw her hands up in exasperation. "You knew where Sky was this whole time! Did you think it wise to not tell me? Now Adam is angry at me for you keeping secrets!"

I shrugged and leaned against the building, the people inside unknowing to my presence. "So what? Sounds like that's a personal problem. What's the matter? Did you not pleasure him well enough?"

Pyra growled and screamed in frustration, launching at me with fire in her eyes. I moved out of the way with a side step, watching as she balled her hands into fists and turned, glaring at me with hatred in her eyes. "Thanks to you, the bastard wants the sword now. He doesn't want to wait any longer. Damnit, stop toying with Sky, and kill him already!"

I frowned and tilted my head, glancing up at the sky and watching as a small cloud merged with a larger one. I glanced down at Pyra and crossed my arms over my chest, giving her a look of boredom. "I'm not done with him. Despite acting relaxed around the family, he's still heavily on guard. Getting the sword from him will take time. And you can tell Mnt. Fuck Up to shove it up his ass. I'm done here." I began walking away, only to hear Pyra scream in frustration.

"Where is Corana, huh? Is she not helping you to get the sword?"

I smirked and glanced back, seeing Pyra cross her arms over her chest with an irritated huff. "Oh trust me, she's helping a lot. Already has Sky second guessing himself. Give us about two more weeks, and we'll have the sword by then." I turned and walked away, leaving Pyra to fume by herself. I dug into my pockets and pulled out my cigarettes, lighting one up and taking a drag of it.

I sighed in relief and closed my eyes in bliss, steering into the woods that sat by the building. I walked over fallen logs and ducked under low branches, my feet crunching the dead leaves beneath me as I moved forward. I took another drag of my cigarette and stopped to stare up at the sky, which was being covered by trees. I sighed, and continued onward, stopping when I neared a stream surrounded by dead flowers and logs. I sat down on one of the logs and stared into the water, deep in thought. Yea...we were close to breaking the little blonde. So damn close. It was only a matter of time before we shattered him, and made him give us the sword.

Though...I'll even admit it, Sky was strong-willed. He was single-handedly trying to protect the most powerful weapons in all of the realms, even though he was without his celestial powers. So, the kid was tough. But, not tough enough. He was breakable just like everyone else. And I couldn't wait to see his blood dyeing his skin crimson as it flowed from his wounds. It may not happen now...but it will soon. And I will relish bathing in his blood.

I finished off my cigarette and flicked the bud away, standing up and stretching, making my bones crack and pop at the action. I moaned in bliss and went to walk away, when I heard a sudden shuffle in the trees. I paused, bringing my hand to my wrist where I had hidden my blade, listening to the sounds around me.

My breath was silent, my eyes to the side. Maybe I had imagined it. As I was lowering my hand, a figure came out from behind the trees, eyes going wide as it caught sight of me. I narrowed my eyes on it, seeing that it was a male...with medium length golden hair and cyan colored eyes. Judging by his aura...he was a fae. Fae being creatures attuned with nature. He looked small and fragile, his stomach plump with a child. Faes were the only creatures I knew of, where both males and females could birth children. It was oddly...sweet to me, for some reason.

Anyway, this fae in front of me didn't look to be after me. In fact, he looked terrified as he trembled in my presence. I frowned and took one step towards him, making him take one step back. I sighed and held up my hands in surrender, making the fae tilt his head curiously before he took another step back. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you, ok? I may be a dick, but even I don't hurt pregnate...things."

The fae looked offended and even crossed his arms over his chest, his arms resting on the bump of his stomach. "I am not a thing. I am a fae." He said, his voice...sing-songy. If that was even a fucking word. He then tilted his head, making his bangs fall in front of his eyes. He swiped his bangs away and casted me a curious glance. "You are not human."

I scoffed and crossed my arms, earning a glare from the fae. "Well no shit."

"What are you?"

"Why the fuck should I tell you?"

"You need not use such a tone with me." The fae muttered, brows drawn together. He perked up and glanced behind him, as if he heard something I didn't. I frowned, but said nothing as he turned back towards me. "I must leave. Take care to not damage my home with your selfish hands. And pick up that nasty thing, it damages my plants." He glanced down at the cigarette bud I had flicked away, a look of irritation on his face.

I rolled my eyes and bent down to pick the bud off the ground, tucking it in my jacket pocket before I looked back up, only to see that the fae had disappeared. Damn...for one fat pregnant dude, he sure did move fast. I let out a breath, amazed, and began my journey back out of the woods. And as I walked back to the building, I passed a window and glanced briefly inside, smirking as I caught sight of Sky, who looked exhausted as a blonde chick literally talked his ears off. Poor kid. Ha. Not. Seems to me like he didn't know how to respond to a horny teenage girl. I mean, that chick was literally trying to show off her boobs to him.

Though, I gave him brownie-points for completely ignoring her advances. I glanced over at the teacher, seeing him write calculations onto the board with a blank expression. I looked back at Sky, watching as he wrote something down, and said something to the girl. That girl was seriously desperate. She just didn't quit, did she? Wait...did she just attempt to cope a feel on Sky? What the actual fuck? Was this really what Earth has come to?

I watched silently as Sky turned a dark red and swatted the girl's hand away, saying something to her, making her frown and look away. I tilted my head and frowned. I didn't like that little blonde bitch. She was messing with myprey.

I looked back at Sky, who now looked embarrassed as hell, and was now ignoring the girl beside him. I mean...I did get one good thing out of this. I saw what crimson would look like on Sky...and personally...I fucking loved it. Damn...he would look good with blood running down his pale skin. I closed my eyes, picturing it in my head, and opened them to back away from the window. I felt a smirk form on my lips as I made my way over to the front door, slipping inside quietly, and making my way to the bathroom.

Damn. I really wish that Sky would hurry up and break so I can have fun bleeding him out. But...patience is perfect. I have to learn to be patient if I want to get the best results. And the best results is Sky crying and terrified in my presence.

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