Chapter Three

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Snow's house was actually a lot bigger than I thought it would be. I had heard that despite police putting their lives on the line, they didn't get paid as much as some may think. So when Snow pulled into a luxurious driveway to a large two story house, I was surprised. There had to be like, ten bedrooms in that thing, it was so big. It was a large home, white with light grey shingles, and a cherry wood door leading into a space I knew had to be equally as beautiful inside. There was a large oak tree in the front yard, the branches thick, and seeming to be reaching for the sky.

The car slowed to a stop, and Snow opened his door, before getting out. I copied him, getting out of the car, and followed him to the front door. He took a ring of keys off his belt, and unlocked the door. He walked inside and flicked on the lights –me following close behind. His house was really nice on the inside. Polished wood floors, and a large closet by the door. There were a few bookcases lining the hallway that lead into the living room, which was decently sized. There were luxurious black leather couches in the shape of an L, surrounding a glass coffee table that was centered on a rug that had geometric designs on it. Papers were covering the coffee table, and there was what looked like a cup of cold coffee on the surface of crystal clear glass. I let my eyes drift over to his TV, my eyes widening at how large it was. That thing had to at least be my height, with how big it was. Who the heck needed a TV that big?

It was interesting, though. In Heaven, I never had a TV. Angels had no use for them. Most of the time, we were learning, or training to be better warriors in order to protect Heaven. Funny how now Heaven is in a war, though. And I had a sneaking suspicion that the General for our army, Adam, had something to do with it. Why? Maybe it was the look he gave me when I left. He seriously looked like he wanted to choke me with my own intestines.

I shivered at the thought, and watched as Snow gathered the papers off of the coffee table, stacking them up into his arms. "Sorry about the mess, I wasn't exactly planning on bringing someone home." Snow apologized.

I gave him a small smile, and moved to help him. "It's alright. I don't mind." I handed the papers to him. "Here you go."

Snow gave me a smile, and a short nod before he placed the papers onto a stand by one of the couches. "Thank you." He scratched his jaw, seeming to be deep in thought, when he glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. "Have you eaten lately?"

I raised my eyebrow at the unexpected question, and thought back to when I had last eaten. Granted, angels didn't need to eat in order to live, but food was still an option. Personally, my favorite food was apples, and I even had a few apple trees in my back yard, along with a strawberry garden. I think the last I had eaten anything, was a few hours before I had heard Keha, and Luxe planning Father's death. My heart sank at that thought, and I wondered briefly if Father was alright. I sure hope he was. My stomach then made itself known, by grumbling angrily at the lack of food in its system. I blushed, and averted my gaze shyly as Snow cast me a look of amusement.

"I'll take that as a no. Come on, let me get you something to eat." Snow waved at me to follow him, which I did, to an exquisite kitchen that would put Chef Ramsey to shame. Pristine white counters that looked like they were made from snowy marble, with a steel fridge, and a farmers sink. There was a basket of fruit on the island that was centered in the room, and my stomach rumbled loudly as I caught sight of a juicy red apple. Well, the green apples were my favorite, mostly because I loved the sour taste that assaulted my taste buds whenever I take a bite out of one. But, all he had were the red apples. It was fine though, I liked red apples too. However it looked like Snow was walking over to a cabinet filled with boxes of cereal –some of them I never heard of before. He pulled out a box with the name Lucky Charms on it, and set it on the island, before walking to the fridge to take out a gallon of milk. He stopped by another cabinet, and took out a bowl, setting that and the milk on the island, then walking to a drawer and opening it. He grabbed a spoon, and brought it over to the rest of the stuff, and opened the box of cereal, before pouring it into the bowl.

I raised my eyebrows upon seeing small little marshmallows mixed in with plain looking bits of shapes. What cereal had marshmallows in it? Wasn't breakfast foods supposed to be healthy? I watched as Snow poured in the milk, before he slid the bowl towards me.

"Sorry if this isn't a five-star meal. It's late, and I don't feel like cooking." Snow said, putting up the milk and cereal.

I took the bowl in my hands, and nodded towards him, as I stirred the cereal around a bit. "That's alright. I don't mind. Thank you, Mr. Snow." I said.

Snow ran a hand through his hair, and nodded. "Sure thing. Oh, and you can call me Bud, or Buddy. Mr. Snow sounds too formal, though I do appreciate your manners."

I nodded at him, and he told me where to find the pillows and blankets, before he went to bed. I ate the cereal in silence, surprised that it wasn't bad –despite all the calories in the marshmallows. Though, I didn't really need to worry about that, I don't even think I can get calories. I still tried to steer away from sugar, however. Which was weird. It's not that I don't like anything with sugar in it, because I do, it's just, I never really wanted to get calories –even though we technically can't. I was weird like that. I also didn't really eat greasy foods, like pizza. I didn't like the texture of grease on my fingers. I also didn't like pears. To me they tasted nasty. I finished eating the cereal, and politely put the dirty bowl, and spoon into the sink, then went to the closet that had the extra blankets and pillows. I pulled out a large black, fluffy blanket and matching pillow, and started to get settled down on the couch when I heard a whining sound.

I paused, my muscles taunt as I listened to what sounded like a wounded wolf. I frowned, and walked over to a window, peeking through the blinds to the street across. It was dark out, but I could still see that the street was empty, save for some random pieces of trash thrown about. I got a sinking feeling in my gut, and I glanced around outside. I heard the whining sound again, and gasped, turning around to stare into the empty living room. I could have sworn I heard the whining sound directly behind me, but as I stared into the living room, there was nothing there.

Sweat trailed down my brow, to the corners of my lips, as I surveyed the area. I gulped, and looked back outside. I listened hard for whatever was making that sound, but whatever it had been, seemed to have disappeared. I stepped back from the window, rubbing my arms, before I made my way to my make-shift bed on the couch. I took a breath, and got settled under the blankets, still tense from whatever the heck that had been.

Just what had been making those noises? And it sounded so close to me, too. Just thinking about it made me shiver, and I pulled the blanket around myself, staring off into the dark room. My heart beat fast in my chest, and I continued to sweat vigorously. I tried to slow my breathing, and when it finally slowed down, I stared up at the ceiling. "Father, I made it." I whispered, my heart heavy in my chest. "I hope you're alright." I snuggled deeper into my blanket, and I finally closed my eyes, despite me feeling like I should stay awake. I sighed, and felt sleep calling to me, beckoning for me to let it grab me in its arms. I felt my body get heavy, my breaths now coming out evenly. "Goodnight, Father." I whispered, letting sleep pull me into its embrace.

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