Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(Anabell’s POV)

Even a month after the inevitable death of Leviathan, Sky was still in an emotional state of distress. Oh sure, he talked and he joked, but the light was gone from his eyes. He was now quiet at dinner time when he had used to talk animatedly about things he enjoyed. It was like watching a balloon deflate, and honestly? It was depressing.
Sky also had to go back to his long black hair, since Dad was now home, and didn’t know he was actually a blonde. But even so, Dad even noticed how different Sky seemed, and he voiced his worries while Sky was taking a shower. I was downstairs, watching a movie with him, when he paused the tv and glanced at me, worry on his worn, old face.
“Anabell, something off with Sky? He hasn’t really been himself lately.”
I shifted my body to face Dad before I lifted my hand and began playing with my hair. “Well, um, it’s kind of personal, but since he sees you as a father figure, I guess he won’t mind if I tell you.” Dad’s eyes lit up at the fact Sky saw him as a father figure, but I didn’t dwell any further than that before I continued. “Someone close to Sky was...well, they were hurt pretty badly. He’s pretty broken up about it.”
Dad frowned, rubbing at his stubbled jaw before he glanced over to the stairs, as if he expected Sky to walk down any moment now. He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair before he looked down back at me, a frown on his lips. “Is I know this person?”
I shook my head, twirling my hair between my fingers, feeling my heart breaking for Sky. Like, Leviathan may have been a jerk, but weirdly enough, I actually kind of liked the guy. And I didn’t have the bond that he and Sky had, so if his death was even affecting me, I could only imagine how Sky must have been feeling. Leviathan was his brother, his family. I I don’t know what I would do if I lost either of my brothers, even if they lived with Mom and not me. I would be heartbroken if anything happened to them. And Leviathan died. He was dead now, and it must have been eating away at Sky.
I mean, for goodness sake, the poor boy blamed himself for his brother’s death. It depressed me knowing where his mindset was, and I wanted to change that. I wanted him to feel something other than sadness and hurt. I had an idea that was sure to work, and further cement our feelings for one another, though, I doubt Dad would like it. It was probably too soon to rush into something so...intimate, but, I was tired of seeing Sky beating himself up over his brother’s death. I wanted to help him cheer up, and I had already tried everything I could think of to get him out of his depression, but nothing worked. Maybe if I let him know just how much I loved him, he would see that he wasn’t worthless. At least, not to me. He was too precious to me.
I meant that, too. Sky was utterly the most precious thing to come into my life. He was just so damn perfect and I loved him so much. I was honored to give myself to him, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Me and Dad continued watching the movie when Sky finally came down, his long black hair soaked, and pulled over his shoulder. He looked positively dashing, but those blue eyes were still darkened and void. It made my heart heavy as I watched him take a seat next to me, silently, giving me a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
I smiled sadly at him, grabbing his hand so I could lace our fingers together. I then giggled when a dark blush spread over his pale cheeks, his blue eyes shifting from the tv to glance at me curiously. I winked, which only seemed to confuse him more, his brows twitching almost comically, nearly enticing another laugh from me. I made sure Dad wasn’t watching when I pecked Sky’s cheek, his skin soft against my lips.
He gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand, making me lean my head on his shoulder until the movie finished. It was about eleven and Dad decided he was going to go to bed, letting us know not to stay up too much later. Sky and I stayed cuddled on the couch before we moved to my room, Sky sitting on my bed with his knees to his chest, while I sat in front of him.
“Sky? Can I ask you something?”
Sky glanced up at me with those blue eyes of his, a stark contrast to his pale skin and dark hair, hair in which slowly shortened, the black lightning until it turned blonde. When Dad wasn’t here, Sky usually went back to the form he was most comfortable with. Apparently, he didn’t like the long hair he had, claiming that it was an untameable mess and he had no idea how us women did it. So, whenever we were alone, he would subtly change his hair so he could enjoy his natural short hair.
“Sure. What is it?” Sky asked, drawing me back into the conversation as he shook his fingers through his short hair, tousling the blonde strands.
I bit my bottom lips, pulling my knees to my chest so that I could rest my head on top of them. I stared at Sky, unsure on how to word what I wanted to ask. I blew out a breath, making Sky tilt his head in curiosity as he stared at me. “So, um...Dad noticed that you seem...different, and I have to agree with him. Lately, you seem to be a different person. Like, I know you talk and joke and stuff, but I can see in your eyes that you don’t...well, you seem depressed.”
“I’m ok, really,” Sky muttered, though, I didn’t really believe it as I gave him a look. He then sighed and began biting his thumbnail, getting a sort of...faraway look in his eyes. “I’m not ok. Leviathan’s death is affecting me much more than I thought it would. I...I guess even when I believed he was truly working for Adam willingly, I knew he was still out there somewhere. He wasn’t with me, but I knew that I could run into him at any point. Now that he’s dead...I can’t run into him anymore, or listen to his bad jokes, or even talk to him.”
“It’s not your fault,” I told him, scooting closer so that I could pull him into my arms, “you were only defending yourself.”
“It doesn’t feel that way,” he admitted, looking away from me.
I gently grabbed his face and pulled it towards me, making him look at me. Unknowing to what to say, I instead kissed him slowly, causing him to close his eyes, a blush forming on his cheeks as I deepened the kiss. It was so cute whenever he got shy like this, obviously not knowing what he was doing. It was ok, since I didn’t really know what I was doing, either. It gave me a small sense of power as I brushed my tongue on his plump bottom lip, enticing a small gasp from him that allowed me to delve inside, his tongue hesitantly meeting mine before he started to get the hang of it. We kissed for a while longer, before I started trailing kisses down his pale neck, feeling giddy at the sound of him so breathless. I glanced up at him, smiling at the way his mouth was open, lips swollen, and eyes closed as I kissed one particular part behind his ear, making him moan and blush darkly in embarrassment, throwing up a hand to cover his mouth.
“I, um...I didn’t mean to do that. It just...came out.” He stammered, looking positively adorable with the dark blush that was spread deliciously across his cheeks.
I giggled, gently kissing the side of his mouth. “It’s fine. I thought it was absolutely adorable.” I bit my bottom lip and sat back, glancing at Sky curiously. “ far do you want to go? I mean, you’ve been so upset lately, and I want to cheer you up, and let you work out some of that frustration. It’s totally up to you if you want to stop here.”
Sky stared at me with a dark blush spread across his cheeks, his teeth nibbling at his bottom lip as he shyly averted his eyes from me. “You mean the do?”
I nodded. “I love you enough to give you my virginity. If you want to, that is. If not, I’ll wait until you’re ready.”
Sky stared at me for the longest time, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth before he blushed darkly and nodded, shyly keeping his eyes from me. “Just know, don’t know what to do, exactly. I mean, I know from like...studies and stuff...but...oh gosh, this is embarrassing.” He groaned and covered his face, making me giggle and move his hands so I could look into those blue eyes of his.
“You think I know what I’m doing? I’m just gonna wing it and hope for the best,” I admitted with a shrug.
I smiled at Sky’s shyness and reached forward to pull off his shirt, silently admiring those slim muscles of his. He was built like a swimmer, slim, but slightly muscular. I also giggled at the way he blushed so hard, even his ears were turning red. It only darkened when I pulled my own shirt over my head, watching in amazement as Sky’s eyes widened before he looked away, nibbling at his bottom lip. I giggled before turning his face towards me, kissing those perfectly pert lips of his.
“You can look, you know. You’re gonna have to eventually.”  I told him, watching him nibble his bottom lip before his eyes shifted down, then immediately looking away as if he were embarrassed that he was seeing me like this. It was the cutest damn thing to witness, and I was grinning widely as I kissed him, pushing him back against the bed so I could climb on him.
I hadn’t been lying when I said he could have my virginity. I loved him so much that I was ok with it. He was literally everything I ever wanted in a lover, and so much more. I mean, come on, he was a freaking angel! And it was totally worth it to help pull him out of his depressed state, and once we were finished, we didn’t bother to move and only fell into a deep sleep.

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