Chapter Seventeen

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(Sky’s POV)

Death was much different than I had imagined it to be. Instead of being welcomed back home, I was left floating in a void of darkness, my body completely weightless. I couldn’t feel anything, not a breeze against my pale skin. I couldn’t even feel my limbs as I floated, my eyes closed. However, even though I couldn’t feel...or even hear a thing, I could still think. And my head was full of nothing but the kiss I shared with Anabell. My very first kiss. My last kiss.
It was weird how life played out, wasn’t it? I didn’t even have a chance to tell her everything I loved about her. I couldn’t tell her that her mere presence, brought about a happiness no other had brought me. I couldn’t tell her that I loved her completely, her faults and all. Not that she had many faults. She was everything I wanted in a woman, and now I wouldn’t be able to spend my life with her.
It sucked. It really, really sucked. My happiness was torn out from under my feet, and goodness knows what Anabell was going through. She was probably still holding my dead body as I floated around this strange, dark place. seemed like the strange dark place was lighting up, and soon, I had to close my eyes from the brightness. When I opened them, I was standing a few feet from where I had inevitably died, though, my body wasn’t what I was focused on. I was focused on Anabell and Leviathan, who were both crying over my body, my form now in Leviathan’s arms as he cried, holding me close.
How was that possible? I was standing over here...and yet my body was all the way over there. Angels who died didn’t turn into ghosts. We were either reborn as a human, or as a flower in the Garden of Heaven. Yet, here I was. I wasn’t a screaming baby that was being born, nor was I some flower gently swaying against a soft breeze.
I glanced down, confirming that I indeed had arms and legs. Though, I was surprised to see that I was clothed in my clothes from Heaven, a sleeveless turtleneck shirt with turquoise bangles wrapped around my biceps and wrists. I even wore my comfortable white pants, my favorite boots on my feet. I raised my hands and felt for my hair, feeling the short strands as my brows furrowed deeply, disbelief flowing through me. How was this possible? Was I really reborn in my angelic form? Did this mean…
I glanced up as Anabell cried out, my...other body?...turning into white and gold rose petals, my old form completely disintegrating from Leviathan’s arms. His teary turquoise eyes then glanced up, the watery orbs widening as he stared at me in disbelief. “S...Sky?” He whispered, his voice hoarse.
Anabell glanced behind her, her emerald green eyes widening as Leviathan’s had, her mouth falling open in disbelief. She blinked, as if she couldn’t believe I was really there, as she slowly stood up, her brows furrowing in confusion. She blinked, glancing down at where my old form disappeared, before she looked back up, only taking a second as she slowly walked towards me. “This...this is impossible. This can’t be happening. Sky? Sky that really you?”
I glanced down at my hand before I looked back up, giving her a small nod. “I wanted to tell you, Anabell, I really did, but--oomph!”
I was interrupted when Anabell threw her arms around me, her face buried in my neck as she cried, her entire form shaking. Feeling the tears form into my own eyes, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight, gasping when she pulled away from me and pulled me into a kiss, her mouth molding against mine as she held my face. I subconsciously closed my eyes, enjoying the way her lips molded against mine, as if they were made for each other. When we pulled away, I went to apologize, only to gasp when her hand came across my face. I blinked, placing my own hand softly against the reddening cheek.
“You jerk! You made me think you were dead! And what the hell is going on? What are you wearing? Why the hell are you blonde? Holy shit, your eyes are gold! Are you really Sky, or did I just kiss some random dude. Someone tell me what the hell is going on before I lose my mind!” Anabell screeched, looking between Leviathan and I.
Leviathan ignored her and walked over to me, making me gasp when he pulled me tightly into his arms, his head resting on top of mine. “You scared the shit out of me, Sky. I...I thought you were really gone.”
I felt tears form in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall as I hugged Leviathan tightly, my head in his chest...since I was way shorter than him. We pulled apart and I glanced at Anabell, seeing the look of utter bewilderment on her face. “Anabell...I’m an angel. Leviathan and I both are. We were sent down here to protect Father’s Sword, since a war is going on. Um, I was disguised as a human...and...I wanted to tell you, I really, really did, but I wasn’t allowed to. And’re dragged into this war, and I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to drag this crap to you, and I hope you can accept my apology, or I might curl up and cry.”
Anabell stared at me in silence before she looked at her feet, bringing up a hand to place over her face. “Wait, wait, wait. You’re...angels? That’s impossible, though.”
“And yet you watched while Sky...or...well...Sky’s other body disintegrated into a pile of rose petals. Now how do you explain that?” Leviathan asked, shrugging innocently when Anabell shot him a glare.
“I know that, you dipshit. I’m...I’m just overwhelmed, is all. I need time to process this.” She looked at me, reaching out to take a pale strand of blonde hair between her fingers. “Wow. An angel. I kissed a freaking angel.” She was saying to herself, making me glance at Leviathan for help.
Leviathan raised his hands, taking a step back away from me. “Don’t look at me, I ain’t getting in between you and your little girlfriend, there.” He shook his head before crossing his arms over his chest. “Actually, we need to save this whole “oh look, here’s an angel” thing till after we get the Sword back.”
My eyes widened with realization, my heart dropping in fear. Oh god….Shane had the Sword! He was going to give it to Adam!
Suddenly sick to my stomach, I placed my hand over my mouth, taking a step back from Anabell. “Shane. Shane has the Sword. He’s the one that...that….he’s the one who killed me. Leviathan, we need to get that Sword.”
Leviathan nodded in understanding and cloaked himself so he was invisible to humans, only allowing Anabell to see. I cloaked myself as well, also cloaking Anabell before I watched Leviathan switch forms, his t-shirt and jeans changing into his sleeveless white and gold turtleneck, with white leather pants and large boots. He even unfolded his wings, the appendages extremely large, the feathers white with the tips silver. Mine were the opposite, smaller, and white with gold tips.
I let my wings unfold and smiled at Anabell’s wide eyed form, her mouth agape as she reached out to touch my wings, making me shiver from the gesture, my wings sensitive. Anabell watched my reaction with curious eyes, making me blush darkly as I averted my gaze, nibbling at my bottom lip.
Leviathan then cleared his throat, making Anabell and I look at him as he crossed his arms over his chest. “We need to hurry if we’re going to catch him. From what I can sense, he’s heading to Georgia.”  
My brows furrowed in confusion. “Georgia? Why there?”
“I’m not sure,” Leviathan admitted with a frown, his wings twitching, wanting to be used, “I’m assuming that one of Heaven’s portals is over there.”
“Portal?” Anabell inquired, looking between Leviathan and I.
Leviathan nodded, shifting his weight. “I’ll tell you on the way. Or, well, Sky will. The longer we stand here, the further Shane gets from us with the Sword.”
With that, he flapped his gargantuan wings, launching himself in the air as Anabell and I watched. Anabell’s mouth was agape when I looked at her, a smile forming on my face as I held out my left hand, watching her gaze drop. “Would you do me the honor and fly with me?”
Anabell grinned, grabbing ahold of my hand and biting her bottom lip as I drew her against me. “I would love to fly with you. Just, don’t drop me.”
I smiled and shyly pecked her on the lips, ignoring the way my cheeks turned crimson. “I won’t, I promise. Now, let’s go, shall we?”

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