Chapter Twenty-Six

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We ended up going to the mall, a giant building with three floors full of shops and restaurants. We parked near the building and made our way inside, careful to not bump into anyone on the way inside. It was packed full of people, not that I was surprised, since people liked to shop. I stuck close to Allen, my eyes darting around the place with curiosity. Where were we going? Were we getting clothes? Food? Supplies, or something?

I frowned, but said nothing as Allen pulled us into a store, this one smelling oddly of perfume. I looked around the pink walls, perfumes on display as well as scented bath oils. Why the heck would he take me here? It seemed rather strange that someone like him would go into a store meant for women. Perhaps he was buying something for Katelynn?

I furrowed my brows and followed Allen over to a display case holding a rather...expensive-looking bottle of perfume. The bottle itself looked as if it were made out of gold, a strange thing for something like perfume, and it was decorated in gemstones. I didn't know what gems they used for the decoration, but I knew that they were actually a very pretty color of teal. They weren't turquoise and were too bright to be sapphire. I admired the gems some more before I happened to glance up to see Allen staring at me. I blinked and raised an eyebrow, scrunching up my nose. " there something you need?" I asked, making him blink and shake his head.

"I just was watching you admire the Iliovasilema ston Okeano. The thing really is a beauty, isn't it?"

I just blinked at him and tilted my head. "The what?" I asked dumbly.

Allen gestured to the perfume that I had been looking at, then looked at me with icy blue eyes. "Iliovasilema ston Okeano. It means Sunset Ocean in Greek."

"You know Greek?" I set my hands on my hips to give him an impressed stare. How did he know Greek? Did he take that in school, or something? Wow, he was way smarter than I gave him credit for. Not that I thought he was dumb, or anything. Of course he was smart. Gah, now I sound like a meanie. I just didn't think he knew Greek. Spanish, or even French, maybe. But Greek? Do they even teach Greek in school?

Allen smirked and nodded, gently taking the perfume off of it's stand and spraying it in the air to take a sniff of it. "I am of Greek descent. Well, my grandmother was. She taught me how to speak my native tongue as I grew up. English was my second language, and then I learned French."

"Wow...that's amazing." I praised, the aroma of citrus and a faint hint of cinnamon wafting through my sense of smell. I raised my eyebrow and admired the perfume that Allen held in his hands. That actually smelled really good. Interesting combination, but somehow mixed perfectly. If I were a woman, I'd probably buy that.

Allen placed the perfume back on it's shelf, and walked over to another bottle labeled Nightlife. I watched as Allen sprayed the sample into the air and took a whiff of it, nodding to himself before he placed it back. He did that for a few more fragrances before he finally settled on one called The Night Stars and walked over to the register, nodding at a small petite girl with curly red hair. He purchased it and we walked out of the store before I finally decided to speak.

" did we get that? Is it for anyone?" I asked, a small blush forming on my cheeks when he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not getting it for myself, if that's what you were thinking."

My blush darkened and I held my hands out in front of myself, pulling my bottom lip in-between my teeth in a nervous habit. "I didn't say that! I I mean, this is a lady's store and all. And I don't think you're into all that...ah...girly stuff."

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