Chapter Ten

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(Sky's POV)

Flashing lights. Loud sirens. I couldn't comprehend what was even happening when I tiredly opened my eyes to flashing red and blue lights. I raised a tired hand to rub at my face, briefly wondering what was going on. Did something happen? Was there a criminal on the loose? The more I woke up, the more I began to notice the bad feeling in my gut. It felt constricting, as if the feeling had a hold on my heart.
Blinking myself further awake, I climbed out of my warm bed and walked over to the window, my heart dropping at the sight of two police cruisers sitting outside the house. My heart plummeted as I turned to race down the stairs, wondering if something bad had happened to Anabell.
Was she ok? Did something happen to her?
No, I deduced as I ran into the living room, catching sight of the brunette on the couch with two officers in front of her. She looked completely devastated, and it tore me apart inside to know that she was in such pain. As I walked further into the room, the bad feeling only intensified, making it hard to breathe. When Anabell caught sight of me, she choked on a sob and ran to me, squeezing me in a death grip as she sobbed into my shoulder. I could only wrap my hands around her as she sobbed, wandering what had happened.
“Dad,” was all Anabell could say through the tears, making my heart drop in fear.
What happened to him? Was he dead? Was that why the police was here? Did one of my siblings get to him? I needed to know!
I felt tears welling in my eyes for the man whom I gladly called my second father, my heart twisting painfully as I started crying, burying my face against Anabell’s head. He was dead, wasn't he? It was all my fault. If only I was there to protect him, none of this would have happened. If only….if only I never came here in the first place. None of this would be happening. All the families I had torn apart would be living happily, with not a care for the world. I did this. I inflicted so much pain and sorrow to the people I came in contact with. Perhaps I was better off on my own. It would hurt, since I have grown attached to Anabell and my friends….but it would be safer for them. I couldn't keep doing this to families.
“I'm sorry. We can only hope that the doctors can get him stabilized in the morning. We’ll catch whoever did this, I promise.” The male police officer said, immediately catching my attention.
Stabilizing him? Did that mean… “Bud’s alive?” I asked, surprised with how shaky my voice was.
This time, the woman nodded, making her brown curls bounce. “He's alive, but barely. It seems that someone tried to run him off the road. I'm only glad that Bronze here managed to find him.”
Bronze, the other officer, nodded, placing his hands in his pockets. “He was completely wrapped around one of them light poles bleeding out. I managed to get him out of the car and into an ambulance before the flames erupted.”
“But...he’s alive.” I breathed, watching as both police officers looked at each other and nodded.
“For now, yes.”
Thank goodness he wasn’t dead. If he was dead...I would be beyond devestated...I would be crushed. At least now, he had a fighting chance. If I could pray to Father...ask him for this one miracle...hopefully Bud would be able to live through this. And I could only hope that the one who caused him to go into the accident, will get the karma they deserve. I hope the guilt eats them up inside for harming such a kind, innocent man.
A few hours after the policemen left, Anabell and I were on the couch, Anabell in my arms. As much as I wanted to savor the moment of her body against mine...I was too preoccupied with my prayers to my father. I kept sending him prayers, one after the other, hoping that he was able to listen and work his miracle. That Bud will get out of this with only a few scratches. Anabell was sleeping deeply, her eyes closed and her dark lashes creating crescent shapes against her soft skin. She had fallen asleep an hour ago, crying herself to sleep as I sat unable to do nothing but hold her. She was taking this so hard. I mean, it was understandable, since she didn’t have anyone else here to comfort her. Her mother was in Hawaii, along with her twin brothers who had moved there a few months ago. The only person she had was her dad...well, and me, but that was besides the point. She probably was thinking that Bud was going to die, which my heart constricted tightly at. However...I wasn’t going to let him die. I was going to keep praying until Father was able to help. I mean, I was protecting him from being killed, surely he would help me out on this, right? I was keeping his sword of the most powerful swords, at that. I was also being chased by who knew what, nearly killed, beaten, locked in a basement, attacked by a demon. So what was one little miracle to him?
My eyes feeling heavy, I glanced up at the clock, only to wince at the time. It was about four in the morning, and I had only had a couple of hours of sleep. My gaze shifted to Anabell and I smiled gently, brushing a strand of chocolate colored hair out of her face. I should probably get her to her bed, I thought absentmindedly, standing up and gently picking her up in my arms. It was a bit difficult, seeing as she was almost as tall as I was, but I managed to get her up the stairs and to her room. I walked over to her bed and, balancing her bottom half on my knee, managed to pull the blankets back enough to lay her down. I placed her onto her bed, her hair cascading over her pink pillows, and pulled the blanket over her, tucking her in. As I was leaving, however, I felt her grab at my sleeve, stopping me in place.
“Please stay with me,” she said tiredly, her eyes bloodshot.
My heart began racing at the thought of sharing a bed with her, but I shoved those thoughts away as I remembered the dire situation. She didn’t want to be alone. I could understand that. So without hesitation, I nodded and climbed in on the other side of the bed, laying down on top of the blankets. My heart then nearly jumped out of my chest when she turned on her side and placed her head on my shoulder, her arm wrapping around my chest. I was sure she could hear how fast my heart was racing, and my face flamed as I wondered what she thought about that. Or well...nevermind. She was worried about her father. Right now I was the least of her worries.
I closed my eyes and breathed in her scent of lavender, the soothing aroma allowing me to fall back asleep.
When I woke up, I was laying on a warm, soft material. Too tired to worry about what I was laying on, I sleepily yawned and pressed myself closer to the warmth with the intention to go back to sleep. That is, until I heard Anabell screech, making me jump back so fast that I ended up landing on my face on the floor. I felt blood leaking down my nose, but I paid it no mind as I glanced up at Anabell, noticing the large crimson blush that was dashed over her face.
“What happened?” I asked, my brows furrowing as I reached up to cover my bloody nose.
“You! You were laying on my boobs!” Anabell yelled, pausing and yelping when she finally noticed my nose.
However...I didn’t really notice the blood dripping down my chin as I instead felt a giant blush rush to fill my cheeks. I had been laying...oh my gosh. Oh gosh. What? How did I end up laying...there? Of all places? I was so embarrassed that I hardly noticed when Anabell helped me stand up and walked with me to the bathroom. Only when I felt her tilting my head up, did I return back to the realm of the living.
“Anabell, I am so sorry. I didn’t know that I was…” I shook my head, feeling my blush return. “I’m sorry.”
Anabell smiled faintly and shrugged, the blush still on her cheeks as she pushed my head back. “It’s fine. Um...people move around in there sleep all the time. It’s no big deal, really.” She then got a sad glint in those emerald eyes, and it took all my willpower to remain still.
“I’m sure he’s ok. Bud’s a tough man, Anabell. I doubt he will let a simple car crash kill him.” I assured her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Anabell placed her hand over mine, both of us staring at each other until the sound of a phone made us look away. Anabell gave me an indistinguishable look before she left to answer the call. My heart clenched painfully and I let out a breath of air, closing my eyes. I was so head over heels for her, it was nearly suffocating. a good way. Anyway, I wonder who was calling. Was it the hospital? Was Bud alright? Or was he in a worse condition. Gosh I hope not.
I left the bathroom in search of Anabell, and found her by the stairs, a new...light in her eyes as she talked on the phone.
“And you’re sure? Thank god. Alright, I’ll be there. Can I bring a friend? Oh...relatives only? Damn. Ok. Thank you so much.” She hung up the phone and when she saw me, a smile split across her face, making my heart leap. “Sky! Dad’s ok! They say it was a miracle he survived. But he’s alive! Sadly they say only blood relatives can see him right now, which is completely stupid if you ask me, but if it’s ok with you, I’ll head over there to check up on him.”
So Father did answer my prayers. Thank you, Father. Thank you so much, I prayed, a smile falling onto my lips. I let out a breath of relief and walked down the stairs, pulling Anabell into a tight hug. “I’m so glad he’s ok. Gosh, I was so worried.”
“I was too,” Anabell muttered, burying her face against my neck. She then pulled away and rushed to grab her bag, uncaring that she was still only in her pajamas. “I’m going to see if Donna can take me over there to see him. You’ll be ok by yourself, right?”
I nodded, feeling disappointed that I couldn’t go, thanks to the weird hospital rules, but said nothing in protest as she hugged me once more before running out of the door. I stood there in silence, taking in a breath before I made my way to the kitchen, where I threw away the bloody wad of tissues. As I was doing so...a bad feeling crept up my spine, making me shiver as I glanced around the kitchen. When I saw nothing out of place, I frowned and turned back around, only to shout in pain as I was hit in the back of the head, my forehead slamming against the countertop so hard my vision went temporarily black. I then felt a soft hand on my face, hearing someone chuckle before they patted my cheek.
And with that, I blacked out completely.

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