Chapter Nineteen

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“Anabell, I need you to do something for Sky and me. What? Don’t give me that look! It’s serious, ok?” Leviathan was saying, his wings folded and his back against the headboard of the bed he was sitting on. His long legs were folded, his arms across his chest as he regarded the brunette on the other bed.
“And what, pray tell, do you need this time?” Anabell retorted, scrunching up her nose adorably.
Leviathan shrugged and briefly gestured to me, making Anabell glance at me curiously. “Angels like Sky and I have an ability to...shift forms. When I say shift forms, I mean to something more...I guess you would say...normal looking. For instance, my eyes glow naturally because I’m the Angel of Light. And since I’m in the mortal realm, I can only stay cloaked for a certain amount of time before I get drained. Another good example is Sky. His eyes are gold. Definitely not something you would see on a human. He’s also younger than me and since he was cloaking you as well as himself, I wouldn’t doubt if he would conk out any minute now.”
“Are you going anywhere with this? Or, you just talking nonsense to confuse me?”
Leviathan sighed and took out his credit card, tossing it over to Anabell, who caught it with a bewildered look on her face. “What I’m trying to say is, we need to shift to our other forms. But, if we do that, we’d both would be strutting around in our birthday suits. You’re probably fine with seeing Sky naked, but I would prefer to have clothes on. So, if you will, get Sky and I a change of clothes.”
“Please,” I tacked on, making Anabell look over at me, her emerald eyes softening. “I’m getting exhausted being in my celestial form while here. And if we’re going to get the sword back, I need to be fully replenished.”
Anabell sighed and pocketed Leviathan’s credit card, crossing her arms over her chest before she sent a look over at the older blonde. “If I do this...I get to tell Donna everything that happened.”
Leviathan narrowed his eyes, but finally relented, giving the brunette one stiff nod, making Anabell grin widely. She did a little fist bump in the air then skipped over to me, making me blush darkly as she pressed her lips against mine. When she pulled away, there was a smile on her face and an adorable twinkle in her eyes. She then waved at me with her fingers and stuck her tongue out at Leviathan before she left the room, making Leviathan sigh in relief.
“Gosh that woman is irritating. How she captured your heart, I will never know.”
I smiled and sat next to Leviathan on the bed, sitting crisscross with my back against the headboard. “She’s not that bad. You’re just not used to hanging around girls.”
Leviathan wrinkled his nose. “I dunno, Lightning acts so much like a woman it makes me question whether or not he’s got an innie or outie. Obsidian, too,” he muttered about my other siblings. “I do hang out with Ka’Lyn though, and he’s pretty damn feminine.”
“He’s androgynous, not female.” I pointed out with a yawn, already feeling the effects of my powers sapping. “Speaking of which, how’s he doing? He isn’t taking part in this pointless war, is he?”
Leviathan glanced at me, his eyes half closed with exhaustion. “Last I heard, he was still holed up in his home. He’s not really the violent type.”
I nodded in agreement, my mind wondering to my albino brother. Poor Ka’Lyn never really had too much company, thanks to him being the Angel of Solitude, but I knew that deep down he craved to have a friend. Leviathan and I were one of the few angels who bothered to even spend time with him. And he was probably feeling extremely alone now that this pointless war was going on, Heaven no longer peaceful. I doubted that anyone had visited him in a while thanks to Adam. Poor thing.
“He’s probably so alone without you or me to bug him,” I muttered, leaning my head back.
Leviathan shrugged, closing those turquoise eyes of his. “Probably. But you forget, Ka’Lyn is much tougher than he appears to be. He’s probably already knows the risk of anyone visiting him, and understands that he needs to lay low.” He opened his eyes and glanced at me. “You forget that he was trained by Father himself, so he’s extremely powerful.” He sighed and shifted towards me, glancing at me curiously. “Lonely brothers aside, what’s up with you and Anabell, huh? I didn’t peg you for the type to date dominant women.”
I scrunched up my nose and glanced at him from the corners of my eyes, briefly feeling the blush that dashed across my cheeks. “I mean...we’re not dating per say. And like I said earlier, she’s not bad, really. She’s actually really sweet and I like her so much.”
Leviathan gave me a sly smirk, making me look away in embarrassment. “I’ve never seen you this flustered over someone before. It’s utterly adorable. And as your older brother, I am obligated to tease you about your choice in women. Or...woman. I get to do that now, you know. So prepare for a lot of brotherly teasing.”
I groaned, pulling a pale hand down my face. “Why do you get to tease me? Can’t I tease you?”
“Nah. I don’t have a girlfriend. And little brothers don’t tease their older brothers. That’s the older brother’s job, thank you very much.” He then waved his hand in the air, glancing over at me. “So tell me, what about Anabell do you like the most?”
I smiled softly, my mind filled with the brunette beauty. “Her personality,” I admitted, feeling a blush form over my cheeks. “She’s so sweet and kind and just overall amazing. Plus, she’s very pretty, too. She likes to draw, and she’s really good at it, Leviathan. Like, almost as good as Ka’Lyn. Though, she prefers pencils over paint. She also likes the color purple, but, not because her middle name is Violet or anything. Oh, and she makes jewelry too. I told her she could start selling the stuff she makes, but she claims she’s not confident enough for it. Which is sad, ‘cause she’s really good at it too.”
“Sound’s like she’s got you by the balls, little bro.” Leviathan chuckled, making me blush darkly.
“She doesn’t have me by the...that spot. Why would you even say that? That’s gross!” I stammered, completely embarrassed.”
“What makes it gross? Oh come on Sky, you’re seven thousand years old. You should already know about all that crap.”
“I do, it’s just weird. And gross.”
Leviathan snorted. “Gross? It’s a natural part of life.”
“What, have you done it?”
Leviathan went strangely silent, those turquoise eyes staring at me. He then looked away and shrugged, making me quite curious about his reaction. “Anyway, I have no idea how we got to the topic of sex, but ah, your girlfriend’s taking quite a while.”
I frowned, glancing at the digital clock that sat to the side, my eyes widening when I realized that an hour had already passed since Anabell left. I hadn’t realized that so much time had passed, and I began wondering where Anabell could be. I mean, she probably had to call a cab in order to get to a store that sold clothes, not to mention she didn’t know Leviathan and my’s sizes. She was probably confused as to what to get.
Though, I couldn’t help but feel worried, especially since Shane was still on the loose, and none of us knew where he was.
However, my worry was for naught since Anabell finally came back, a couple of bags in her delicate arms. I got up to help her, despite the heavy draining feeling in my body for using up so much energy. I sat the bags on the table, surprised to see a bag of McDonalds in her arms, the aroma of fries and burgers wafting towards me, making my stomach grumble loudly. I blushed when Anabell laughed, giving me one of the bags and gesturing to the bathroom.
“There’s your clothes. Go change before you pass out on me.” She glanced over at Leviathan. “You too, shitstick.”
Leviathan rolled his eyes, a smirk on his lips as he stood up, running a hand through his short blonde locks. “The effection you spout to me is making me all hot inside. Keep it up Barbie.”
“Ew. Gross.” Anabell muttered, scrunching her nose up in distaste. “Only in your wildest dreams.”
Leviathan winked at her, making her roll her eyes before he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the bathroom so we could change. When the door was shut, I shifted my form, feeling the slight shift of color in my eyes. It also felt like a heavy weight was lifted off of my chest, allowing me to breathe easier. A quick glance to the mirror confirmed that my hair remained short and blonde, my eyes shifting from gold to a light blue.
I barely even spared my brother a glance as I sifted through the bag, pulling out a long sleeve black t-shirt and jeans, slipping them on. I was surprised to see that they fit quite snuggly, and I wondered how Anabell even knew my size. Maybe it’s because you lived with her for so long, I mused, glancing over at Leviathan to see that he was already dressed. Instead of the black shirt I wore, his was white and short sleeve, showing off his toned arms. His jeans were light-washed like mine, with a couple of rips by the knees.
I yawned, briefly pointing at the door. “You ready to eat?”
Leviathan nodded, adjusting his pants before he opened the door and walked out. I sat down at the small table, smiling when Anabell handed me a twenty pack of chicken nuggets, my mouth salivating for a taste of the chickeny goodness. Leviathan raised a brow, clearly amused as Anabell handed him a double cheeseburger.
“Chicken nuggets? Really?”
I shrugged, stuffing one into my mouth. “What? They’re good.”
“You know that’s not really chicken, right?”
“Is too chicken. Just...well…”
“Mutilated chicken?”
“Just hush and let me enjoy my dinner, ok?”
Leviathan smirked, finishing the last of his burger before he took a sip of his drink, slurping noisily, ignoring the small glare Anabell sent his way. We then lapsed into silence, eating our dinner in peace before we decided to call it a night.
My heart was beating erratically when I noticed that there was only two beds and three people, meaning that one of us had to share a bed. When I voiced this to Leviathan, he insisted that he have a bed to himself, so that Anabell and I could have “bonding time”. Pervert. As if I had enough courage to do something so intimate.
Though, after a few more minutes, Anabell agreed to share a bed with me, making me nearly faint with nervousness, even though we had shared a bed before, when Bud had gotten hurt. However, that didn’t stop my heart from going into overdrive, the little organ thumping against my chest so hard, I feared it may break free from it’s confines.
Yet, I was tired enough that after a second of laying rigid, Anabell behind me with an arm around my waist, I fell into the world of unconsciousness, charging up for what was to come tomorrow.

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