Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hours passed, and there was no sign or word from Leviathan. I was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to come back, or if he was maybe chasing Shane around somewhere. I wish he had taken me with him. I may have been young, but I could have helped, even if a little. Though, I couldn't help but feel like something bigger was going on, something that was making my gut clench in worry.
I sighed, glancing over to where Anabell sat by Donna, the raven finally having calmed down enough for Anabell to talk to. Anabell apologized for bringing up Donna’s past, and her best friend seemed to have forgiven her, judging by the way she laughed at something Anabell had said.
“So Sky,” Donna spoke, making me blink and glance over at her, curiously, “how are angels made? Sorry if this is a weird question, but I'm really curious. Are you born like us? From other angels?”
I smiled softly and shook my head, turning my body on the bed I was residing on so I could face her. “Not really. Our souls are created by Father-”
I nodded. “Yes. He creates our souls, and our vessels are formed in, what is known as, The Lake of Creation. It's a lake of life, basically. Our souls swim through the stream until our vessel is formed, and when it's formed, our souls jumps in and we are fished out by one of our siblings.”
“So basically a fish?” Anabell asked, getting up from her spot in order to sit by me, her emerald gaze lingering on me curiously.
I snorted, shaking my head at the absurdity of her question. “No, not like a fish. It''s a little hard to explain. The lake is more...magic, than water. A stream of magic, to be more specific. Each angel is given a specific vessel, and wing color. The wing color depends on either the type of angel, or the angel’s personality.”
Donna crossed one of her legs over the other, looking at me quizitively. “What color are your wings? Ooh! Can I see them? I bet they're so pretty!”
I blushed, embarrassed. “They're white and gold. And...well, they're a little to big to unfold in here. Not to mention, it takes a lot of energy to use them here. In Heaven, we're given an unlimited amount of energy, because our vessels are Heaven-made.'s a little different.”
“I bet that the reason they're white and gold is because you're so innocent, and care so much for others,” Anabell said, making me blush darkly as she kissed my cheek, making my heart race in my chest.
Donna “awed” at my reaction, making me all the more embarrassed as I tried hiding my face. Both girls giggled at that, and I felt Anabell’s arms wrap around my form as she laid her head on mine. I huffed, feeling like they were enjoying my bashfulness.
When they were done laughing, Donna continued with her questions regarding angels. “So, how many siblings do you have?”
I shrugged, pulling my knees up so I could fold my arms over them. “Technically? None of the angels are related. We just view one another as siblings. Though, I feel like Leviathan is more of a brother to me, than anyone else. I mean, he taught me how to read...basically everything I know.” I then frowned, the thought of Shane hurting Leviathan invading my mind. I hoped he was alright. That he wasn't hurt.
“That's so sweet! Speaking of your sexy brother, is he gay? ‘Cause he’s kind of giving me that vibe.”
I glanced at Donna, amused when Anabell gave her an exasperated look, to which the raven merely shrugged. “I'm not sure,” I admitted, thinking to my past, “he's never had any boyfriend the whole time I've known him. Girlfriend, either.”
Donna stood up to sit on the bed across from Anabell and I, crossing her legs as she stared at me intentively, as if Leviathan’s...well, sexuality, interested her. Which was weird, since she didn't really know him. It was also kind of weird that we were discussing it, too. I mean, he was my brother, so it was weird to be talking about whether or not he liked men or women.
“Angels are allowed to have relationships? I thought angels would be all ‘bout their purity.”
I tuned back into the real world when Donna spoke, her green eyes twinkling with curiosity. “Some of us do. Others like the companionship.”
“That's so amazing! And maybe Leviathan never told you of his sexual conquests. Maybe he was shy about it, or something.” Donna shrugged.
I shook my head. “No, Leviathan’s pretty much open about everything to me. He would have told me if he was interested in someone.”
“How many angels are there? And you said something about type of angel. What type are you?” Anabell was the one who asked, tilting her head enough to allow her gorgeous chocolate locks to fall over her slim shoulder.
I bit my bottom lip, turning my gaze from the beauty beside me so I could stare at the geometric patterns of the comforter. “I'm an archangel. More specifically, the Angel of Life. I'm in charge of anything living, really. Or...I would be if I were a little older. The original Angel of Life was killed, and I'm like her replacement.”
“What's Leviathan?”
I picked at a loose thread, and glanced up at Anabell. “He's the Angel of Light. Also an archangel. But, unlike me, he's an Original.”
Anabell frowned. “Original?”
I nodded, turning my body to face her, my heart racing as she stared at me with curious emerald eyes. “Well, I'm what's known as a Secondary, meaning I was born to replace a specific angel who had died. An Original...well, let me rephrase that whole thing. When Father first created Heaven, he created a batch of angels, we know as the Originals. There was one Original, I think his name was Titan, I don't really remember, who ended up killing a bunch of Originals. He was a psychopath, from what I read, and was the Angel of Calamity. He was thrown in the Lake of Fire for eternity, and Father tried creating more angels. That's where the Secondaries come in.”
“How many Originals are left?” Donna asked, leaning her elbow onto her knee so she could rest her head on her hand.
I paused to think about that. Michael was, of course, the first Original, or so I was taught. Then there was Ka’Lyn, who had been personally taught by Father. Then there was Adam and Titan, but technically Titan was spending the rest of time in damnation, so he didn't count anymore. And Leviathan. I had read that he had been the last of the Originals to be made, before Titan began his rampage. He had only been alive for a few days, or so I'm told. “Four.” I said, pausing to make sure before I nodded my head and glanced at Donna.
Donna whistled, eyes wide in disbelief as she ruffled her hair with her free hand. “Damn, really? That Titan dude must have been powerful as shit to take out so many of you guys.”
I shrugged, leaning back against the headboard. “He was basically destruction.”
Donna nodded, as if she understood, before she smacked her knees and stood up. “Well, I'm thirsty. Anyone want to come with me to get a couple of drinks?”
Anabell nodded and stood up. “Sure, I’ll go.” She turned to me. “Want to come with?”
I shook my head, giving her a little smile. “No. I'm going to wait here for Leviathan. Hopefully he comes back soon.”
Anabell nodded. “Yeah, I'm actually worried too. When he came back earlier? He looked like he been through shit.”
“No, it looked like he had been thoroughly fucked. What's with the looks? His skin was flushed, his lips were's kind of why I was asking you about his sexuality. I even saw that he walked with a slight limp, which was also why I thought that maybe he was gay.”
I frowned, my brows furrowing together. “But...when Anabell tried to touch him, he looked...well...he looked terrified.”
Donna shrugged, shoving her hands into her pockets. “I may be wrong, who knows? I'm not the daughter of a cop, so I could be bullshitting you.”
Anabell rolled her eyes at her best friend before she leaned down and kissed me, making me blush darkly when her tongue brushed passed my lips, rubbing against mine before she pulled away and dragged Donna to the door. “What kind of drink do you want?”
I blinked, crimson still dashed over my cheeks from the bold kiss. “Um...tea is fine.”
Anabell nodded and both girls left, leaving me in silence. I sighed, pursing my lips as I leaned back, glancing up at the boring white ceiling. A clock ticked somewhere by me, letting me know the seconds that passed with Leviathan’s absence. I was getting beyond worried. I mean...he should be ok, right? He was an Original. Shane wasn't, which meant that he should be able to easily subdue the redheaded angel if need be. I just couldn't help but worry, since he was my closest brother.
I stood up, walking over to the window to glance outside, the sun now dipping behind the cover of the horizon, casting the sky in orange hues. People walked to, and fro, and cars passed by. Everything seemed so normal, so mundane. But I knew better. There was a war going on. One with stakes far greater than anything a human could handle. What would it be like to live as a human? Would my life had been as boring as theirs? Would I have spent my life going to school, then working to provide for a family? I have always wondered that, even when I was much younger.
I pursed my lips, scratching the back of my neck, only to freeze when I heard one of the floorboards creak. With a racing heart, I whipped around, tensing when I caught sight of a certain redhead sitting at the small table, his arms folded over his chest. “Shane,” I whispered, fearing for the worst.

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