Chapter Five

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(Sky’s POV)

I didn’t know what it was, but it seemed like Anabell was avoiding me, for some reason. For instance, today when I went to ask her if she wanted some bacon for breakfast, she acted like I didn’t exist, walking past me as if I wasn’t even there. And that wasn’t it, either. I tried approaching her in school today and she steered in the other direction. Was she angry that I asked Sarah to go to prom with me?

Why would she be angry? It’s not like she said yes to the most popular guy in school, or anything. What did she have to be angry at me about? She was going with Cody, and I was going with Sarah. There wasn’t really anything too complicated to comprehend, was there?

I didn’t get it, but then again I didn’t know anything about human women. Sure, I studied a few books while I was in Heaven, but none of them were centered around what a woman feels, or might think in a certain situation. So what did I know? Besides…if she didn’t like me in that way, then I should at least try to find company in another woman. I shouldn’t try investing my heart to a woman who didn’t feel the same way as me, right? My brother had told me something along those lines. Something like; you’ll only shatter if you invest your heart to a woman who is only going to play you. Or…something like that.

And thinking about my brother made my heart drop and my eyes water. I hadn’t thought about him in so long, that I felt like I was reliving his betrayal from just the memory of him.

I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. I shouldn’t be thinking about him now, of all times. I needed to deter my thoughts from him, or I would end up being a crying mess. I should think about something different. Like…I should probably tell Bud that I needed a suit and tie to wear to prom. Yeah…that.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and sat up straighter on my bed. It was about one o’clock, the sun illuminating my room in a warm glow. I glanced over to the window, my curtains tied away to let the sunlight in, and stared at the bright blue sky above. A bright fluffy white cloud passed by the sun and I took this moment to get my butt out of bed. I ran my fingers through my loose hair, the sword securely attached to my right wrist, and walked over to my dresser where I pulled out a clean shirt and pants. I stripped, letting my pajamas hit the carpeted floor, and pulled the clean clothes on before I made my way to the kitchen.

My heart leapt in my throat, however, when I caught sight of Anabell munching on an apple. Her long cocoa colored hair was pulled over her shoulder in a light braid, and her eyes were outlined in a light pink eyeshadow, making her green eyes pop. She wore a tank top and jean shorts that showed off her long legs. I blushed and cleared my throat, making Anabell look up as I made my way over to the fridge, opening it and staring into it to appear nonchalant.

Catching sight of the leftover food from last night, I grabbed it and closed the fridge door, trying my best to not let my eyes trail over to the beauty next to me. I made a move to heat the food up when Anabell cleared her throat, making me glance up at her curiously.

“Prom is in a couple of days,” she spoke, without even looking at me. “You should probably let Dad know to get you a suit.”

I frowned and lowered my gaze, subtly wondering why Anabell was speaking to me now, after avoiding me for a couple of days. However, I didn’t say anything to that, only nodded and placed the Tupperware into the microwave. “I know. I was going to ask him after I ate something.”

“Do you know what color Sarah’s going to wear? If you’re going together, you need to match.”

I blinked, risking a glance back at Anabell. She had stopped eating her apple, the red fruit clenched tightly in her hand. Match? I didn’t know you had to match with your date when going to prom. In that case…crap.

How was I supposed to get a suit if I didn’t know what color Sarah was going to wear?

“It’s gold. Her dress, I mean.”

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to face Anabell, who had put the apple down onto the counter, her emerald gaze now on me. “How do you know?” I asked curiously, leaning back against the counter. My brain barely even registered the microwave going off, letting me know my food was done. It was like the room around us just disappeared, leaving just her and me. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of the beauty in front of me, her arms now crossed firmly over her chest as she looked at me with a look of boredom on her flawless face.

“She told me. She wanted me to let you know so you knew what tie color to wear.”

Well, that most definitely made it easier, I thought absentmindedly, my eyes trailing over the dips and curves of Anabell’s face. I shifted my weight, lowering my gaze to the floor, and crossed my arms over my chest. “Thanks for telling me. It’ll now be easier to match her, I guess.”


And with that, Anabell left me in the kitchen. I was confused, and so very irritated that she was still trying to avoid me. Oh sure, we talked for a tiny bit, but half the conversation she wasn’t even looking at me. I mean, what the heck was her problem? I didn’t even do anything to her and she was treating me like crap. Was she on that time of month? I did hear that during that time a woman’s hormones were all over the place, so was that why she was acting like this?

Or was it something else, and I needed to read in between the lines to see it?

I shook my head and turned around, taking my lunch out of the microwave and throwing it on the counter with a gasp. Ow! That was hot! Wincing, I glanced down at my hand, seeing that the skin was now a slight red color. I glanced back at the food on the counter and sighed, wiping my uninjured hand down my face.

Was it bad that I was getting tired of being here? On Earth? Don’t get me wrong, there was a crap-load of nice people, and school was actually kind of fun for me. It was just…I didn’t like all of the new emotions that came with being down here. When I was in Heaven, everything seemed so much simpler. I didn’t have to worry about what a certain girl was thinking, or worry about all the things I was doing wrong down here. It was so much easier up there, and it made me homesick to even think about it.

I glanced at the sword on my wrist, tracing the snowflake like designs with a heavy heart. What I wouldn’t give to go back home. I sighed, dropping my hands down to my side before I walked over and hesitantly touched the Tupperware with my food. When I deemed it cooled off, I picked it up and grabbed a fork before I began gulfing it down, my stomach grumbling with pleasure as it was finally filled.

When I was finished eating, I was in the process of washing the Tupperware out when Bud walked into the kitchen, his brown eyes tired as he threw his jacket on one of the stools.

“Hi Bud. How was work?” I asked, placing the clean dish into the drying rack.

I watched as Bud walked over to the fridge and snatched out a bottle of water, gulping half of it down in only seconds. He lowered the bottle and sighed, leaning against the fridge.

“Stressful,” he answered, crossing his arms over his chest. “Sadly, I’m only on break. I have to go back to the station in about thirty minutes.”

My lips thinned and I crossed my legs at the ankle. “That sucks.” We sat there in silence before an idea popped into my head. He was on break…and I needed a suit. This was the perfect time to ask him if he was willing to take me to the store to get one. I cleared my throat, rubbing the palms of my hands onto my thighs before I risked a glance at Bud, who was staring at me curiously with brown eyes. I licked my lips and turned towards him. “Um, can I ask you something?”

Bud raised an eyebrow, but nodded. “Sure, what is it?”

I rubbed the inside of my wrist and shifted my weight. “Well, prom is in a couple of days…and I still have yet to get a suit. You’re on break, so…um…do you think we could head out and get one?” I lowered my gaze, for some reason embarrassed.

When I heard a chuckle, I quickly glanced up, jumping when a heavy hand landed on my head, ruffling my dark locks. “You need a suit, huh? Well I don’t see why we can’t get one right now.”

I felt a small grateful blush form over my cheeks as I smiled. “Thank you, Bud.”

Bud smiled and patted me on the back, gesturing for me to follow him. “Sure thing, kiddo.”

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