Chapter Eighteen

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"I didn't know you were coming to this school," Anabell was saying, about fifteen minutes into class.

I blushed, jotting the notes down in my notebook, before looking at Anabell. Gosh...she was so beautiful. I swear, she could even put Aphrodite to shame, and that's saying something. I averted my gaze shyly and began doodling in my notebook. "Ah, yea. enrolled on Friday."

Anabell leaned her head on her hand, tilting her head to stare at me with those gorgeous green eyes. "Oh really? So, you're already staying somewhere then? Who are your foster parents?" She asked, glancing up at the board briefly before she looked back at me.

I set my pencil down and turned towards her, resting my hands in my arms. "Well, right now I'm staying with Katelynn and Allen Jones."

Anabell's eyes widened. "You mean, Lucus' parents?"

I furrowed my brows and pursed my lips. "You know Lucus?" My eyes briefly passed her to where Lucus was sitting, head resting in his arms as he slept. I trailed my attention back to Anabell...who...blushed.

"Yea, I actually have a small crush on him."

My heart sank and I lowered my gaze. Of course she liked someone else...she barely even knew me. Though, it still kind of hurt knowing she liked someone else. And why Lucus? He was rude, inconsiderate, and just...mean. She was nice, pretty, smart, and could she possibly like someone like Lucus? I nibbled at my bottom lip, sending a fake smile at Anabell before I turned back to listen to the teacher.

What did Lucus have, that I didn't?

I mean...sure, he was good-looking, but surely his rudeness would contradict that beauty. Was it the way he spoke? I sure hope not...that boy often used cuss words, words in which I was not a fan of using. Was it his piercings? Personally, I just found them strange, but that was just me. I mean, why the heck would you want to stick needles in yourself to wear jewelry? It just didn't make sense to me. Not to mention, it must hurt. I'll have to ask Lightning if his piercings hurt, since he has so many. I mean, not too many, but just enough for it to be not normal. Maybe.

I mentally shook my head and thought back to the matter at hand. Right. Anabell likes Lucus for some strange reason, I cannot fathom. Maybe she liked his dyed hair? I frowned, and subconsciously began twirling around a strand of my own obsidian locks. Why the heck would she like that? What was wrong with natural colors? I began chewing on the inside of my cheek as I thought, my eyes briefly trailing over to Lucus, who was still out cold on his desk.

Did she like his 'bad boy' attitude? I mean...I don't mean to brag, but I can be bad. I remember deliberately being late for one of my training sessions with my older brother, just to tick him off. And I usually was never late. Heck, I was almost arrested the first night coming here for indecent exposure. Well...if Bud hadn't have been nice and took me in...I surely would have been thrown in jail. So, surely that was...what were the kids using these days? Hot? Yea...surely that was 'hot' in her book.

I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands, earning a curious look from Anabell, in which I swiftly ignored.

Gah, what was it?

Was it because I was short? I mean...I couldn't help it! Though, on that I think about it...five foot seven wasn't too short here. I mean, I saw a few guys shorter than me in this school. Maybe I wasn't too short here after all.

Maybe it's because she known him longer, my subconscious spoke, making me frown and sigh in defeat.

Of course...that had to be it. She knew him longer than she knew me. In her eyes, I was just some dude her dad brought home one night. I leaned my head in my hands, my eyes glazed over in thought. Ugh...she's so way out of my league, especially if I'm against Lucus. I'm sure she would pick Lucus over me, anyday.

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