Chapter Twenty-One

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"Wakey, wakey."

I moaned quietly when I felt someone lightly shake my shoulder, my eyes heavy and laced with sleep. I didn't want to get up. I was too comfortable. With that in mind, I tightened my grip on my blanket and turned away from Lucus, who continued to shake me.

"Come on, dude. Get up. It's twelve-thirty. We have stuff to do, people to hang out with." Lucus said, making me wrinkle my nose and shift to where I was laying on my back.

I peeked open one of my eyes and stared at Lucus, who, from this angle, appeared to me upsidedown. I frowned and pursed my lips, yawning as I sat up and scratched the top of my head. "It's already twelve-thirty?" I asked tiredly, glancing over to the clock to see that, it was indeed, twelve-thirty. I sighed and rubbed at my eyes, my back popping as I stretched, bones creaking at the action. I yawned once more before I stood up, wobbling for a moment, before I caught my balance and began heading towards the bathroom. Lucus followed beside me, his hair neatly brushed to the side, nearly covering his left eye.

"So, Kaya was messaging me and wondering where we would like to meet them. I said something about Barry's Arcade, and she said that it was fine. Anabell and Charlie are going to be there, too."

I frowned at the mention of Kaya, the pink-haired girl that Lucus seemed to have a crush on. I'll be honest...she striked me as weird when I met her. She kept giving me these...'looks' that were borderline creepy. That was why I tended to steer clear of her whenever we hung out, and I usually would stick with Charlie, or even Anabell whenever they decided to tag along. Unless it was Drake, Alice or Sarah that decided to join. Then it was them that I tended to stick by. And I guess Lucus knew of my distaste for Kaya, for he usually took her away from me to the park, or to one of the shops that were opened. So, I secretly thanked him for that.

I walked to the bathroom, pausing at the door to blink at Lucus, who smiled back at me and tilted his head. "I have to pee." I stated, watching as he blinked and nodded, before he stepped away from the door.

He pointed to the bedroom, and began inching towards it. "I'll be in there waiting for you. Oh! And today is supposed to be warm today. Weird, right? It's like...January now." He scrunched up his nose and walked into his bedroom, giving me privacy.

I closed the door and used the bathroom, flushing the toilet and washing my hands when I was done. I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face, the coolness of the liquid soothing to me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, furrowing my eyebrows when I didn't feel the sword there. My heart began racing and I frantically began looking around the bathroom in search of it. Where was it? Where did I put it? This is bad...this is very bad. I grabbed the edges of the bathroom counter, and stared into my blue eyes. Ok. I have to backtrack a little. What was I doing last night that resulted in me taking it off? Wait. No. It wasn't me that took it off. It was Lucus! He took it off to mess with my hair, I remember that!

I tore open the door and rushed to Lucus' room, seeing him look up at me surprised, shirtless, and in the process of putting on a shirt. I rushed over to the table by the couch, sighing in relief as I caught sight of the hairpiece under the table. I scooped down to pick it up, the metal cold against my fingers, and I reached behind me to clip it back into my hair. I felt instantly better, and let out a breath of relief. I glanced up at Lucus to see that he was staring at me with a raised eyebrow, the shirt he had paused in putting on, hooked around his elbows. I blushed and averted my gaze shyly, tucking a strand of my bangs behind my ear.

"Sorry for barging in, I thought I had lost this." I said, briefly pointing to the sword cuff in my hair.

Lucus finished putting on his shirt, pulling on a red plaid button up to go with it, and turned towards me, sitting on his bed and reaching to put on his converses. "Is that important, or something?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

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