Chapter Thirty-Eight

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(Bud’ POV)

“I’m glad we got that guy. The bastard has been avoiding us for too long.”

I said nothing at that as I pulled into the Station’s parking lot. My partner, Jones Appricot, sat next to me with a goofy grin on his aging features. I grabbed my coffee and stepped out of the car, Jones doing the same thing.

“Well, we caught him and that’s all that matters,” I said, opening the back door and grabbing out our suspect. Erin Black was a dangerous man, leader to a gang known as the Shadows. He murdered hundreds of women, raped just as much, and had been harboring millions of dollars out of the country. We only caught him after an anonymous person gave us his whereabouts. We caught him trying to off another gang leader, getting him just in time to save the other guy.

I grabbed the criminal’s upper arm and dragged him into the station where he was dragged off by a couple of my colleagues. I walked over to my desk and sat down, getting comfortable in my seat when my phone rang. I dug it out of my pocket and touched the screen, placing the device near my ear. “Hello?” I asked, setting my cup of coffee onto my desk.

“Hey Dad,” Anabell answered on the other line. “Can I ask you to do something for me?”

My brows furrowed and I leaned back in my seat, a frown making its way onto my face. “Sure sweetie…what do you need?”

I heard her sigh on the other line and worry began to make its way onto my features as I listened to her breathe. “Was Sky enrolled into another school? Cause he hasn’t shown up here for nearly a month now.”

I pursed my lips at the mention of the boy I had helped off of the streets, a young man with such innocence about him. I clicked my pen and began hitting it on my desk, my eyes trailing over to my drink, though I wasn’t really craving it at the moment. “A whole month, huh? That’s strange.” I pinched the bridge of my nose and moved closer to my computer. I typed in my password and brought up a search engine that could potentially find anyone’s whereabouts in the whole world. “What was Sky’s full name again?” I asked, my fingers hovering over the keyboards.

“Um…I think it was Skylar Callihan. At least, that’s what I remember his schedule saying. I don’t know his middle name, though. I’m sorry Dad.”

I sighed but typed in the name, making sure to search only in this area, and about twenty different results popped up. I made sure to make the search for male, and fifteen of those names disappeared. I looked at the names and studied their pictures, but none of them even resembled the raven that I had met.

Frowning, I searched the school roster, and one Skylar Callihan came up. I clicked on the name, and sure enough, that was our Sky. It was strange, though, for it said he was still enrolled in this school. My brows furrowed and I looked to see if Sky had been attending his therapy sessions. What I saw, made my heart quicken. He hadn’t even went to one scheduled session at all this month.

Just what the hell was he doing?
I had to look for Sky myself, it seems. Perhaps he will give me a reason why he hasn’t been attending his school, or his sessions. I balanced my phone on my shoulder as I stood to grab my jacket. “Anabell, I’m heading over to Henry’s house. I’ll probably be a while.”

I heard Anabell sigh over the phone. “Alright, Dad. Please tell me if he’s ok.” She requested.

I nodded, having a sneaking suspicion that she was crushing on the boy, and said my goodbye, hanging up the phone and placing it in my pocket before I left. Once I got to the place, the house looked very ordinary compared to the other luxurious homes. Pulling up into the driveway, I parked and got out of the car, heading up the porch steps to the front door. I knocked, my eyes scanning around before they snapped to the man in front of me as the door was opened.

Henry looked at me suspiciously before He walked out of his house and closed the door behind him. “Can I help you, Mr. Snow?” He asked, shoving his hands into his pants pockets.

I nodded, running my hand through my hair. “Where is Sky, if I may ask?”

I saw Henry’s eyebrow twitch, making me frown further. He shrugged and leaned against the side of the door, eyeing me with those cold grey eyes. “He’s in school, at the moment. As all my children are.”

“Really? And what school are they attending?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Wilmington High. And Wilmington middle for my daughters.”

“Really? Because I have word that Sky hasn’t been in school from nearly a month. Aside from that, he hasn’t even been to one session with his therapist. Care to tell me why that is?” I saw Henry immediately throw his guard up, making me worry.

“I don’t know who told you that, but I assure you Sky is taking his classes and is going to each and every one of his sessions.”

“So, if I call his therapist right now, she will confirm this?” I asked.

Henry scoffed and straightened his pose, almost going into a defensive stance. “Of course she will. I can get her number for you if you wish.”

I nodded and watched as he walked inside, leaving me out on the porch. I couldn’t help but have this feeling of dread. I just hope that Sky wasn’t in trouble. That boy has already been through too much in the time he was in foster care. I don’t want anything to be happening to him. I might not admit it aloud, but I was starting to actually like the kid. He was actually more mature then the teenagers of this day and age, and that impressed me. Hell, he was even more mature than my little Anabell, though I would never tell my baby that.

I snapped out of my thoughts just as Henry came out of the door with a piece of yellow paper. He handed it to me and crossed his arms over his chest, giving me a look that said “go ahead”. I frowned and took out my phone, typing in the number that was provided before putting the phone to my ear. I kept my eyes on Henry for a few more seconds, before I turned and headed down the steps.

However…I got a tingle up my spine indicating that someone was behind me, ready to attack. I didn’t get enough time to turn, though, before I was hit in the head with something heavy and blacked out, falling to the grass below.

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