Chapter Fifteen

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(Dominick’s POV)

“I cannot believe you let him go! Are you really that incompetent?!” I yelled, waving my hands around, fed up with the woman that stood in front of me.
Said woman crossed her arms over her chest, assessing me with crimson colored eyes. “It’s not my fault one of your angels showed up and blasted me away. What else was I supposed to do?!”
I took a breath, wiping my hands down my face as Shane sat off to the side, watching the scene unfold, quietly. “What did he look like?” The redhead asked, raising a red brow.
Kyomini shrugged, glancing at her black painted nails. “Blonde. Tall. Tanned skin.”
“Leviathan…” Shane muttered, looking at the ground.
I frowned, my golden eyes narrowing. Leviathan was one of the last Originals born before Titan massacred most of them, leaving only a few Originals left. All the other angels, like myself, were of the Secondary Batch, created after the reign of Titan, the Angel of Calamity. To know that there was another Original other than Adam in this war, made me extremely weary, especially since Originals were exceedingly powerful. Even if Leviathan was the youngest Original, he was still powerful, and knowing he was involved put a damper on my mood.
I glanced up at Kyomini, making the raven look at me curiously. “How injured is Sky?”
Kyomini smirked, placing her hands onto her hips. “Very injured. Though, I was just at the point of getting him to scream when that bastard stopped me.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust, moving her arms and crossing them over her bountiful chest, purposely pushing up her breasts.
I completely ignored the gesture, crossing my own arms over my chest as I leaned against the wall. “Well, if Leviathan is with him, it will be much easier to track him down, since Leviathan still had his powerful celestial force with him. With Sky, it had been much harder to track him since he was now human...however...despite that, it was quite beneficial to us since Sky was now mortal, making him easier to kill.
I kicked away from the wall, my eyes zeroing in on Kyomini. “We can sense for Leviathan in order to find Sky. Leave Sky to me. Anyone who gets in your way...kill them. Human, or not.”
Kyomini smirked and nodded before she disappeared in a spiral of black smoke, leaving only Shane and me. Shane glanced at me with dark blue eyes. “You sure we can trust her? Especially after she let Sky go?”
I turned towards him. “It doesn’t matter if we trust her or not. She’s a powerful asset at the moment, and if Adam trusts her...we can tolerate her.”
Shane nodded, pulling his long red hair up into a ponytail. “So, what’s the plan for us?”
I sat down at the dining room table, folding one of my legs over the other. “We wait for Kyomini to find Leviathan. Since Leviathan saved Sky, he must still be around him, which means Sky isn’t far from him. I will take care of Sky. You try to subdue Leviathan if you can.”
“He’ll annihilate me,” Shane frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at me. “I’m not powerful enough to take him on.”
“Well, you’re going to have to try, since Sky is mine.” I stood up, cracking my neck before I grabbed a water out of the fridge, my planning having made me parched. I guzzled the cool liquid, sighing in relief.
After that, we waited for two whole hours before Kyomini finally returned, a triumph smile on her face as she folded her arms in front of her, tilting her head so that her raven hair fell over her shoulder. “Found him! The best part? He’s not too far from here. Only a few blocks away, in fact. It’s cute that he thinks he can hide amongst humans.”
“That was Father’s plan,” I muttered, grabbing my blade and tucking it away. “Well? Let’s go get the damn Sword so I can go home already.”
We then teleported as a group to Sky’s location. When we arrived, I paused to grimace at the cliche white house we were in front of. I could definitely sense Leviathan inside, his celestial force a heavy weight on my shoulders. It was a nearly suffocating weight that made me want to get this done and over with. I glanced at Kyomini and Shane, who both stood behind me, staring at the house. “You both stay out here. If anything goes wrong, only then can you interfere.”
I walked away before they could answer me, my eyes trailing across the windows. I didn’t see Sky on the lower level, however, I caught sight of Leviathan asleep on a black couch, a human girl sitting off to the side as she read a magazine. I scrunched up my nose in distaste. Hopefully that bitch wouldn’t hear anything. Leviathan as well.
I glanced up, cloaking myself from the humans before I let my wings unfold, the feathers completely white, unstained by the tainted world around them. I flew up onto the roof before I continued glancing into the windows, hoping that I could find Sky. I was about to give up and kill Kyomini for lying to me, when I saw it. Sky was huddled under bright blue blankets, his eyes closed, and a hand grabbing at his pillow. I smiled sadistically, using magic to silently open the window. Once it was open, I climbed inside, careful to not make any noise. Once I was in, Sky shifted, making me walk back into the shadows of the room, my cloak still up as he tiredly opened his eyes.
Once a bright gold, his eyes were now a light blue, his hair black instead of blonde. His hair was also much longer, nearly hitting the small of his back with the length. He looked so much like a female, it was disgusting.
I watched as his brow furrowed, those baby blues glancing around the room until they landed on his window, a frown forming on his face. He briefly glanced at the bedroom door before he sighed and slowly sat up, making me raise an eyebrow at the sight of his chest heavily bandaged. Kyomini really did torture the shit out of him. I almost felt bad for the bastard. Almost.
I watched him walk over to his window with care, waiting silently as he closed the window, his eyes cautiously searching outside. Hopefully Kyomini and Shane weren’t stupid enough to remain in plain view. If they were smart, they would have waited until I called for them.
Sky nibbled at his bottom lip, his eyes remaining at the window. I smirked, allowing my cloak to drop as I locked the door, making Sky stiffen and whip around, his eyes as wide as saucers.
“Hello, Sky.” I said, smiling evily when I saw him gulp. “Did you miss me?”
“Dominick…” He whispered, backing up until his back hit the window. “ don’t have to do this. You can join Father’s side. Adam is only doing this for himself, and I know you know that.”
I snorted, making Sky gulp again as I walked closer to him, making him back further up into the window. “Do you really think I care what you think? Or what that snot nosed brat thinks? I don’t give a fuck what either of you say, or want...I just want to shed some blood.”
“But, Dominick...I...I never did anything to you! Please!” Sky winced, placing a hand on his stomach as a small bit of blood seeped through his shirt. He probably opened one of the stitches by moving around too much, though I didn’t really care. “You’re the Angel of Purity! Surely shedding blood isn’t who you are.”
“Please, shedding blood is exactly who I am. And I may be the Angel of Purity, but I assure you...I am anything but pure. Now be a nice boy and stand still while I cut out your heart.”
Sky’s eyes widened and he bolted for the door, making me act fast as I grabbed his ankle, making him slam into the floor. I began dragging him towards me when I winced, his foot connecting with my gut, making me let him go. He ran towards the door again, ignoring the fact that his stitches were now open, soaking his shirt in blood. I growled and teleported in front of him, making him slam into me before I grabbed him and threw him across the room. He ended up slamming into the wall, his breath leaving him in gasps as he cupped his stomach, a bead of blood falling from between his lips.
I cracked my neck, making my way towards him, his eyes wide as he tried backing away from me, whimpering when I grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him up to my face. “I can’t fathom why Father chose such a weak, weak creature to protect his precious Sword. A stupid decision on his part. No worry, the Sword will be in the hands of someone more worthy after I’m done with you.”
“ far from worthy.” Sky managed, blood dripping from between his lips as he weakly grabbed at my wrists.
I smirked, watching Sky’s expression drop. “What makes you think I’m going to give the sword to Adam? Just because he’s the supposed boss? Ha. You’re more naive than I thought.”
Sky glared at me, such defiance in eyes so soft. “I am not naive!” I gasped as he rammed his elbow into the window behind him, causing it to shatter with our weight, throwing us outside, glass raining around us as we fell to the ground below.

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