Chapter Twenty-Five

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Warning: Touchy subject is mentioned in this chapter. (Just letting ya'll know)

“Shane,” I whispered, my heart beating so fast in my chest, it made me feel like I was having a heart attack.
The redhead only stared at me with clear blue eyes, his long red hair pulled back. He wore nothing more than a t-shirt and jeans, a black jacket placed onto the table. He stared at me for the longest time before he spoke, making me tense even further. “Sky.”
I gulped, the memory of him sliding his blade into my back, coming into the forefront of my mind, making my heart race in fear as sweat began forming on my brow. Why was he here? Was he here to kill me again? What about Leviathan? Had he met up with him? Was he hurt? What the heck was going on?
“No need to worry. Leviathan really does give a whole new meaning to the term, “dumb blonde”. Though, I can't really blame him. I'm actually here to resolve something.”
My eyes widened as he tossed me something, disbelief flooding through me when I stared at the Sword in my hands, still in cuff form. I raised my gaze back to Shane, watching him lean back in his seat, those dark blue eyes studying me. I looked back down at the Sword, so many questions forming in my head. “Why…?”
“Why am I giving you the Sword back?” Shane retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. “It's because I'm on your side.”
“My side? You stabbed me! Killed me! How could you possibly be on my side?”
Shane stood up, making me tense as he walked closer to me, surprising me when he winced. “It was a precaution. Adam was becoming suspicious of my alliance, and Father knew you would come back-”
“Father? Wait, are you-”
“Yes. I working undercover for him in order to gain intel on Adam’s side of things. I feel rather guilty that we had to get Adam off my back in such a manor, and I apologize sincerely, for hurting you.”
I gulped, leaning against the wall next to the window, completely at...odds with the current situation. Shane...was on my side? Undercover for Father this entire time? I guess it made sense. Adam’s forces were getting stronger by the day, and what better way to figure out their next move other than sending in a spy? But that meant that Leviathan was out there looking for an ally, not knowing that Shane was on our side.
“We have to tell Leviathan. If you're working with us, then we could-”
“No. We can't do that.”
I frowned, a bad feeling forming in my gut. “Why not? He's helping us too.”
Shane glanced at me, a sad glint in his eyes. “Leviathan is working for Adam, Sky. I'm sorry you had to find out in such a way, but it seemed that Adam was thinking along the same lines as Father, with the whole spy thing. Leviathan was only sent here to get the Sword, and maybe to get information on Father's next move.”
I felt like a block was crushing my lungs, my eyes immediately filling with tears at the thought that brother had….had lied to me. Made me think that he was on my side helping me...when in actuality….he had been working for Adam. I felt like my heart was ripping in two as I slid down the wall, to the floor, the world around me seeming to squeeze the air out of my lungs. Leviathan lied to me. He...he lied right to my face. When did he become hateful? Why would he even work with Adam in the first place?
I barely registered Shane kneeling by me, a frown on his lips as his brows tilted up. “He's not doing it by choice, Sky. Adam has him by a leash. He threatened the one thing that meant something to him, and that's why he's working with him.”
I glanced up tearfully, my heart constricting in my chest at the realization. “Me.”
Shane nodded, placing an awkward hand on my shoulder, as if he didn't quite know how to comfort me. “Adam has threatened your life if Leviathan didn't comply. What Leviathan doesn't understand is that Adam is gunning for you, regardless. He already has plans to kill you, despite the deal he made with him. I've also heard...rumors. Bad rumors of Adam...abusing Leviathan. I don't know if they're true or not…”
I held my breath as I thought back to the scars, his flushed look, disheveled hair...and the terror in his eyes when Anabell tried touching him. Adam couldn't have possible stooped so low as to...I choked in realization, my hands covering my mouth. “...Adam’s raping him. He’s….why would he do such a vile thing? Leviathan has never done anything to him!”
Shane frowned, his blue eyes darkening. “Psychopaths never need a reason to do as they do.”
I thought back to the time Leviathan suddenly started acting differently, no longer joking, always snapping at me for the smallest things...I nearly vomited when I realized that was when Adam must have started...violating him. Leviathan had been enduring such torture for...heck...nearly four millinnia. And I did nothing to stop it. I didn't even know….I was such a horrible brother. If only I had paid attention more...I could have told Michael, and Michael would have delt with accordingly. But...I never noticed. Leviathan had to deal with that for four freaking millinnia. All by himself. “Oh god…” I choked, suddenly feeling sick. “I'm such a horrible brother. Shane, we need to find him! We need to tell him that Adam’s trying to kill me anyway. If...if we can get him back on our side, we can protect him from Adam! We can-”
“Adam already has him. When he went to search for me, I felt Adam’s celestial force, before both his and Leviathan’s vanished. I assume he caught on to my guise. That's why I even dared to approach you in the first place.”
“What are we going to do?” I whispered, feeling like the crappiest brother in the universe.
Shane stood back up, crossing his arms over his chest before he glanced out of the window. “We have no choice but to wait until the portal opens back up.”
I wiped at my eyes before forcing myself to stand up, my legs feeling like jello. “Wait...are you saying we need to return home? Both of us?”
Shane nodded. “We have allies up there who need us.”
I frowned, Anabell immediately coming to mind. Her long brown hair...beautiful green eyes, kind smile...did I really have to return back to Heaven, and leave her here? So soon? I didn't want to leave her. I wanted to stay with her. I wanted no part in a war I couldn't even fight in, anyway. I was too weak. I was the baby of the entire family. I was no match for anyone up there. I was worthless, and would only get in everyone's way.
“Do you really enjoy it here?” Shane asked, glancing at me curiously.
I stared back at him, searching the sharp panes of his face before I nodded and turned my gaze to the floor. “I finally found someone I could give my heart to. If I leave her now...just after realizing my feelings...I would crumble.”
“Then stay.” At my wide-eyed stare, he continued. “The Sword is much safer here than in Heaven anyway. It's actually kind of stupid to bring the thing up there where Adam can easily obtain it. And you've done an excellent job in protecting it, Sky. More so than you think.”
I smiled, a small part of my heart warming up. “Thank you.”
Just then, Anabell and Donna returned, both girls going absolutely still at the sight of Shane. Anabell only took one second before she handed her drink to Donna and launched at Shane, landing a solid punch to his face. “You son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you!”
“Anabell! Stop!” I rushed over to her, stopping her fist from colliding with Shane’s face, once more.
She stared at me in disbelief. “The fucker killed you, Sky! You died in my arms because of this bastard!”
“I'm here, aren't I?” I whispered, blinking back another round of tears. “He's on our side, Anabell. He was working undercover for Father. I was...I was just an unfortunate part of the plan. Adam was growing suspicious of him. And Father knew I would come back.” I pulled her away from Shane and wrapped my arms around her, burying my face in her neck as I held her close. “Besides...I don't need the both of you fighting. I have enough on my plate with Leviathan.”
Anabell frowned and looked at me, a worried look on her face. “Leviathan? Is he ok? Did something happen?”
“He's working for Adam,” Shane answered, making Anabell glare at him before she looked at me, a furrow in her brows.
“He's not doing it by choice. Adam threatened to kill me if he didn't work with him. Plus….Anabell...he...he's hurting him. Adam is violating my big brother.”
Anabell paled at my words, her eyes going wide as she stared at me. Even Donna seemed to get sick at that, her hand going to her lips as she stumbled into a chair.
“What kind of a monster does that to someone?” Anabell asked, before she pulled me into a hug, knowing how close I was to my brother. “Oh god, Sky. I'm so sorry.”
I began tearing up once more, tears spilling down my face as I squeezed Anabell to me, my heart breaking all over again. “He's been being violated by that monster for millennia. And...I never noticed. I'm such a horrible brother, Anabell.”
Anabell shook her head, cradling my own with one of her hands, her other hand stroking my back in an attempt to soothe me. “You're not a horrible brother. You didn't know, ok? Gosh, Sky. You're not horrible in the least.”
“So what are we going to do?” Donna asked, blushing slightly when her eyes met Shane.
Shane gestured to the window with a pale hand. “I'm returning to Heaven once the portal opens in the morning. You three can rest here for tonight, but you need to return home. If anyone close to you notices your disappearance, I've no doubt they'll bring in the police. I doubt you would want to deal with them.”
“So, more waiting?” Anabell asked, still holding onto me.
Shane nodded with a sigh, folding his arms across his chest. “Indeed.”

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