Chapter Twenty

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After that little run in with Allen, asking me how I got into the foster system, I finally got away from him when I told him that I was getting tired, and would like to go to bed. He finally relented, but told me I could go to him with anything. That he would listen to what I had to say. It was nice, even I will admit that, that he offered, for there was some stuff I would love to get off of my chest, but, it was still suspicious.

Anyway, I went back upstairs to Lucus' room, this time knocking and getting a confirmation from Lucus before I just walked in there. He was sitting on his bed, reclined against the headboard, typing away on his laptop. He only glanced up at me, and adjusted his reading glasses before he looked back at the screen, typing viciously at the keyboard. I paid him no mind and walked over to the couch, plopping down with a sigh of relief. I grabbed the book I had been reading, The Nightingale, and began reading where I had left off, my eyes skimming over the paper with speed. I always read fast. My siblings used to be so jealous that I could read ten large books in less than a week. What can I say? I have been reading for as long as I've known how to. Books were my life. I could always get lost in these fictional worlds, with beings that I have never heard of before, or have not seen in real life. It was exhilarating. When I read, it was the only time of peace that I had, when I wasn't training, or taking exams that Michael made. It was my own time to be relaxed and carefree.

I was so deep into my book that I failed to see Lucus sneaking up behind me. He cried out loudly, making me scream and jump, falling off of the couch to kiss at the floor. Pain exploded in my nose as it smacked against the hardwood floor, making me wince and have tears form in my eyes. I could hear Lucus laughing behind me, but I paid him no mind as I rubbed at my poor nose with my hand, using the other one to help me sit up. I shot a glare at Lucus, only to have him beam at me with his stupid perfect teeth.

"Dude, you screamed like a little girl." He was saying, his eyes watering from laughing so hard.

I rubbed my nose some more, the pain now a dull ache, and picked up my book to fold the corner of the page I was on. I set the book down and stared at Lucus, slowly standing up and grabbing a pillow, before I let out a warcry and began chasing him around the room, smacking him on the head and back with my pillow. He was laughing hard as I chased him around the room, jumping over the clutter that littered the floor, and leaping over the couch to have a form of defence in front of him. He held out his hands, laughing when I smacked them with the pillow, a smirk on my face.

"Dude! Calm down! Truce, ok? Let's both agree to a truce."

I shook my head, tightening the grip on my pillow before I leaped over the couch and cornered him by the wall, smacking him relentlessly with the pillow. "No truce! You scared the crap out of me, and now you're going to pay!"

"Ok! I surrender! You win!" Lucus laughed, making me smirk and hug my pillow to my chest.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and sauntered back over to the couch, jumping on it with a sigh. I heard Lucus sit beside me and I glanced over to see him lean his head on the back of the couch, breathing heavily.

"Dang, for a short guy, you really are kinda fast." He said, making me snort out a laugh.

I folded my legs under myself and shrugged, smiling smugly as my fingers tapped the back of the couch. "For someone as tough as you, you sure surrendered fast." I retorted, glancing at him and sticking out my tongue.

Lucus chuckled and rolled his eyes, staring straight ahead at the bookcase before he glanced at me from the corners of his eyes. "You that we're on better terms now...why don't we do 20 questions?"

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