Chapter Fourteen

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(Anabell’s POV)

“Sky’s asleep.” I mentioned, making Sky’s supposed brother look up from where he sat on my couch. I couldn’t quite explain it, but, seemed utterly suspicious. I don’t know if it was because he was basically a stranger currently sitting on my couch, or the fact that Sky, not once, ever mentioned him until he shown up. I didn’t know what was going on, but I still remember how terrified when I saw Sky’s bleeding, unconscious form being rushed down the hallway, doctors screaming orders at their subordinates, making them scurry around. It was then that I met Levi. He was a tall, admittedly handsome, man who claimed he was Sky’s older brother. Of course I had been suspicious, and I was actually not going to let him visit Sky when the doctors were done with them, when Sky finally woke up. He then told me that Levi was his brother, but he wouldn’t go into too much detail about why he never mentioned him.
I trusted Sky, though, so if he didn’t want to tell me, I wasn’t going to make him.
“Oh, ok. Did he take his pain medication?” Said man in question asked, making me blink and look into his...actually rather pretty, turquoise eyes.
I nodded, sitting on one of the loveseats, my eyes on the other man. He may have been Sky’s brother, but he was still a stranger, and I didn’t quite trust him yet. “I also changed his bandages. So, we should let him rest for a while.”
Levi nodded, leaning back in his seat, his long...long leg folded over the other. We then lapsed into silence, neither one of us saying anything to the other. And the longer I stared at the other man, the more I began to realize that I still didn’t see any resemblance between him and Sky. Sky’s eyes were deep-set and the brightest of blues, while Levi’s weren’t so deep-set and were turquoise. Sky’s nose was small and button-like, Levi’s was straight. Though, both of their lips were plump and luscious, but that didn’t make them related. Sky’s face was more round, almost heart shaped, while Levi’s was more rectangle shaped, with a strong jaw. Hell, Sky’s hair was jet black, no sign of being dyed, while Levi’s was a dark blonde. There was literally nothing about him that screamed “brother” to me. But maybe I was just bad at noticing those kind of things. I mean, Sky said he was his brother. And, I trusted him.
Even if I didn’t see it.
“So how old are you, anyway? You claim to be Sky’s older brother...but just how much older are you?”
Levi glanced at me, narrowing his eyes as a smirk formed over his face. “How old do I look?”
I frowned, staring intently at his face. He didn’t look too old, maybe in his mid twenties. Then again, there were celebrities that were in their sixties, and looked only thirty. So who knew how old this dude really was. “If I had to guess…” I said slowly, watching Levi straight up where he sat, “I’d say about...twenty three...or twenty four.”
“I’m twenty five.”
I glanced at Levi, not at all believing him, judging by the look on his face. I narrowed my own eyes, folding my arms over my chest. “Really, now? ‘Cause the look on your face says you’re lying.”
Levi smirked, leaning back into his seat. “You’re pretty smart, I’ll give you that. I’m definitely older than twenty five. The question much older?” He winked at me, making me want to go punch him in his smug face. The jerk. I went to speak when he interrupted me, making me glare at him. “ have a crush on Sky, huh?”
My mouth dropped, my cheeks turning crimson. Out of everything he could have asked randomly, he asked that? Just who did he think he was?! I knew I had a crush on Sky. I mean, he was cute, sweet, and an amazing person to be around. What person wouldn’t crush on him? “What right to you have to ask me that?” I asked the tall blonde, watching him raise a thick eyebrow.
“I’m his brother. I look out for him, and if that means interrogating those he has a crush on, and who has a crush on him...which, let’s face it, both of you are hot for each other...then I should be allowed to play detective.”
I glared at him, my face flaming with embarrassment. “Sky doesn’t have a crush on me-”
“Oh come on,” Levi groaned, pulling a large tanned hand down his face, “it’s literally so obvious. You can’t tell me that he doesn’t have a crush on you when his whole face lights up whenever you’re in the room. Guy is head over heels for you. And I can tell that you feel the same about him.” An odd sheen danced in those turquoise eyes of his, making me wonder if there was something else he wasn’t telling me.
And Sky had a crush on me? Was I really that naive? I mean, he did seem to get shy whenever I was around, but that didn’t mean he had a crush on me, did it? I mean, I wasn’t exactly the most fun to be around. Hell, Charlie was more fun than me with his video games and stuff. Sarah too, and I knew she had a hardcore crush on him with the way she looked at him. With the thought that Sky actually liked me, my heart began racing in my chest, butterflies forming in my stomach. If he liked me, why didn’t he ever tell me before, I wondered, a frown forming on my lips. Unless...he didn’t know that I liked him too. Even though, I made it kind of obvious. Maybe he was dissuaded because of the whole Cody thing...which, I had only gone with the guy to make Sky jealous, which was probably mean. And when he caught me crying, I didn’t want to tell him that I was crying because he was dancing with Sarah. I know, I’m such a hypocrite. I wanted to make Sky jealous...yet he was the one who made me jealous by dancing with Sarah.
It was quite ironic how some things played out, wasn’t it?
I glanced up back at Levi, who still had that one eyebrow raised, a small smile on his lips. “Sky’s fragile, ok? He’s gone through so damn much in his life, and yet he’s still here. He likes you, ok? He really does. And...coming from an overprotective big brother...if you hurt him, I will send you to Hell myself.”
I smirked, leaning back in my seat as I regarded the blonde man. “I like Sky too. I don’t like him being hurt. I will never hurt him, ok? He means too much to me. And on the offhand chance I do hurt him...I give you permission to send me to Hell.”
Levi smiled, nodding before he stood up and stretched to his gargantuan height, his back cracking slightly at the action. When he finished stretching, he sat back down, folding his arms over his chest, his eyes closing as he settled down.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked with amusement, watching him pop open a turquoise eye.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’ve had a long day today. I was hoping to get a little shut-eye, if that’s fine with you.”
I shrugged, watching him nod before he closed his eye, leaning his head against the back of the couch, his posture relaxing. I would admit, he was quite the looker, with his long legs, perfectly tanned skin, full lips, pretty eyes...but he didn’t quite give me the effect that Sky did. I actually liked Sky’s feminine qualities. His pretty hair, pretty face, with those perfectly plumped lips, and long lashes. It was probably because I didn’t have a preference with gender, and dated whoever I liked, boy or girl. Sky was feminine, sure, but he did have some masculine qualities about him. Like his lean muscles, and obvious male appendage...not that I seen it or anything...that was all I could think of at the moment, but he didn’t look entirely female, and I liked that about him. It made him a little unique, and topped with his personality? He was perfect. And I liked him a lot.
I sighed, glancing up at the stairs with longing eyes. As I sat there, I finally steeled my resolve. When he woke up, I was going to tell him how much I liked him, and hopefully he would agree to being my boyfriend. Because I had never felt so strongly about another before, and I didn’t want to lose my grasp on him. He was worth too much to me.

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