Terrible Teleporting

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AN: This story takes places after Lodestar before Nightfall, and after The Last Olympian before The Lost Hero. 


I am not Rick Riordan or Shannon Messenger.  Enough said.

I know the books say that Sophie had a book with demigods on the covers in her room, which I assume to mean Percy Jackson.  I am simply ignoring this and assuming she never read the books because plot.


    The ground rushed up at her, and thunder cracked, the void opened.  Sophie pictured Everglen, but something went wrong.  The location seemed to be guarded by a fence of lightning, blocking the way with crackling electricity.  She turned away, stuck in the void of roiling purple clouds and dark sky.  Suddenly lightning flashed and the void disappeared, leaving Sophie in midair, falling from a three-story building. 

    She desperately tried to open the void again to avoid hitting the ground, but it remained stubbornly shut, enclosed in the same cage of sharp lightning as Everglen.  She hit the ground and heard a loud snap.  Gut-wrenching pain flared up her leg and she fell onto her side in a pain-induced daze.  She dimly saw Annabeth standing over her, trying to force-feed her some square of pastry that tasted vaguely like mallowmelt.  A crowd of teenagers in orange shirts clustered around her, a few blond kids in the forefront, staring at her leg.  Then all was black.

******LINE BREAK******

    Sophie woke slowly, her hearing the first to return.

    "What is she?"  That was Annabeth.

    "I swore not to tell.  She shouldn't be here."  A man's voice responded.

    AN:  I know it sounds like how they talk about Jason.

    Then, slowly, and with much blinking of eyes, her vision was restored.  Then her nerves.  She groaned.  Ouch.  It hurt almost as much as when she drank an ounce of limbium in the Black Swan's cave.  The pain seemed centered on her left leg, and she realized the snap she heard must have been her bone cracking.  She groaned in pain, and the voices abruptly ceased.  Annabeth came over to her.

    She looked mad, and Sophie was a little scared.  Those eyes were like miniature storms waiting to explode.  And they were blue.  Well, gray.  Close enough, maybe, to be an elf.  Elwin's eyes were pretty gray.

    One of the blond teenagers from before she blacked out appeared in her field of vision.  His eyes were blue, also.  Were these teenagers a group of elves somehow outside of the lost cities without registry pendants?

    He frowned at her, obviously contemplating something.  The boy nodded decisively, as if making up his mind.

    "No more ambrosia," he said to Annabeth.  "Can't risk it."  Sophie had no idea what he was talking about.  Maybe it was another elvin food?  They did have a lot.  Then she remembered something she had read a long time ago.  In a Greek Mythology book, ambrosia was referenced as the food of the gods on Olympus.  It was said to burn mortals up.

    But... she was not truly mortal.  And didn't Mr. Forkle  say that some legends were inspired by elves?  Maybe the ambrosia from the myths was inspired by an actual elvin food and that's what they had fed her?

    Her musings were interrupted by the boy, who began humming a chant.  He started speaking in some weird sounding language, and Sophie's ability as a Polyglot automatically translated it.

    Oh Apollo, dad

    Heal this leg as a favor

    It would help a bunch

    Sophie was incredibly confused.  Apollo was the Greek god of the sun, prophecy, and healing.  Why would this teenage boy be calling him dad.  When he finished his chant, the pain in Sophie's leg lessened, and she was able to sit up against the headboard of the bed she was lying in.  She was about to ask what he was doing, but then the man she had seen earlier in a wheelchair walked in.  Wait, walked?  On a horse's lower body.

    A centaur.

Published November 23, 2017

Edited June 7, 2020

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