I'M BACK! (And so is Sophie, but nobody cares about her)

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Sophie sat with her back against the door. She had woken up with no way of knowing how long she had been unconscious. She had no idea if Annabeth had gotten her message. Heck, she didn't even know if they had already attacked the stronghold and failed.

Sophie sighed and leaned her head back, folding her hands in her lap and playing with the hair tie in her hands. Her fate rested with that hair tie. Or, more accurately, the tracker that resided inside of it.

She didn't even know if it would work, because they hadn't any time to test it.

She would just have to wait.


The elves were confused. After being guided to their separate cabins by equally bewildered guides, they were left to rest while the other campers did morning activities. They would reconvene (after a brief recess. Hamilton. Yes? A word. (Sorry not sorry)) for lunch and everything would be explained.

Fitz sat alone in his cabin. Nyssa had directed him to the Hecate cabin with Sandor and Grizel, where someone cast some sort of spell on them to make them look human. They were then sent to the Big House to confer with Chiron.

Fitz was sent to a small cabin on the edge of the woods with columns that made it look like a Greek temple. On the inside were a bunk bed and a small bathroom. A leaf-shaped golden blade hung on the back wall over two chairs. He was the only inhabitant of the cabin, Arete apparently not having any children.

Dex had been sent to the Hephaestus cabin. God of blacksmiths. Made sense. Tam was going to go to Hades, and Linh to Poseidon. Gods of death and water respectively. Biana to Aphrodite. Love and beauty. Keefe to Hermes. God of tricksters. He stifled a laugh. Yep, definitely Keefe.

They had been put there according to Sophie's description. So had he. He tried not to think about that. Arete was the goddess of virtue and valor. He recalled his Multispeciesial Studies teacher telling him. Occasionally bestowed telepathy upon devout worshippers and heroes. His teacher looked at him with a grin. Not that you need that, young Vacker.

He put his head in his hands.


Why did she leave?

Sophie's sister was trying to deal with conflicting memories, and the Black Swan was trying to deal with Mr. Forkle's death.

They needed her.

He needed her.

Sophie, please come back.

AN: I apologize for this short, awful filler chapter, but I needed it to progress the story.  I'll see you next week!




Have a good day!

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