I Don't Know What to Name This Chapter

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Dimitar and the soldier were conversing quietly several feet away from Sophie. She had to strain her ears to hear their conversation. She used the skills she learned in Exilium, but instead of amplifying a cool breeze, she used the smallest sounds to piece together their conversations.

"-plan." Dimitar said. Sophie could only catch a few words of the soldier's reply.

"Fintan - escape - Hydrokinetic," the soldier was glancing nervously at Sophie, as if aware that she was listening to them converse. Sophie pretended to tie her shoe. "-Ro," he finished. He said it like a name. (AN: I couldn't resist. Ro is awesome)

Sophie pretended to look confused as Dimitar put her over his shoulder again, but inside her mind was working overtime. What plan? How was Fintan involved? Why were they talking about escape? And what about the Hydrokinetic? Sophie thought and thought, but the only conclusion she came to was that they knew that Percy was going to be used to help break her out, so they left him there.


Sophie's head bounced around as Dimitar and the soldier walked through dense patches of fog and across grassy plains in the pitch dark. At least Sophie knew they weren't in or around a city, because there was no light pollution at all. It was pitch black.

The stars above her were beautiful and bright, untainted by the lights of humans. This was what Fintan meant, she realized. He believed humans didn't deserve the world because they couldn't take care of it. They commited arson, they destroyed priceless works of art, they burned holes in the atmosphere, and couldn't seem to fix it.

But what Fintan wanted was to imprison them. Make them feel inferior. Because, as he believed, they were inferior. They should rely on the so-called supreme wisdom of the elves.

Living with humans growing up had given Sophie a unique perspective. She knew that, though they still made mistakes, very few were deliberately evil. Just like the elves. They might claim to be a superior species, but, when it all boiled down, all they had over the humans was their special abilities and skills.

Before Sophie knew it, they had stopped. It was still dark, but Sophie could make out shapes as the first light started to travel over the horizon.

They were standing in front of a cliff face. Dimitar knocked three times. Then twice again. Sophie committed that to her photographic memory. The door opened. Standing there was a figure wearing a Neverseen cloak.

"Welcome, Sophie Foster."

AN: 1266! 1266! 1266! That's how many views I have! 86! 86! 86! That's how many votes I have! You guys are incredible!! Thank you soooooo much!


I need to know what villain you guys want for the story. Originally it was going to be Fintan, but then Nightfall came out. As you can see, I'm introducing Ro.

Do you want Ro to be good or bad?

Do you want Vespara or Fintan to be the main villain?

EDIT: 2/5/18 - It's Vespera, and my name is spelled i-d-i-o-t.  I can't stand it when names are spelled wrong, so I corrected it.  See you on Wednesday!





Have a nice day!

PS: Did anyone else get up at 5am to look at the Super Blue Blood Moon?

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